Table of Contents
In support of the Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes (TCSP) mission, imagery from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite11 and 12 (GOES-11/GOES-12) was collected, subsetted, and archived. Specific information concerning GOES and meteorological satellites in particular can be found at: Information about the TCSP mission can be found at the official TCSP web site:
GOES-11 was brought out of storage for this field campaign and image products were centered on the TCSP study region. GOES special rapid-scan image processing mode was available beginning on 06 July, and was maintained throughout the remainder of the TCSP mission. This allowed for GOES-11 imagery approximately every 5 minutes. These imagery files were collected at the Global Hydrology and Climate Center ( throughout the mission. Images from the satellite were saved as McIDAS areas and cropped to show the region of the globe from about 61 to 114 degrees West, and 4 to 30 degrees North; as is shown in the image on this page. Generally, GOES-11 images are available for all dates between July 06 and July 31, 2005 at times h+00:05 UTC, and at 5 minute intervals throughout the hour. We have also supplied GOES-12 images for the first ten days of the mission (July 01-10).
Two channels of data were archived: channel 1; visible (0.65 microns) and channel 4; thermal infrared (11 microns). Data are archived in McIDAS area format and browse images are archived in JPG format. Data spatial resolution for visible imagery is 1 km. at nadir and the infrared imagery resolution is 4 km.
NOTE: If you do not have McIDAS software installed on your computer, reading these data becomes difficult! See the 'References' section below for obtaining McIDAS software.
File Naming Convention
Both the McIDAS area data files and the JPG browse images are similarly named and maintained. The filename format for these appears as:
TCSP_GNN-YYYYMMDDhhmm.ccc.ara.gz for McIdas area data files, and
TCSP_GNN-YYYYMMDDhhmm.ccc.ara.jpg for browse image files.
Note that 'NN" represents the GOES satellite number, 'YYYYMMDDhhmm' represents the year, month, day, hour, and minute UTC. Since there are two channels of data available at each image time, 'ccc' represents the channel: 'vis' indicates visible wavelengths and 'ir4' is infrared. Also note that the data files are compressed, via the "gzip" command, and will have to be un-compressed by using the "gunzip" command.
Data Format
Data are in McIDAS areas. If you have McIDAS software, you know what you are dealing with. If not, then unless you have custom software which allows you to extract information from McIdas areas, these data will be of little use to you. To obtain McIDAS software, check the 'References' section below.
The browse products were converted to JPG format from the companion McIDAS area files, and may be displayed using most any browse software.
There are no specific technical references for these data, but here are some potentially useful URLs:
Ordering Data
The Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) User Services Office staff is the point of contact for all questions, comments, and inquiries about the GHRC on-line system and all other GHRC services.
Contact Information
To order these data or for further information, please contact:
Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932