Description: 4 km hourly accumulated Stage-IV precipitation dataset is downscaled to 1-km and corrected using rain-gauges located at the Southern Appalachians. In-situ rain-gauge data can be found at- DOI: Spatial resolution - 0.01 degree Temporal resolution - 1 hour accumulations Units - mm Spatial Coverage - 35N to 36N and 83.6W to 82.6W Upper left corner pixel (1,1) - (35.005,-83.595) Time period - 2008 to 2017 Missing data - 'NaN' File naming convention: ST4DBKC_.txt yyyymmddhh - year month day hour - ending time of the accumulation period. Missing Period: 2008042007, 2008110200-2008110223, 2008031400, 2008031500, 2008031600, 2008031700, 2008031900, 2008032000, 2008032100, 2008032200, 2008032300, 2008032400, 2008032500, 2008032518-2008032600, 2009100216-2009100300, 2012012100-2012012109. Documentation: Merging Raingauge and Radar Measurements using Fractal Downscaling and Kriging\The IPHEx QPE+Rainfall Product DOI: waiting