Global Hydrology Resource Center(GHRC) is one of NASA's Earth Science Data Centers and is a collaboration between MSFC and University of Alabama in Huntsville.

GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx

Table of Contents

Instrument Description
File Naming Convention
Data Format
Contact Information


The GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx dataset includes measurements of cloud microphysics, state of the atmosphere parameters, bulk aerosols, three-dimensional winds, and turbulence. These measurements were taken during the IPHEx campaign, from May 1, 2014 to June 13, 2014, by the University of North Dakota's (UND) Cessna Citation aircraft, an in situ platform. The Citation flew 20 data missions for a total of 56.8 flight hours. The UND Citation Cloud Microphysics data are stored as a separate file for each flight, with a primary (*.IPHEX) file containing both direct and derived parameters. Raw data files for each cloud instrument are also archived for investigators who wish to use their own processing software.


The following example shows how to cite the use of this dataset in a publication. For more information, please see our Citing GHRC DAAC and Data page.

NAME. YEAR. GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx [indicate subset used]. Dataset available online, [] from the NASA EOSDIS Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. doi: DOI


The GPM Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) occurred in North Carolina during the spring season of 2014. The field campaign had two primary goals. The first was to evaluate how well observations from precipitation-monitoring satellites, including the recently launched GPM Core Observatory, match up to the best estimate of the true precipitation measured at ground level and how that precipitation is distributed in clouds. The second was to use the collected precipitation data to evaluate models that describe and predict the hydrology of the region.

Further details on the IPHEx campaign can be found here Information on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is available at

Instrument Description

The UND Cessna Citation II Research Aircraft used for the IPHEx experiment is owned and operated by the University of North Dakota. The Citation II is a twin-engine fanjet with an operating ceiling of 43,000 feet (13.1 km). The turbo fan engines provide sufficient power to cruise at speeds of up to 340 knots (175 m s-1) or climb at 3300 feet per minute (16.8 m s- 1). These high performance capabilities are accompanied by relatively low fuel consumption at all altitudes, giving the Citation an on-station time of 3-5 hours, depending on mission type. Long wings allow it to be operated out of relatively short airstrips and to be flown at the slower speeds (140 kts/72 m s-1) necessary for many types of measurements. The Citation is certified for flight into known icing conditions. Further details on the UND Cessna Citation II are available at

The GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx dataset contains the following instruments and measurements:

Parameter Measured Instrument Instrument Description
State Parameters Total Temperature Probe Flight Level Temperature
Pressure Transducer Flight Level Pressure
Cooled Mirror Hydrometer Dew/Frost Point
Laser Hygrometer Dew/Frost Point Temperature
Winds and Turbulence Gust Probe Airspeed, Angles of Attack & Sideslip
Pitot Tube Airspeed, Turbulence
Cloud Imaging and Sizing CDP Cloud Droplet Concentration & Size
PMS 2DC Cloud Particle Imaging Probe
Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) Cloud Particle Imaging Probe
CPI Small Cloud Particle Imaging Probe
HVPS-3 Precipitation Particle Imaging Probe
Water King Probe Liquid Water Content
Nevzorov Probe Liquid Water & Total Water Content
Rosemount Icing Detector Supercooled Liquid Water Presence & Content
CSI Total Water Content
Aerosols CPC Condensation Particle Counter
Aircraft Applanix Inertial Platform with Integrated GPS

The complete list of measurements and associated instruments is available in the header block of the QC processed data files. More information on Citation flight days can be found in the IPHEx Citation Mission Summary document. Additional campaign collections containing UND Citation Cloud Microphysics data can be found at


Michael Poellot
University of North Dakota
4149 University Avenue
Stop 9006
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9006

Andrew Heymsfield
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO, 80307-3000

File Naming Convention

QC processed files and browse files are of the form:



conc = concentration
cdp = Cloud Droplet Probe
Hz = Hertz
iphex = Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment
yyyy = year
mm = month
dd = day
hh = hour
mi = minute
ss = seconds

Raw files are of the form:



roi = report object instance
sea = Science Engineering Associates
HVPS = High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer
2DS = 2D Stereo probe
NAV = navigation
yyyy = year
mm = month
dd = day
hh = hour
mi = minute
ss = seconds
CSI = Cloud Spectrometer and Impactor
TDL = Tunable Diode Laser hygrometer in CSI

Data Format

The GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx dataset consists of QC processed (.conc, .cdp, .1Hz, and .iphex) files. Processed data files are in the UND-NASA-AMES format. The dataset also contains the raw (.roi, .sea, .HVPS, .2DS, and .csv) files. The Science Engineering and Associates (SEA) model M300 data system manual contains file format information for the .sea files. In order to process the raw .sea data files, the M300 instrument tag numbers need to be used. The SPEC Inc. CPI manual contains file format information for the .roi files. File format information for the .HVPS and .2DS files are available in the SPEC Inc. HVPS3 and 2DS manual. The CPI, HVSP, and 2DS manuals can be downloaded at

More information on the GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx dataset can be found in the UND Citation Data Summary document. More information on missing data can be found in the IPHEx Citation Data Edit Overview document.


Delene, D. J., Airborne Data Processing and Analysis Software Package, Earth Science Informatics, 4(1), 29-44, 2011, URL:, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-010-0061-4.

Contact Information

To order these data or for further information, please contact:

Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932