GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Snow Surveys GCPEx Snow depth, water equivalent and density transects were surveyed weekly at each of the GCPEx sites between 5 January and 27 February 2012 in order to provide baseline information on the distribution of snow on the ground. The GCPEX site coordinates are: Site N (Dms.xx) W Huronia Airport 44 41 10.25 -79 55 40.60 Skydive (Jump) 44 14 16.30 -79 38 25.02 Steamshow 44 10 50.27 -79 43 04.63 CARE 44 13 59.45 -79 46 50.11 The file tabs are named by Site_ddd julian date. Inside each sheet is the clendar date. Snow depth measurements were made every 50 cm along a 100 m transect using a GPS equipped snow depth probe. Each survey was taken along the same transect each time, so that won’t change between dates. Pairs of bulk density and snow water equivalent measurements were made every 25 m along the same transect using an ESC-30 (30 cm2 cross sectional area) snow corer. The pairs of SWE cores were taken on either side of the transect line. So 2 measurements about 1 metre apart at 0 m; 2 measurements about 1 metre apart at 25 metres, etc. This datset will be updated at a later date with coordinates. In the interium, "general coordinates for each of the GCPEx sites should suffice."