The CAMEX-3 DC-8 Meteorological Measurement System

Table of Contents

System Description
Data Reported to MMS
Primary Products
Secondary Products
Data Format
5Hz Data
1Hz Data
Contact Information

DC-8 in flightIntroduction

The NASA DC-8 Meteorological Measurement System consists of three major systems: an air-motion sensing system to measure air velocity with respect to the aircraft, an aircraft-motion sensing system to measure the aircraft velocity with respect to the earth, and a data acquisition system to sample, process, and record the measured quantities.

System Description

The air-motion system consists of two airflow-angle probes, three total temperature probes each with a different response time, a pitot-static pressure probe, and a dedicated static pressure system. All probes and sensors are judiciously located at specific positions of the fuselage. The aircraft-motion sensing system consists of an embedded GPS ring laser inertial navigation system (Litton LN-100G), and a multiple-antenna GPS attitude reference system (Trimble TANS Vector). The data system rack is located near station 840, and customized software was developed to control, sample, and process all sensors and hardware.

Data Reported to MMS

The primary dataset collecting all parameter types (listed in the data format section below), is gathered at 5Hz. Post flight, a subset of these data are created by averaging data over one second intervals, and reporting a 1Hz dataset of a reduced number of parameters. Thus, two datasets are available for every flight and are called 1Hz and 5Hz data. Primary and secondary products used by MMS are listed below.

Primary Products (1Hz & 5Hz) Typical value at 40,000 ft:

Pressure =~ 200 mb +/- 0.3 mb or =~ 0.5% br>
Temperature =~ 220 K +/- 0.3 K or =~ 0.2%
Horizontal Wind =~ 30 m s-1 +/- 1 m s-1 or =~ 4.0%
Vertical Wind < 1 ms-1 (Resolution: 0.1 m s-1)

Secondary Products: (1Hz & 5Hz)


angle of attack
angle of sideslip
dynamic & total pressures
total temperature


potential temperature
turbulence (0.8 - 1.5 Hz)

Data Format

The file name is of the form [Mm0803-5Hz], which tells the date of the flight (yy.ddd) and the type of data (1 or 5Hz). Each of the data files contain a header which describes the data which follows, and an example of the header portion of each type of data file is shown below.  The examples below are from the files [Mm0803-5Hz] and [Mm0803-1Hz] respectively.

5Hz Data

As seen in the table shown below, most of the entries in the header section of the file are self explanatory, but several are of note:

Line #1 (56 1001) indicates that there are 56 lines in the header (line 57 is the first line of data).
The first reported parameter is GMT in seconds and tenths: e.g. (from the first data line in purple) GMT is 66362.1 which converts to 18:26:02 GMT.
Line #11 & 12 (in blue) indicates the scaling factors for each of the reported parameters beginning with the second parameter. In this case, the scaling factor is 0.1.
Lines #13 and 14 (in green) gives the number of digits reported for each parameter in each data cycle.
Thus, when the first scaling factor from line #11 (.1) is applied to the first number (99999) in line #13, you can determine that the second data parameter is going to have five digits, and will be in tenths. Thus, 9380 reported in the first data line represents 938.0.
Units for the data parameters (again, beginning with the second because the first is GMT seconds) are listed next, and we find that the units of the second data parameter are millibars of static pressure, in the previous example: 938.0 mb.
A format line is provided six lines above the data lines for use with automated output.

