CMORPH ~ 8km, 1/2 hourly data description. Last Update: June 22, 2010 The 8-km 30 minute CMORPH data sets can be found on the server in the precip/global_CMORPH/30min_8km directory The data are compressed using the standard Unix compress function (files have a suffix of ".Z") Each file contains 6 records. The 1st 3 records pertain to the top half of the hour (00-29 minus after the hour) and the last 3 records are for the bottom half of the hour. Within each group: - the 1st record contains the CMORPH precipitation estimates - the 2nd record contains the time (in half hour units) since the most recent microwave pass. Note that since we do both a forward & backward interpolation in time, the nearest time may be prior to the file time stamp or after it. - the 3rd record contains an ID that tells the satellite from which the last microwave observation was made which can be interpretted by the following table (as of the time of the last update of this documentation): 13 = DMSP-13 (SSM/I instrument) 14 = DMSP-14 ( " " ) 15 = DMSP-15 ( " " ) 16 = DMSP-16 (SSMIS instrument, coming soon) 17 = DMSP-17 ( " " ) 18 = DMSP-18 ( " " ) 115 = NOAA-15 (AMSU-B " ) 116 = NOAA-16 ( " " ) 117 = NOAA-17 ( " " ) 118 = NOAA-18 (MHS ) 119 = NOAA-19 ( " " ) 151 = METOP-A ( " " ) 201 = TRMM (TMI " ) 211 = AQUA (AMSR-E " ) Each direct access record is a 4948 x 1649 CHARACTER*1 (use FORTRAN ichar command to retrieve interger value for all parameters) array with grid increments of 0.072756669 degrees of longitude and 0.072771377 of latitude, which is apporoximately 8 km at the equator. The arrays are oriented from North to South, beginning from latitude 59.963614N and from West to EAST from longitude 0.036378335E. Missing data are denoted by values of 255. Note that the precipitation estimates have been scaled, and when multiplied by "0.2", the data units are "mm/hour". For GrADS users, a descriptor ("ctl") file: CMORPH_8km-30-minute.ctl has been provided. However, since the data are in CHARACTER*1 words (bytes) the parameters after each variable (-1,40,1,-1 in our example "ctl file") are system dependent. Our example is for an SGI system. The following program reads 8km CMORPH, averages into 0.25 deg lat/lon regions. program cmread c Program CMORPH_8-km-30min_read.f c Average already made 8 km , half hourly CMORPH into 025 degree and write out to files parameter (I8KMMAX=4948,J8KMMAX=1649,XMISSING=330,AMISSING=-9999, & ZERO=0,ONE=1,TEN=10,HOURMX=24,inunit=10,inunit2=15,ioutunit=70, & MTHMAX=12, IRMAX=1440, JRMAX=480, PIXCNTTHRESH=9, XLATMAX=60.0, & XLAT1STPIXLOC=59.963614, XLATINCR= 0.072771377, XLON1STPIX= & 0.036378335, XLONINCR=0.072756669, MISSING=-9999) character*1 ssmigrid(I8KMMAX,J8KMMAX), & satid(I8KMMAX,J8KMMAX), timestamp(I8KMMAX,J8KMMAX) character*120 in1ssmi, out025d integer imndy(MTHMAX), CMISSING real*4 ssmipropREG(IRMAX,JRMAX), ssmipropREGCNT(IRMAX,JRMAX) CMISSING = 255 xres = 0.25 write (*,*) ' enter start & end day, i.e. 20050802 20050802' read (*,*) iyrmndy1, iyrmndy2 write (*,*) ' start & end day entered ', iyrmndy1, iyrmndy2 do iyrmndy = iyrmndy1, iyrmndy2 do ihr = 0, 0 c Open 8 km half hourly CMORPH in1ssmi='/export-2/sgi109/irstat/advect_ssmi/final_anal/advt-8km-i &ntrp-prim-sat-spat-2lag-2.5+5dovlp8kmIR-YYYY0M0D0H' write (in1ssmi(98:105),'(i8)') iyrmndy if ( then write (in1ssmi(107:107),'(i1)') ihr else write (in1ssmi(106:107),'(i2)') ihr endif open (unit=10, file=in1ssmi, access = 'direct', & form='unformatted', recl=4948*1649*3) write(6,'(/,'' input comb 8-km advect ssmi '',a120)') in1ssmi out025d='/export-2/sgi109/irstat/advect_ssmi/final_anal/025deg/CMO &RPH_025deg_YYYY0M0D0H' write (out025d(69:76),'(i8)') iyrmndy if ( then write (out025d(78:78),'(i1)') ihr else write (out025d(77:78),'(i2)') ihr endif open (unit=95, file=out025d, access = 'direct', & form='unformatted', recl=1440*480*4) write(6,'(/,'' output comb 025 deg advect ssmi '',a120)') out025d c Loop through 1. top of the hour global IR merge and c 2. mid hour global IR merged images do ihlfhr = 1, 2 c Init half hourly 0.25 deg region arrays do jreg = 1, JRMAX do ireg = 1, IRMAX ssmipropREG(ireg,jreg) =ZERO ssmipropREGCNT(ireg,jreg) =ZERO enddo enddo write (6,'('' ihr, ihlfhr '',2i8)') ihr, ihlfhr if (ihlfhr.eq.1) then read (10, rec = 1) ssmigrid, timestamp, satid c Simply read in forward and backward advected SSMI scans else read (10, rec = 2) ssmigrid, timestamp, satid endif write (6,'('' real array ihalfhr = '',i8)') ihlfhr do j = 700, 720 write (6,'(21i4)') (ichar(ssmigrid(i,j)),i=3501,3521) enddo c Accumulate microwave anal derived precip into do j = 1, J8KMMAX xlat1 = XLAT1STPIXLOC - (j-1)*XLATINCR jreg = ((XLATMAX - xlat1)/xres + 1) do i = 1, I8KMMAX if (ssmigrid(i,j).ne.char(CMISSING)) then c Determine region of 8-km pixel xlon1 = XLON1STPIX + (i-1)*XLONINCR ireg = (xlon1/xres + 1) if ( & then write (6,'(''region out of bounds'',4i8)') i, ireg, j, jreg else if (ssmigrid(i,j).ne.char(CMISSING)) then ssmipropREG(ireg,jreg)=ssmipropREG(ireg,jreg)+ & ichar(ssmigrid(i,j))*0.2 ssmipropREGCNT(ireg,jreg) = & ssmipropREGCNT(ireg,jreg) + 1 endif endif endif enddo enddo c Average microwave derived precip into regional estimates and write to disk do jreg = 1, JRMAX do ireg = 1, IRMAX if (ssmipropREGCNT(ireg,jreg).ge.1) then ssmipropREG(ireg,jreg)=ssmipropREG(ireg,jreg)/ & ssmipropREGCNT(ireg,jreg) else ssmipropREG(ireg,jreg) = MISSING endif enddo enddo c Write combined 0.5 hour SSMI precip array to disk if (ihlfhr.eq.1) then write (95, rec = 1) ssmipropREG else write (95, rec = 2) ssmipropREG close (95) endif enddo enddo enddo stop end