GPM Ground Validation Total Precipitation (Hotplate) GCPEx
Table of Contents
The GPM Ground Validation Total Precipitation Sensor (Hotplate) GCPEx data set consists of liquid precipitation rates and accumulations during both snow and rain events. The data set also consists of ambient weather conditions including temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, barometric pressure , solar radiation, and net infrared radiation. The TPS-3100 Hotplate, manufactured by Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., is a total precipitation sensor that provides real time snow and liquid precipitation rates. The Hotplate data set was gathered during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) at the CARE and SkyDive ground sites in Ontario, Canada from November 2011 through February 2012.
The GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) occurred in Ontario, Canada during the winter season of 2011-2012. GCPEx addressed shortcomings in the GPM snowfall retrieval algorithm by collecting microphysical properties, associated remote sensing observations, and coordinated model simulations of precipitating snow. These data sets were collected to aid in the achievement of the over arching goal of GCPEx which is to characterize the ability of multi-frequency active and passive microwave sensors to detect and estimate falling snow.
During GCPEx, a Hotplate precipitation sensor was located at the CARE and SkyDive sites in Ontario, Canada. The locations of the CARE and SkyDive sites are:
Lat: 44 degrees 13'59.45"N; Lon: 79 degrees 46'50.11"W
Lat: 44 degrees 14'16.30"N; Lon: 79 degrees 38'25.02"W
Data was collected from November 7, 2011 through February 21, 2012. Further details on GCPEx are available at Information on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is available at
Instrument Description
The TPS-3100 Hotplate, manufactured by Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., is a total precipitation sensor that provides real time snow and liquid precipitation rates. The Hotplate's sensor head is 5 inches in diameter and is composed of two isolated plates which are warmed by electrical heaters. The Hotplate derives the rain or snow rate by measuring how much power is needed to evaporate precipitation on the upper plate and to keep the surface temperature of the upper plate constant. The second plate is positioned directly under the first plate and is heated to the same temperature as the first plate in order to factor out cooling from wind. The TPS-3100 also includes a sensor to measure ambient temperature.
More information on the TPS-3100 Hotplate can be found at
Walter A. Petersen
NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Wallops Island, VA 23375.
Patrick Gatlin
Earth Science Office
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, AL 35850
File Naming Convention
The GPM Ground Validation Total Precipitation (Hotplate) GCPEx data set is contained within daily comma-separated value(CSV) files. The daily files are named with the following convention:
gcpex = GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment
hotplate =
TPS-3100 Hotplate
= the year, month and day of the data (e.g., 20110422)
site = site name
latitude_longitude = geographic location of instrument (e.g., N363442.07_W0972640.90 is North 36 degrees 34'42.07" and West 97 degrees 26'40.90")
csv = comma-separated value (CSV) ASCII files
and consists of ASCII formatted files containing Hotplate measurements recorded every 10 seconds the instrument was operating normally. Records with any system faults are not included.
Data Format
The GPM Ground Validation Total Precipitation (Hotplate) GCPEx data set consists of .csv (comma-separated value) ASCII text files. More detailed information on the Data Format of the Hotplate data can be found in the Data Format document.
Our data sets are provided through the NASA Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project and the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). GHRC DAAC is one of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data centers that are part of the ESDIS project. ESDIS data are not copyrighted; however, in the event that you publish our data or results derived by using our data, we request that you include an acknowledgment within the text of the article and a citation on your reference list. Examples for general acknowledgments, data set citation in a reference listing, and crediting online web images and information can be found at:
Rasmussen, Roy M., John Hallet, Rick Purcell, Scott D. Landolt, Jeff Cole, 2011: The Hotplate Precipitation Gauge, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 28, 148-164. doi:
Contact Information
To order these data or for further information, please contact:
Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932