56 1001

BUI, T. P.; S. Bowen; C. Chang; J. Dean-Day; L. Pfister; A. Trias
NASA - Ames Research Center
Meteorological Data from DC-8 MMS
1 1
1998 08 03   1999 11 02                     ;flight-date    process-date
Elapsed UT seconds of flight date
.1 .01 .01 .01 .01 .001 .01 .001 .001 .1 .01 .01
.01 .01 .01 .01 .001 .01 .01 .01  .0001 .001 .001 .001
99999 99999 99999 999999 999999 999999 99999 999999 9999999 999999 99999 99999
99999 99999 999999 999999 999999 999999 99999 99999 999999 999999 999999 999999
Static Pressure                    (Psta)     mb       0.1        99999
Static Temperature            *    (Tsta)      K       0.01       99999
True Air Speed                *    (TAS)     m/s       0.01       99999
E-W Horizontal Wind Speed     *    (U)       m/s       0.01       999999
N-S Horizontal Wind Speed     *    (V)       m/s       0.01       999999
Vertical Wind Speed           *@   (W)       m/s       0.001      999999
Log10 Turbulent Dissipation   *    (TEDR)    kW/kg     0.01       99999
Latitude +N                        (LAT)     deg       0.001      999999
Longitude +E                       (LONG)    deg       0.001      9999999
Hydrostatic Altitude               (HALT)      m       0.1        999999
Potential Temperature         *    (POT)       K       0.01       99999
Roll Angle +right wing down        (ROLL)    deg       0.01       99999
Heading Angle                      (HDG)     deg       0.01       99999
Pitch Angle                        (PITCH)   deg       0.01       99999
N-S Ground Speed +N                (Ydot)    m/s       0.01       999999
E-W Ground Speed +E                (Xdot)    m/s       0.01       999999
Vertical Speed   +U           @    (Zdot)    m/s       0.001      999999
Q (Compressible Dynamic Pressure)  (q)       mb        0.01       999999
Yaw Angle (sideslip angle)         (YAW)     deg       0.01       99999
Angle of Attack                    (AOA)     deg       0.01       99999
Mach Number                        (MACH)              0.0001     999999
Vertical Acceleration +U           (Zdotdot) m/ss      0.001      999999
Yaw delta P                        (Ydp)      mb       0.001      999999
AOA delta P                        (Adp)      mb       0.001      999999
EGI navigation data
Hydrostatic Altitude is an estimate of geometric altitude, accurate to 50 m.
@ Supressed when data gap is greater than 10 seconds.
Log10 turbulence values (normally < 0) are sign-reversed when the turbulent
sampling wavenumber is less than the buoyancy wavenumber.  Under such
conditions, computed dissipation rates may not be quantitative.  See explanation
in Chan et al., "Turbulence Measurements by the DC-8 Meteorological Measurement
System", Geophys. Res. Letters, 25-9, 1355-1358, 1998.

FORMAT(F8.1,3I6,3I7,I6,I7,I8,I7,2I6,/,1x,2I6,4I7,2I6,4I7) (87 & 81-byte per line)
At the request of users in the meteorological community, more significant

  GMTS    Psta Tsta   TAS     U      V      W    TURB   LAT    LONG   HALT   POT   ROLL
  HDG    PIT   Ydot  Xdot    Zdot    Q     YAW   AOA   MACH  Zdotdot  Ydp    Adp
66362.1  9380 30677  8008   -455   -492    309  -619  34906 -117882   6458 31243   -96
  23891   642  -4632  -7309    -36   3460   -14   666   2281    442  -4878  15819
66362.3  9380 30679  8024   -459   -507    207  -653  34906 -117882   6460 31245   -87
  23899   659  -4645  -7333     54   3474   -13   670   2285    530  -4849  16109
66362.5  9380 30683  8057   -442   -514    465  -693  34906 -117883   6461 31249   -79
  23909   676  -4657  -7352    179   3502   -13   697   2294    731  -4849  17582
66362.7  9380 30681  8111   -409   -509    828  -668  34906 -117883   6463 31248   -68
  23917   691  -4670  -7371    336   3550   -11   726   2310    797  -4847  19201
66362.9  9380 30680  8181   -367   -495    822  -922  34906 -117883   6465 31246   -57
  23926   703  -4681  -7396    510   3613   -10   725   2330    980  -4780  19175
66363.1  9379 30685  8254   -317   -473    874  -783  34906 -117883   6468 31252   -44
  23933   714  -4688  -7414    708   3678    -9   725   2351    918  -4781  19186 

