The ZEUS+STARNET data set gathers the following information by columns Updated October 2009 Carlos A. Morales This dataset holds a collaboration between ZEUS and STARNET lightning detection networks in an effort to produce the best available data on sferics. The data still requires some quality control, but the users can use some of the quality flags detailed in the text to check if the position is reliable or not. In the following months, we should make an analyses on the location accuracy and detection efficieny that will be posted to everybody. The data set is stored on the starnet webpage at the following link: any question, e-mail: Column 1: year Column 2: month Column 3: day Column 4: hour (GMT) Column 5: minute Column 6: second Column 7: mili-second Column 8: latitude Column 9: longitude Column 10: major ellipse error of the ATD solution (m) Column 11: ATD error in micro-seconds Column 12: Quality control (0,1,2) Column 13: Polarity (0,1,2,3) (+-) Column 14: Number of Rx employed in the Solution (4,5,6,7) Column 15: Number of ATD pairs employed in the Solution (6-21) Column 16: UK rx Column 17: Denmark rx Column 18: Romania rx Column 19: Cyprus rx Column 20: Athens rx Column 21: Portugal rx Column 22: Ethiopia rx Column 23: Tanzania rx Column 24: South Africa rx Column 25: Nigeria Rx Column 26: Daka Rx (rx not available) Column 27: Guadeloupe (French Island-Caribean) Rx Column 28: Fortaleza-Brazil Rx Column 29: Sao Paulo-Brazil Rx Major ellipse error: It represent the major axis of the ellipse error that circumscribes the ATDs. The lower the value, better the solution. (This error is still under analyses, so don't take too much in consideration, use the ATD error instead). ATD error: It represents the Residual Error of the ATD solution. The values lower than 20 micro-seconds are considered acceptable, and it is expected to have low location errors according to the theoretical model. Quality control: It a simplification of the ATD error/Major Axis that is used to diagnose the location accuracy: 0-Good; 1-Questionable; 2-Bad Polariy: It is the retrieved ELF polarity (+ or -), where the values represent confidence level (1-low; 2-median; 3-high) and 0 no confidence The values of -9 means that the polarity was not available in the reprocessing. Number of Rx: It tells how many receivers were employed in the solution Number of ATDs: It tell how many ATDs were used in the solution. If we had 4 rx, we have a maximum of 6 ATDs (combination of 4, 2 a 2); 5 rx have 10 ATDs, 6 rx have 15 ATDs and 7 rx have 21 ATDs. The ATDs employed in the solution passed a quality control, and if it does not pass, it is not used. So, you might have some solutions that did not used the maximum number of ATDs according to the number of rx available The Columns (15-28) Indicate which receivers were available (1) or not (0). In this data set we have only the African and American receivers available, i.e., Ethiopia, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Guadeloupe Fortaleza and Sao Paulo. In the ZEUS data example (the first 3 below) we have the following information: Sferics observed on October 12th 2008, at 23:00:02.649726 located at latitude=-4.37723 and lontitude=-72.91611, with an estimated major axis error=7.112 km with an ATD error of 16.0 us, quality good, 4 rxs avaible and 6 ATDs were employed. The Rx Sao Martinho, Campo Grande, Guadloupe and Sao Paulo were available. 2008 10 12 23 0 2 649726 -4.37723 -72.91611 7112 16.0 0 -3 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2008 10 12 23 0 4 23439 -4.18725 -72.13458 3642 15.6 0 3 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2008 10 12 23 0 5 782687 -7.55228 -75.02688 7289 16.4 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 The FORTRAN format to read the data is: n_receiver_ZEUS=14 read(40,200)year,month,day,hour,minuto,second,milisecond, 1 ,lat,lon,major_ellipse, 1 userEr,qual,Pol,nRx,nPr, 1 (id_rx(i),i=1,n_receiver_ZEUS) 200 format(I4,1x,5I3,1x,I6,2f11.5,I9,f6.1,4i3,14i2) The rx locations in case someone is interest are the following: -- UK -- # ID number 1 # latitude 51.14533 # longitude -1.43968 # -- Roskilde -- # ID number 2 # latitude 55.69392 # longitude 12.09893 # -- Iasi -- # ID number 3 # latitude 47.17122 # longitude 27.62769 -- Larnaca -- # ID number 4 # latitude 34.87351 # longitude 33.61727 # -- Athenas -- # ID number 5 # latitude 38.04718 # longitude 23.8651 # -- Lisboa -- # ID number 6 # latitude 38.76666 # longitude -9.13333 -- Addis Ababa -- # ID number 7 # latitude 8.98533 # longitude 38.78622 # -- Dar es Salaam -- # ID number 8 # latitude -6.87547 # longitude 39.21081 # -- Hamilton -- # ID number 9 # latitude -28.24964 # longitude 28.33398 -- Nigeria -- # ID number 10 # latitude 7.76132 # longitude 4.53535 # -- Dakar -- # ID number 11 # latitude 14.74724 # longitude -17.48833 # -- Guadalope # ID number 12 # latitude 16.18177 # longitude -61.59016 # -- Fortaleza -- Fortaleza # ID number 13 # latitude -3.79456 # longitude -38.55699 # gain adjustment 0.0 # -- Sao Paulo # ID number 14 # latitude -22.68905 # longitude -45.00597