CAMEX-4 MIPS Surface Station 1

Table of Contents

Instrument description
Data Products
Data Format
Contact Information


The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS) includes a 915 MHz Doppler profiler, lidar ceilometer, 12 channel microwave profiling radiometer, Doppler Sodar, Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS), Field Mills, and surface observing stations.

This dataset consists of data from Surface Station One containing multiple instruments including an anemometer, rain gauge, thermometer, pyranometer and barometer. Information,collected at 1Hz, includes windspeed and direction as well as precipitation, temperature/humidity, solar radiation, and atmospheric pressure.

Instrument Description

The Young wind monitor measures horizontal wind speeds and direction. It is made of light weight UV stabilized plastic, is very rugged, is resistant to corrosion. Windpseed is measured in the range of 0 to 60 m/s (0-130mph), and can survive gust to 100 m/s(220mph).

The temperature/humidity probe contains a Platinum Resistance Temperature detector, and a Vaisala Humicap 180 capacitive relative humidity sensor. The instrument is enclosed in a shield with a fan that pulls air through to keep the sensor dry in rainy conditions. The operating temperature is -40C - +60C.

The Vaisala PTB210 Digital Barometer is a robust instrument that works well in highly variable temperature conditions. It is constructed of light weight materials, and is corrosion resistant. The instrument will measure pressures from 500 to 1300 hPa, with an accuracy of +- .30 hPA at 20 C, and makes use of a static pressure head to minimize the errors caused by variations in wind speed and direction. The operating temperature range is from -40 to +60 C.

The Eppley PSP (or simply Eppley Pyranometer) is an instrument for the measurement of radiation in the range approximately between 285 and 2800 nm. This wavelength range is commonly referred to as shortwave radiation, and it’s primary source is the sun.

The RG-600 tipping bucket rain gauge measures rainfall rates up to 2 inches per hour with and accuracy of (+/- ) 1%. A tip occurs with each .01 inch of rainfall.

Data Products

Data is collected approximately every second, and is stored in tabular form (an example of which is shown below). Data includes date/time of observation, pressure, temperature, relative humidity, mean wind direction and speed, standard deviation of wind direction, rainfall (from both rain gauges) and insolation. The first line of the data below defines each column value.

Data Format

Data is in a comma delimited data file. A data file is created for each daily (mission) and is of the form:


where c4gmipss1 represents CAMEX4 ground station MIP surface station #1, 2001.ddd is the four digit year and day of year followed by sfc1 for surface station #1.

These data may be imported into a spreadsheet, and an example of such an extraction is shown below.

NOTE: The column headers are not included with the data, and are included here for your edification.

Program Year D.of. Yr. hhmm Bar_kPa T (oC) %RH WS m/s mean WS Wind Dir s wind dir rain1 mm rain2 mm W/m2
101 2001 229 1517 54.25 102.1 32.028 66.588 3.332 3.332 162.47 0 0 0 0.9349
101 2001 229 1517 55.25 102.11 31.961 66.723 2.94 2.9389 169.83 1.5889 0 0 0.9476
101 2001 229 1517 56.25 102.1 31.928 66.958 2.744 2.7332 161.79 5.084 0 0 0.95118
101 2001 229 1517 57.25 102.11 31.978 67.092 2.548 2.5466 154.06 1.9026 0 0 0.95279
101 2001 229 1517 58.25 102.11 31.961 67.193 2.744 2.73 150.74 5.779 0 0 0.95386
101 2001 229 1517 59.25 102.11 31.978 67.361 2.842 2.8414 146.1 1.1895 0 0 0.95046
101 2001 229 1518 0.25 102.11 32.012 67.159 3.038 3.0343 154.39 2.8235 0 0 0.94939
101 2001 229 1518 1.25 102.1 32.012 67.26 3.332 3.3278 151.3 2.8701 0 0 0.95064
101 2001 229 1518 2.25 102.1 31.978 66.622 3.43 3.4113 149.84 5.9821 0 0 0.94742
101 2001 229 1518 3.25 102.1 32.012 65.749 3.038 3.0366 159.22 1.7639 0 0 0.95046
101 2001 229 1518 4.25 102.1 31.944 65.883 3.332 3.329 158.12 2.4429 0 0 0.95154
101 2001 229 1518 5.25 102.1 31.978 65.749 3.038 3.0184 133.49 6.5034 0 0 0.94545
101 2001 229 1518 6.25 102.1 31.961 65.715 2.744 2.7417 134.94 2.3273 0 0 0.94027
101 2001 229 1518 7.25 102.1 31.961 66.051 2.646 2.6338 154 5.5051 0 0 0.94062
101 2001 229 1518 8.25 102.11 31.961 66.488 2.646 2.6329 145.93 5.6926 0 0 0.94295
101 2001 229 1518 9.25 102.1 31.995 66.353 2.352 2.3494 145.1 2.6717 0 0 0.93955
101 2001 229 1518 10.25 102.1 31.995 66.521 2.352 2.3521 148.01 0 0 0 0.93901
101 2001 229 1518 11.25 102.11 32.028 66.387 2.254 2.2534 137.53 1.2828 0 0 0.93776

Contact Information

The data producer is:

Dr. Kevin Knupp
320 Sparkman Dr.
Huntsville, AL  35805

To order these data or for further information, please contact:

Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932