netcdf \20100916.c1 { dimensions: time = 12531 ; sps1000 = 1000 ; sps50 = 50 ; sps5 = 5 ; sps10 = 10 ; sps25 = 25 ; sps100 = 100 ; vec30 = 30 ; vec16 = 16 ; sps63 = 63 ; sps1 = 1 ; Vec16 = 16 ; Vec31 = 31 ; Vec101 = 101 ; Vec20 = 20 ; Vec30 = 30 ; Vec17 = 17 ; Vec26 = 26 ; Vec62 = 62 ; Vec14 = 14 ; variables: double time(time) ; time:units = "seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00 +0000" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ; time:MissingValues = 0 ; float TIME(time) ; TIME:long_name = "Time HHMMSS (GMT)" ; TIME:Status = "Derived Variable" ; TIME:units = "HHMMSS" ; TIME:Package = "get_data1" ; TIME:matlab_name = "TIME" ; TIME:raw_name = "unknown" ; TIME:Dependencies = " " ; TIME:OutputRate = 1 ; float DATE(time) ; DATE:long_name = "Date yymmdd (GMT)" ; DATE:Status = "Derived Variable" ; DATE:units = "yyyymmdd" ; DATE:Package = "get_data1" ; DATE:matlab_name = "DATE" ; DATE:raw_name = "unknown" ; DATE:Dependencies = " " ; DATE:OutputRate = 1 ; float HOUR(time) ; HOUR:long_name = "Hour from midnight (GMT)" ; HOUR:Status = "Derived Variable" ; HOUR:units = "hours" ; HOUR:Package = "get_data1" ; HOUR:matlab_name = "HOUR" ; HOUR:raw_name = "unknown" ; HOUR:Dependencies = " " ; HOUR:OutputRate = 1 ; float MINUTE(time) ; MINUTE:long_name = "Minute from Beginning of HOUR" ; MINUTE:Status = "Derived Variable" ; MINUTE:units = "minutes" ; MINUTE:Package = "get_data1" ; MINUTE:matlab_name = "MINUTE" ; MINUTE:raw_name = "unknown" ; MINUTE:Dependencies = " " ; MINUTE:OutputRate = 1 ; float SECOND(time) ; SECOND:long_name = "SECOND from Beginning of SECOND" ; SECOND:Status = "Derived Variable" ; SECOND:units = "seconds" ; SECOND:Package = "get_data1" ; SECOND:matlab_name = "SECOND" ; SECOND:raw_name = "unknown" ; SECOND:Dependencies = " " ; SECOND:OutputRate = 1 ; double TIME14D(time) ; TIME14D:long_name = "TIME yyyymmddhhmmss GMT" ; TIME14D:Status = "Derived Variable" ; TIME14D:units = "yyyymmddhhmmss" ; TIME14D:Package = "get_data1" ; TIME14D:matlab_name = "TIME14D" ; TIME14D:raw_name = "unknown" ; TIME14D:Dependencies = " " ; TIME14D:OutputRate = 1 ; float ps_weston(time) ; ps_weston:long_name = "Static Pressure (Weston Digital)" ; ps_weston:Status = "Derived Variable" ; ps_weston:units = "millibar" ; ps_weston:SampleRate = 5 ; ps_weston:Package = "get_data1" ; ps_weston:matlab_name = "PWESTON1" ; ps_weston:raw_name = "PWESTON1" ; ps_weston:Dependencies = " " ; ps_weston:OutputRate = 1 ; ps_weston:MissingValues = 194 ; ps_weston:BadValues = 0 ; ps_weston:BadStat = 0 ; ps_weston:pcor = "Corrected for static defect" ; float ps_hads_a(time) ; ps_hads_a:long_name = "Static Pressure (Rosemount 1501 High Accuracy Digital Sensing Module A)" ; ps_hads_a:Status = "Derived Variable" ; ps_hads_a:units = "millibar" ; ps_hads_a:SampleRate = 100 ; ps_hads_a:Package = "get_hads1" ; ps_hads_a:matlab_name = "PHADSA1" ; ps_hads_a:raw_name = "PHADSA1" ; ps_hads_a:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; ps_hads_a:Dependencies = " " ; ps_hads_a:OutputRate = 1 ; ps_hads_a:missorbad1000 = 64 ; ps_hads_a:CalibMethod = "UW calibration used" ; ps_hads_a:pcor = "Corrected for static defect" ; float ps_hads_b(time) ; ps_hads_b:long_name = "Static Pressure (Rosemount 1501 High Accuracy Digital Sensing Module B)" ; ps_hads_b:Status = "Derived Variable" ; ps_hads_b:units = "millibar" ; ps_hads_b:SampleRate = 100 ; ps_hads_b:Package = "get_hads1" ; ps_hads_b:matlab_name = "PHADSB1" ; ps_hads_b:raw_name = "PHADSB1" ; ps_hads_b:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; ps_hads_b:Dependencies = " " ; ps_hads_b:OutputRate = 1 ; ps_hads_b:missorbad1000 = 64 ; ps_hads_b:CalibMethod = "UW calibration used" ; ps_hads_b:pcor = "Corrected for static defect" ; float trf(time) ; trf:long_name = "Static Temperature (In-house Reverse Flow)" ; trf:Status = "Derived Variable" ; trf:units = "Celsius" ; trf:Package = "cvwind1" ; trf:matlab_name = "trf1" ; trf:raw_name = "TRF1" ; trf:RecoveryCoefficient = 0.6425 ; trf:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; trf:Dependencies = " " ; trf:OutputRate = 1 ; trf:MissingValues = 1251 ; float trose(time) ; trose:long_name = "Static Temperature (Rosemount 102)" ; trose:Status = "Derived Variable" ; trose:units = "Celsius" ; trose:Package = "cvwind1" ; trose:matlab_name = "trmt1" ; trose:raw_name = "TROSE1" ; trose:RecoveryCoefficient = 0.97 ; trose:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; trose:Dependencies = " " ; trose:OutputRate = 1 ; trose:MissingValues = 1251 ; float tdp(time) ; tdp:long_name = "Dew Point Temperature" ; tdp:instrument = "EdgeTech Vigilant model 137" ; tdp:Status = "Derived Variable" ; tdp:units = "Celsius" ; tdp:Package = "get_data1" ; tdp:matlab_name = "TDP1" ; tdp:raw_name = "unknown" ; tdp:Dependencies = " " ; tdp:OutputRate = 1 ; tdp:MissingValues = 1251 ; float mr(time) ; mr:long_name = "Mixing ratio" ; mr:Status = "Derived Variable" ; mr:units = "gram/kgram" ; mr:Package = "get_misc1" ; mr:matlab_name = "MIXRATIO1" ; mr:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; mr:Dependencies = " " ; mr:OutputRate = 1 ; float rh(time) ; rh:long_name = "Relative Humidity" ; rh:Status = "Derived Variable" ; rh:units = "percent" ; rh:Package = "get_misc1" ; rh:matlab_name = "RH1" ; rh:raw_name = "unknown" ; rh:Dependencies = " " ; rh:OutputRate = 1 ; float licort(time) ; licort:long_name = "Licor Temperature" ; licort:Status = "Derived Variable" ; licort:units = "Celsius" ; licort:Package = "get_data1" ; licort:matlab_name = "LICORT1" ; licort:raw_name = "unknown" ; licort:Dependencies = " " ; licort:OutputRate = 1 ; float licorp(time) ; licorp:long_name = "Licor Pressure" ; licorp:Status = "Derived Variable" ; licorp:units = "kPa" ; licorp:Package = "get_data1" ; licorp:matlab_name = "LICORP1" ; licorp:raw_name = "unknown" ; licorp:Dependencies = " " ; licorp:OutputRate = 1 ; float co21s(time) ; co21s:long_name = "Licor CO2 concentration" ; co21s:Status = "Derived Variable" ; co21s:units = "volt" ; co21s:Package = "get_data1" ; co21s:matlab_name = "CO21S1" ; co21s:raw_name = "unknown" ; co21s:Dependencies = " " ; co21s:OutputRate = 1 ; float h2o1s(time) ; h2o1s:long_name = "Licor H2O concentration" ; h2o1s:Status = "Derived Variable" ; h2o1s:units = "volt" ; h2o1s:Package = "get_data1" ; h2o1s:matlab_name = "H2O1S1" ; h2o1s:raw_name = "unknown" ; h2o1s:Dependencies = " " ; h2o1s:OutputRate = 1 ; float co2ml(time) ; co2ml:long_name = "CO2 mole fraction LICOR" ; co2ml:Status = "Derived Variable" ; co2ml:units = "umol/mole" ; co2ml:Package = "get_licor1" ; co2ml:matlab_name = "co2ml1" ; co2ml:raw_name = "unknown" ; co2ml:Dependencies = " " ; co2ml:OutputRate = 1 ; float h2oml(time) ; h2oml:long_name = "H2O mole fraction LICOR" ; h2oml:Status = "Derived Variable" ; h2oml:units = "mmol/mole" ; h2oml:Package = "get_licor1" ; h2oml:matlab_name = "h2oml1" ; h2oml:raw_name = "unknown" ; h2oml:Dependencies = " " ; h2oml:OutputRate = 1 ; float h2omx(time) ; h2omx:long_name = "H2O mixing ratio LICOR" ; h2omx:Status = "Derived Variable" ; h2omx:units = "gram/kgram" ; h2omx:Package = "get_licor1" ; h2omx:matlab_name = "h2omx1" ; h2omx:raw_name = "unknown" ; h2omx:Dependencies = " " ; h2omx:OutputRate = 1 ; float tdplicor(time) ; tdplicor:long_name = "Dew point temperature from LICOR H2O mixing ratio" ; tdplicor:Status = "Derived Variable" ; tdplicor:units = "Celsius" ; tdplicor:Package = "get_licor1" ; tdplicor:matlab_name = "tdplicor1" ; tdplicor:raw_name = "unknown" ; tdplicor:Dependencies = " " ; tdplicor:OutputRate = 1 ; float co2mx(time) ; co2mx:long_name = "CO2 mixing ratio LICOR" ; co2mx:Status = "Derived Variable" ; co2mx:units = "ugram/gram" ; co2mx:Package = "get_licor1" ; co2mx:matlab_name = "co2mx1" ; co2mx:raw_name = "unknown" ; co2mx:Dependencies = " " ; co2mx:OutputRate = 1 ; float co2pbmx(time) ; co2pbmx:long_name = "CO2 mixing ratio LICOR (corrected for press broading)" ; co2pbmx:Status = "Derived Variable" ; co2pbmx:units = "ugram/gram" ; co2pbmx:Package = "get_licor1" ; co2pbmx:matlab_name = "co2pbmx1" ; co2pbmx:raw_name = "unknown" ; co2pbmx:Dependencies = " " ; co2pbmx:OutputRate = 1 ; float co2pbmld(time) ; co2pbmld:long_name = "CO2 mole fraction (dry) LICOR (corrected for press broading)" ; co2pbmld:Status = "Derived Variable" ; co2pbmld:units = "umol/mole" ; co2pbmld:Package = "get_licor1" ; co2pbmld:matlab_name = "co2pbmld1" ; co2pbmld:raw_name = "unknown" ; co2pbmld:Dependencies = " " ; co2pbmld:OutputRate = 1 ; float aias(time) ; aias:long_name = "Indicated airspeed (boom pitot)" ; aias:Status = "Derived Variable" ; aias:units = "knots" ; aias:Package = "get_misc1" ; aias:matlab_name = "aias1" ; aias:raw_name = "AIAS1" ; aias:Dependencies = " " ; aias:OutputRate = 1 ; aias:MissingValues = 1251 ; aias:VarWithBIAS = 0.0178081930483542 ; float bias(time) ; bias:long_name = "Indicated airspeed (co-pilot pitot)" ; bias:Status = "Derived Variable" ; bias:units = "knots" ; bias:Package = "get_misc1" ; bias:matlab_name = "bias1" ; bias:raw_name = "BIAS1" ; bias:Dependencies = " " ; bias:OutputRate = 1 ; bias:MissingValues = 1251 ; float dpr(time) ; dpr:long_name = "Rosemount 1332B1" ; dpr:units = "millibar" ; dpr:CalibrationCoefficients = -176.69, 0.02128 ; dpr:SampleRate = 100 ; dpr:SerialNumber = "20007" ; dpr:module = "!IP330_1" ; dpr:channel = 7 ; dpr:type = "analog" ; dpr:Package = "get_misc1" ; dpr:matlab_name = "DPR1" ; dpr:raw_name = "unknown" ; dpr:Dependencies = " " ; dpr:OutputRate = 1 ; dpr:MissingValues = 1251 ; float dpb(time) ; dpb:long_name = "Rosemount 1332B1" ; dpb:units = "millibar" ; dpb:CalibrationCoefficients = -172.77, 0.02086 ; dpb:CalibrationDate = "2/16/2000" ; dpb:SampleRate = 100 ; dpb:SerialNumber = "19995" ; dpb:module = "!IP330_1" ; dpb:channel = 6 ; dpb:type = "analog" ; dpb:Package = "get_misc1" ; dpb:matlab_name = "DPB1" ; dpb:raw_name = "unknown" ; dpb:Dependencies = " " ; dpb:OutputRate = 1 ; dpb:MissingValues = 1251 ; float dpa(time) ; dpa:long_name = "Rosemount 1332B1" ; dpa:units = "millibar" ; dpa:CalibrationCoefficients = 