CAMEX-4 Aerosonde

Table of Contents

General Information
Naming Conventions
Contact Information

General Information

The Aerosonde is a small robotic aircraft for long-range environmental monitoring and surveillance. It was developed especially for meteorological and environmental reconnaissance over oceanic and remote areas and in harsh conditions. Its economy and flexibility allows routine operations on a much wider scale than has been possible in the past. It has been extended to surveillance and other reconnaissance applications.

The Aerosonde was deployed during CAMEX 4 to provide data gathering in the boundary layer below the levels where traditional hurricane reconnasissance aircraft fly. Data was collected along the flight path which includes time (UTC), latitude, longitude and altitude, u and v components of the wind including an error bar, temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.

Additional documentation for the aerosonde aircraft, the missions and data collected may be found at the CAMEX-4 Aerosonde Operations Report. These reports also contain detailed information in the data section which describes the instrumentation, data transmission and storage.

Naming Conventions

Data files created for aerosonde flights are stored as Microsoft Excel files. A typical file name is:


where c4aaero is the dataset identifier, 2001.251 is the and 53 is the aerosonde vehicle number.

Contact information

To order these data or for further information, please contact:

Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932