1Hz Data

Line #1 (42 1001) indicates that there are 42 lines in the header (line 43 is the first line of data).
The first reported parameter is GMT in seconds and tenths: e.g. (from the first data line in purple) GMT is 66364.9 which converts to 18:26:05 GMT.
Line #11(in blue) indicates the scaling factors for each of the reported parameters beginning with the second parameter. In this case, the scaling factor is 0.1.
Line #12 (in green) gives the number of digits reported for each parameter in each data cycle.
Thus, when the first scaling factor from line #11 (.1) is applied to the first number (99999) in line #13, you can determine that the second data parameter is going to have five digits, and will be in tenths. Thus, 9371 reported in the first data line represents 937.1.
Units for the data parameters (again, beginning with the second because the first is GMT seconds) are listed next, and we find that the units of the second data parameter are millibars of static pressure, in the previous example: 937.1 mb.

42 1001 

BUI, T. P.; S. Bowen; C. Chang; J. Dean-Day; L. Pfister; A. Trias 
NASA - Ames Research Center 
Meteorological Data from DC-8 MMS 
1 1                                         ;ivol nvol 
1998 08 03   1999 11 02                     ;flight-date    process-date 
0                                           ;0=non-uniform time increment 
Elapsed UT seconds of flight date 
11                                          ;number of primary variables 
0.1   0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.01  1.0   0.001  0.001   1.0   ;scale factors
99999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 99999 99999 999999 9999999 99999 ;missing values
Static Pressure (mb) 
Static Temperature (K) 
Theta - potential temperature (K) 
U - horizontal E-W wind speed (m/s) 
V - horizontal N-S wind speed (m/s) 
W - vertical wind speed (m/s) 
TEDR - LOG10 of Turbulent energy dissipation rate (kW/kg) (see note below) 
Hydrostatic Altitude (m) 
Latitude +N (deg) 
Longitude +E (deg) 
Differental GPS Altitude (m) 

EGI navigation data 
Hydrostatic altitude is an estimate of geometric altitude, accurate to 50 m. 
Differential GPS altitude is available only when DGPS signals were received. 
Log10 turbulence values (normally < 0) are sign-reversed when the turbulent 
sampling wavenumber is less than the buoyancy wavenumber.  Under such 
conditions, computed dissipation rates may not be quantitative.  For 
explanation, see Chan et al., "Turbulence Measurements by the DC-8 
Meteorological Measurement System", Geophys. Res. Letters, SUCCESS special 
section, 1998. 

1Hz data are desampled from 5Hz data. 
5Hz data file is available upon request, containing: GMTS,Psta,Tsta,TAS, 
Zdotdot,YAWdp,AOAdp.                   (approx. 3 Mbyte per flight hour) 
GMTsec   Psta Tsta Thta   U    V    W   TEDR H_ALT  LAT    LONG   DGPS_ALT 
66364.9  9371 3068 3126  -16  -40    2  -737   655  34905 -117885 99999
66365.9  9365 3067 3125  -17  -39   10  -770   660  34905 -117885 99999
66366.9  9361 3066 3125  -14  -35    1  -807   664  34904 -117886 99999
66367.9  9353 3066 3125  -22  -36    6  -850   672  34904 -117887 99999
66368.9  9347 3065 3125  -14  -36    6  -799   678  34904 -117888 99999
66369.9  9341 3065 3125  -12  -34    3  -857   684  34903 -117889 99999
66370.9  9333 3064 3125  -12  -34    0  -762   691  34903 -117890 99999


Chan, K. R., S. W. Bowen, and J. D. Day, Observation of Turbulence by DC-8 MMS, presented at the AEAP Virginia Beach Meeting, VA, April 1997.

Bui, T. P., DC-8 Meteorological Measurement System, presented at the SONEX Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, February 1997.

Contact Information

To order these data or for further information, please contact:

Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932