GPM Ground Validation Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (CoSMIR) IPHEx
Table of Contents
The GPM Ground Validation Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (CoSMIR) IPHEx dataset can be obtained from the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC), one of NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC). The CoSMIR measures radiation. GHRC is jointly managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).
The GPM Ground Validation Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (CoSMIR) IPHEx dataset includes radiation data from May 7, 2014 through June 14, 2014 as part of the GPM Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) campaign in North Carolina. Data is available in ASCII text files.
The following example shows how to cite the use of this dataset in a publication. For more information, please see our Citing GHRC DAAC and Data page.
Stonofrick-Jackson, Wang, J., and B. Monosmith. 2015. GPM Ground Validation Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (CoSMIR) IPHEx [indicate subset used]. Dataset available online [] from the NASA EOSDIS Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A.
The GPM Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) was held in North Carolina during the months of April-June 2014. The goal of IPHEx was to characterize warm season orographic precipitation regimes and the relationship between precipitation regimes and hydrologic processes in regions of complex terrain. The IPHEx campaign was part of the development, evaluation, and improvement of remote-sensing precipitation algorithms in support of the GPM mission through NASA GPM GV field campaign (IPHEX_GVFC) and the evaluation of Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) products for hydrologic forecasting and water resource applications in the Upper Tennessee, Catawba-Santee, Yadkin-Pee Dee and Savannah river basins (IPHEX-HAP, H4SE). NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed (HTM) has synergy with this project.
Further details on the IPHEx campaign can be found here Information on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is available at
Instrument Description
The GPM Ground Validation Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (CoSMIR) dataset includes data gathered during the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) in North Carolina from May 7, 2014 through June 14, 2014. The data was used in an airborne high-frequency simulator for the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI), which was launched in 2014. The CoSMIR instrument can acquire both conical and cross-track scan data simultaneously in a given flight satisfying the requirements of the Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM) algorithm development team. The dataset provides well-calibrated radiometric data from 9 channels between 50 and 183 GHz with accuracy on the order of +-1K. All channels besides the 89 and 165.5 GHz are horizontally polarized. Data is available in ASCII text files; browse image files are also available.
The complete list of measurements and associated instruments is available in the header block of the QC processed data files. More information on Citation flight days can be found in the IPHEx Citation Mission Summary document.
Gail Skofronick-Jackson
Deputy Project Scientist for GPM
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Bryan Monosmith
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
James R. Wang
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/
SSAI (Science Systems and Applications, Inc.)
Lanham, Maryland 20706
File Naming Convention
IPHEX = Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment
CoSMIR = Compact Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer
YYYYMMDD = year, month, and day of the data
CONFWD = conical scanning mode
CrossTrack = cross-track scanning mode
# = ???
.ps = postscript file (can be read by Adobe software)
Data Format
The GPM Ground Validation UND Citation Cloud Microphysics IPHEx dataset consists of QC processed (.conc, .cdp, .1Hz, and .iphex) files. Processed data files are in the UND-NASA-AMES format. The dataset also contains the raw (.roi, .sea, .HVPS, .2DS, and .csv) files. The Science Engineering and Associates (SEA) model M300 data system manual contains file format information for the .sea files. In order to process the raw .sea data files, the M300 instrument tag numbers need to be used. The SPEC Inc. CPI manual contains file format information for the .roi files. File format information for the .HVPS and .2DS files are available in the SPEC Inc. HVPS3 and 2DS manual. The CPI, HVSP, and 2DS manuals can be downloaded at
More information on this dataset can be found here.
J.R. Wang, P.E. Racette, J.E. Piepmeier, B. Monosmith, and W. Manning, "Airborne CoSMIR Observations Between 50 and 183 GHz over Snow-Covered Sierra Mountains," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 45(1), 55-61, 2007.
J.R. Wang, P.E. Racette, and J.R. Piepmeier, "A Comparison of Near Concurrent Measurements from the SSMIS and CoSMIR for some Selected Channels over the Frequency Range of 50-183 GHz," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 46(4), 923-933, 2008.
Contact Information
To order these data or for further information, please contact:
Global Hydrology Resource Center
User Services
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-961-7932