172.18, -0.02106 ; dpa:CalibrationDate = "2/16/2000" ; dpa:SampleRate = 100 ; dpa:SerialNumber = "19996" ; dpa:module = "!IP330_1" ; dpa:channel = 5 ; dpa:type = "analog" ; dpa:Package = "get_misc1" ; dpa:matlab_name = "DPA1" ; dpa:raw_name = "unknown" ; dpa:Dependencies = " " ; dpa:OutputRate = 1 ; float boom_pcor(time) ; boom_pcor:long_name = "Static pressure correction from boom calculation" ; boom_pcor:units = "mb" ; boom_pcor:Package = "boom_pcor1" ; boom_pcor:matlab_name = "pcorb1" ; boom_pcor:Dependencies = " " ; boom_pcor:OutputRate = 1 ; float z(time) ; z:long_name = "Pressure altitude (Std Atm)" ; z:Status = "Derived Variable" ; z:units = "meters" ; z:Package = "cvwind1" ; z:matlab_name = "PALT1" ; z:raw_name = "unknown" ; z:Dependencies = " " ; z:OutputRate = 1 ; float PALT(time) ; PALT:long_name = "Pressure altitude (Std Atm)" ; PALT:Status = "Derived Variable" ; PALT:units = "meters" ; PALT:Package = "cvwind1" ; PALT:matlab_name = "PALT1" ; PALT:raw_name = "unknown" ; PALT:Dependencies = " " ; PALT:OutputRate = 1 ; float ztrue(time) ; ztrue:long_name = "Altitude (Hypsometric)" ; ztrue:Status = "Derived Variable" ; ztrue:units = "meters" ; ztrue:Package = "cvwind1" ; ztrue:matlab_name = "ZTRUE1" ; ztrue:raw_name = "unknown" ; ztrue:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; ztrue:Dependencies = " " ; ztrue:OutputRate = 1 ; ztrue:OffsetApplied = "From GALT" ; float hewvel(time) ; hewvel:long_name = "Inertial ground speed (E-W component, uncorrected)" ; hewvel:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hewvel:units = "m/s" ; hewvel:Package = "cvwind1" ; hewvel:matlab_name = "HEWVEL1" ; hewvel:raw_name = "unknown" ; hewvel:Dependencies = " " ; hewvel:OutputRate = 1 ; hewvel:MissingValues = 10 ; float hnsvel(time) ; hnsvel:long_name = "Inertial ground speed (N-S component, uncorrected)" ; hnsvel:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hnsvel:units = "m/s" ; hnsvel:Package = "cvwind1" ; hnsvel:matlab_name = "HNSVEL1" ; hnsvel:raw_name = "unknown" ; hnsvel:Dependencies = " " ; hnsvel:OutputRate = 1 ; hnsvel:MissingValues = 10 ; float hu(time) ; hu:long_name = "Wind component (East)" ; hu:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hu:units = "m/s" ; hu:Package = "cvwind1" ; hu:matlab_name = "UWIND1" ; hu:raw_name = "unknown" ; hu:Dependencies = " " ; hu:OutputRate = 1 ; hu:Correction = "GPS velocity correction applied" ; float hv(time) ; hv:long_name = "Wind component (North)" ; hv:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hv:units = "m/s" ; hv:Package = "cvwind1" ; hv:matlab_name = "VWIND1" ; hv:raw_name = "unknown" ; hv:Dependencies = " " ; hv:OutputRate = 1 ; hv:Correction = "GPS velocity correction applied" ; float hw(time) ; hw:long_name = "Wind component (Vertical)" ; hw:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hw:units = "m/s" ; hw:Package = "cvwind1" ; hw:matlab_name = "WWIND1" ; hw:raw_name = "unknown" ; hw:Dependencies = " " ; hw:OutputRate = 1 ; float ux(time) ; ux:long_name = "Wind component (horizontal longitudinal)" ; ux:Status = "Derived Variable" ; ux:units = "m/s" ; ux:Package = "cvwind1" ; ux:matlab_name = "ux1" ; ux:raw_name = "unknown" ; ux:Dependencies = " " ; ux:OutputRate = 1 ; float vy(time) ; vy:long_name = "Wind component (horizontal lateral)" ; vy:Status = "Derived Variable" ; vy:units = "m/s" ; vy:Package = "cvwind1" ; vy:matlab_name = "vy1" ; vy:raw_name = "unknown" ; vy:Dependencies = " " ; vy:OutputRate = 1 ; float hwf(time) ; hwf:long_name = "Wind component (Vertical, high pass filtered)" ; hwf:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hwf:units = "m/s" ; hwf:Package = "cvwind1" ; hwf:matlab_name = "WWINDF1" ; hwf:raw_name = "unknown" ; hwf:Dependencies = " " ; hwf:OutputRate = 1 ; float htrk(time) ; htrk:long_name = "Track angle (IRS uncorrected)" ; htrk:Status = "Derived Variable" ; htrk:units = "degree_T" ; htrk:Package = "get_irs1" ; htrk:matlab_name = "HTRK1" ; htrk:Dependencies = " " ; htrk:raw_name = "unknown" ; htrk:OutputRate = 1 ; float hwdir(time) ; hwdir:long_name = "Wind direction (from)" ; hwdir:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hwdir:units = "degree_T" ; hwdir:Package = "cvwind1" ; hwdir:matlab_name = "hwdir1" ; hwdir:Dependencies = " " ; hwdir:raw_name = "unknown" ; hwdir:OutputRate = 1 ; hwdir:Correction = "GPS velocity correction applied" ; float hwmag(time) ; hwmag:long_name = "Wind magnitude" ; hwmag:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hwmag:units = "m/s" ; hwmag:Package = "cvwind1" ; hwmag:matlab_name = "hwmag1" ; hwmag:Dependencies = " " ; hwmag:raw_name = "unknown" ; hwmag:OutputRate = 1 ; hwmag:Correction = "GPS velocity correction applied" ; float hpitch(time) ; hpitch:long_name = "Pitch angle " ; hpitch:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hpitch:units = "degree" ; hpitch:Package = "cvwind1" ; hpitch:matlab_name = "HPITCH1" ; hpitch:raw_name = "unknown" ; hpitch:Dependencies = " " ; hpitch:OutputRate = 1 ; hpitch:MissingValues = 49 ; float hroll(time) ; hroll:long_name = "Roll angle" ; hroll:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hroll:units = "degree" ; hroll:Package = "cvwind1" ; hroll:matlab_name = "HROLL1" ; hroll:raw_name = "unknown" ; hroll:Dependencies = " " ; hroll:OutputRate = 1 ; hroll:MissingValues = 49 ; float hthead(time) ; hthead:long_name = "Heading angle (true)" ; hthead:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hthead:units = "degree_T" ; hthead:Package = "cvwind1" ; hthead:matlab_name = "HTHEAD1" ; hthead:raw_name = "unknown" ; hthead:Dependencies = " " ; hthead:OutputRate = 1 ; hthead:MissingValues = 25 ; float hgs(time) ; hgs:long_name = "Ground Speed (IRS, uncorrected)" ; hgs:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hgs:units = "m/s" ; hgs:Package = "get_irs1" ; hgs:matlab_name = "HGS1" ; hgs:Dependencies = " " ; hgs:raw_name = "unknown" ; hgs:OutputRate = 1 ; float hpitchr(time) ; hpitchr:long_name = "Pitch angle rate " ; hpitchr:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hpitchr:units = "radian/sec" ; hpitchr:Package = "get_irs1" ; hpitchr:matlab_name = "HPITCHR1" ; hpitchr:raw_name = "unknown" ; hpitchr:Dependencies = " " ; hpitchr:OutputRate = 1 ; hpitchr:MissingValues = 49 ; float hrollr(time) ; hrollr:long_name = "Roll angle rate " ; hrollr:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hrollr:units = "radian/sec" ; hrollr:Package = "get_irs1" ; hrollr:matlab_name = "HROLLR1" ; hrollr:raw_name = "unknown" ; hrollr:Dependencies = " " ; hrollr:OutputRate = 1 ; hrollr:MissingValues = 49 ; float hyawr(time) ; hyawr:long_name = "Yaw angle rate" ; hyawr:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hyawr:units = "radian/sec" ; hyawr:Package = "get_irs1" ; hyawr:matlab_name = "HYAWR1" ; hyawr:raw_name = "unknown" ; hyawr:Dependencies = " " ; hyawr:OutputRate = 1 ; hyawr:MissingValues = 49 ; float hlata(time) ; hlata:long_name = "Lateral acceleration, body axis (IRS)" ; hlata:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hlata:units = "g" ; hlata:Package = "get_irs1" ; hlata:matlab_name = "HLATA1" ; hlata:raw_name = "unknown" ; hlata:Dependencies = " " ; hlata:OutputRate = 1 ; hlata:MissingValues = 49 ; float hlonga(time) ; hlonga:long_name = "Longitudinal acceleration, body axis (IRS)" ; hlonga:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hlonga:units = "g" ; hlonga:Package = "get_irs1" ; hlonga:matlab_name = "HLONGA1" ; hlonga:raw_name = "unknown" ; hlonga:Dependencies = " " ; hlonga:OutputRate = 1 ; hlonga:MissingValues = 49 ; float hnorma(time) ; hnorma:long_name = "Normal acceleration, body axis(IRS)" ; hnorma:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hnorma:units = "g" ; hnorma:Package = "get_irs1" ; hnorma:matlab_name = "HNORMA1" ; hnorma:raw_name = "unknown" ; hnorma:Dependencies = " " ; hnorma:OutputRate = 1 ; hnorma:MissingValues = 49 ; float hivs(time) ; hivs:long_name = "Inertial vertical speed (IRS)" ; hivs:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hivs:units = "m/s" ; hivs:Package = "get_irs1" ; hivs:matlab_name = "HIVS1" ; hivs:raw_name = "unknown" ; hivs:Dependencies = " " ; hivs:OutputRate = 1 ; hivs:MissingValues = 25 ; float hia(time) ; hia:long_name = "Inertial altitude (IRS)" ; hia:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hia:units = "m" ; hia:Package = "get_irs1" ; hia:matlab_name = "HIA1" ; hia:raw_name = "unknown" ; hia:Dependencies = " " ; hia:OutputRate = 1 ; float hacz3(time) ; hacz3:long_name = "Vertical acceleration (inertial-baro)" ; hacz3:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hacz3:units = "m/s2" ; hacz3:Package = "cvwind1" ; hacz3:matlab_name = "acz3s" ; hacz3:raw_name = "unknown" ; hacz3:Dependencies = " " ; hacz3:OutputRate = 1 ; float hwp3(time) ; hwp3:long_name = "Vertical speed (inertial-baro)" ; hwp3:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hwp3:units = "m/s" ; hwp3:Package = "cvwind1" ; hwp3:matlab_name = "wnb1" ; hwp3:raw_name = "unknown" ; hwp3:Dependencies = " " ; hwp3:OutputRate = 1 ; float hi3(time) ; hi3:long_name = "Height (inertial-baro)" ; hi3:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hi3:units = "meters" ; hi3:Package = "cvwind1" ; hi3:matlab_name = "hi3s" ; hi3:raw_name = "unknown" ; hi3:Dependencies = " " ; hi3:OutputRate = 1 ; float tas(time) ; tas:long_name = "True Airspeed " ; tas:Status = "Derived Variable" ; tas:units = "m/s" ; tas:Package = "cvwind1" ; tas:matlab_name = "tas1" ; tas:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; tas:raw_name = "unknown" ; tas:Dependencies = " " ; tas:OutputRate = 1 ; float TASX(time) ; TASX:long_name = "True Airspeed (same as tas)" ; TASX:Status = "Derived Variable" ; TASX:units = "m/s" ; TASX:Package = "cvwind1" ; TASX:matlab_name = "tas1" ; TASX:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; TASX:raw_name = "unknown" ; TASX:Dependencies = " " ; TASX:OutputRate = 1 ; float alpha(time) ; alpha:long_name = "Attack angle (corrected)" ; alpha:Status = "Derived Variable" ; alpha:units = "radians" ; alpha:Package = "cvwind1" ; alpha:matlab_name = "alpha1" ; alpha:raw_name = "unknown" ; alpha:Dependencies = " " ; alpha:OutputRate = 1 ; float beta(time) ; beta:long_name = "Sideslip angle (corrected)" ; beta:Status = "Derived Variable" ; beta:units = "radians" ; beta:Package = "cvwind1" ; beta:matlab_name = "beta1" ; beta:raw_name = "unknown" ; beta:Dependencies = " " ; beta:OutputRate = 1 ; float ralt1(time) ; ralt1:long_name = "Radar altitude (King)" ; ralt1:Status = "Derived Variable" ; ralt1:units = "meter" ; ralt1:Package = "get_misc1" ; ralt1:matlab_name = "RALT1_1" ; ralt1:Dependencies = " " ; ralt1:raw_name = "unknown" ; ralt1:OutputRate = 1 ; float LAT(time) ; LAT:long_name = "Latitude (not corrected with GPS)" ; LAT:Status = "Derived Variable" ; LAT:units = "degree_N" ; LAT:Package = "get_data1" ; LAT:matlab_name = "HLAT1" ; LAT:raw_name = "unknown" ; LAT:Dependencies = " " ; LAT:OutputRate = 1 ; float LON(time) ; LON:long_name = "Longitude (not corrected with GPS)" ; LON:Status = "Derived Variable" ; LON:units = "degree_E" ; LON:Package = "get_data1" ; LON:matlab_name = "HLON1" ; LON:raw_name = "unknown" ; LON:Dependencies = " " ; LON:OutputRate = 1 ; float hlat(time) ; hlat:long_name = "Latitude (uncorrected, IRS)" ; hlat:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hlat:units = "degree_N" ; hlat:Package = "get_irs1" ; hlat:offset = 0. ; hlat:matlab_name = "HLAT1" ; hlat:raw_name = "unknown" ; hlat:Dependencies = " " ; hlat:OutputRate = 1 ; hlat:MissingValues = 7 ; float hlon(time) ; hlon:long_name = "Longitude (uncorrected, IRS)" ; hlon:Status = "Derived Variable" ; hlon:units = "degree_E" ; hlon:Package = "get_irs1" ; hlon:offset = 0. ; hlon:matlab_name = "HLON1" ; hlon:raw_name = "unknown" ; hlon:Dependencies = " " ; hlon:OutputRate = 1 ; hlon:MissingValues = 7 ; float GLAT(time) ; GLAT:long_name = "Latitude GPS" ; GLAT:Status = "Derived Variable" ; GLAT:units = "degree_N" ; GLAT:Package = "get_gps1" ; GLAT:matlab_name = "glat1" ; GLAT:raw_name = "unknown" ; GLAT:Dependencies = " " ; GLAT:OutputRate = 1 ; float GLON(time) ; GLON:long_name = "Longitude GPS" ; GLON:Status = "Derived Variable" ; GLON:units = "degree_E" ; GLON:Package = "get_gps1" ; GLON:matlab_name = "glon1" ; GLON:raw_name = "unknown" ; GLON:Dependencies = " " ; GLON:OutputRate = 1 ; float GALT(time) ; GALT:long_name = "Altitude GPS" ; GALT:Status = "Derived Variable" ; GALT:units = "m" ; GALT:Package = "get_gps1" ; GALT:matlab_name = "galt1" ; GALT:raw_name = "unknown" ; GALT:Dependencies = " " ; GALT:OutputRate = 1 ; float glat(time) ; glat:long_name = "Latitude GPS" ; glat:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; glat:units = "degree_N" ; glat:Package = "get_gps1" ; glat:matlab_name = "glat1" ; glat:raw_name = "unknown" ; glat:Dependencies = " " ; glat:OutputRate = 1 ; float glon(time) ; glon:long_name = "Longitude GPS" ; glon:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; glon:units = "degree_E" ; glon:Package = "get_gps1" ; glon:matlab_name = "glon1" ; glon:raw_name = "unknown" ; glon:Dependencies = " " ; glon:OutputRate = 1 ; float galt(time) ; galt:long_name = "Altitude GPS" ; galt:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; galt:units = "m" ; galt:Package = "get_gps1" ; galt:matlab_name = "galt1" ; galt:raw_name = "unknown" ; galt:Dependencies = " " ; galt:OutputRate = 1 ; float gvns(time) ; gvns:long_name = "Ground velocity component North GPS" ; gvns:Status = "Derived Variable" ; gvns:units = "m/s" ; gvns:Package = "get_gps1" ; gvns:matlab_name = "gvns1" ; gvns:raw_name = "unknown" ; gvns:Dependencies = " " ; gvns:OutputRate = 1 ; float gvew(time) ; gvew:long_name = "Ground velocity component East GPS" ; gvew:Status = "Derived Variable" ; gvew:units = "m/s" ; gvew:Package = "get_gps1" ; gvew:matlab_name = "gvew1" ; gvew:raw_name = "unknown" ; gvew:Dependencies = " " ; gvew:OutputRate = 1 ; float gvz(time) ; gvz:long_name = "Ground velocity component Vertical GPS" ; gvz:Status = "Derived Variable" ; gvz:units = "m/s" ; gvz:Package = "get_gps1" ; gvz:matlab_name = "gvz1" ; gvz:raw_name = "unknown" ; gvz:Dependencies = " " ; gvz:OutputRate = 1 ; double LATC(time) ; LATC:long_name = "Latitude (IRS, gps corrected) " ; LATC:Status = "Derived Variable" ; LATC:units = "degree_N" ; LATC:Package = "get_data1" ; LATC:matlab_name = "LATC1" ; LATC:raw_name = "unknown" ; LATC:Dependencies = " " ; LATC:OutputRate = 1 ; double LONC(time) ; LONC:long_name = "Longitude (IRS gps corrected)" ; LONC:Status = "Derived Variable" ; LONC:units = "degree_E" ; LONC:Package = "get_data1" ; LONC:matlab_name = "LONC1" ; LONC:raw_name = "unknown" ; LONC:Dependencies = " " ; LONC:OutputRate = 1 ; float xerr(time) ; xerr:long_name = "Position error (x-component)" ; xerr:Status = "Derived Variable" ; xerr:units = "km" ; xerr:Package = "get_gps1" ; xerr:matlab_name = "xerr1" ; xerr:raw_name = "unknown" ; xerr:Dependencies = " " ; xerr:OutputRate = 1 ; float yerr(time) ; yerr:long_name = "Position error (y-component)" ; yerr:Status = "Derived Variable" ; yerr:units = "km" ; yerr:Package = "get_gps1" ; yerr:matlab_name = "yerr1" ; yerr:raw_name = "unknown" ; yerr:Dependencies = " " ; yerr:OutputRate = 1 ; float uerr(time) ; uerr:long_name = "Velocity error (x-component)" ; uerr:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; uerr:units = "m/s" ; uerr:Package = "get_gps1" ; uerr:matlab_name = "uerr1" ; uerr:raw_name = "unknown" ; uerr:Dependencies = " " ; uerr:OutputRate = 1 ; float verr(time) ; verr:long_name = "Velocity error (y-component)" ; verr:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; verr:units = "m/s" ; verr:Package = "get_gps1" ; verr:matlab_name = "verr1" ; verr:raw_name = "unknown" ; verr:Dependencies = " " ; verr:OutputRate = 1 ; float hwind_qflag(time) ; hwind_qflag:long_name = "Horizontal Wind Correction Quality flag (0=accept, -1=reject)" ; hwind_qflag:units = "number" ; hwind_qflag:Category = "Derived" ; hwind_qflag:SampleRate = 1 ; hwind_qflag:Package = "get_names1" ; hwind_qflag:matlab_name = "qflag1" ; hwind_qflag:Dependencies = " " ; hwind_qflag:raw_name = "unknown" ; hwind_qflag:OutputRate = 1 ; float topo(time) ; topo:long_name = "Topography from database" ; topo:Status = "Derived Variable" ; topo:units = "m" ; topo:database = "aster" ; topo:datum = "WGS84" ; topo:Package = "get_topo1" ; topo:matlab_name = "talt1" ; topo:missing_value = -32768 ; topo:Dependencies = "2 HLAT HLON" ; topo:raw_name = "unknown" ; topo:OutputRate = 1 ; float xdist(time) ; xdist:long_name = "Position (east)" ; xdist:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; xdist:units = "km" ; xdist:Package = "get_gps1" ; xdist:matlab_name = "xdist1" ; xdist:raw_name = "unknown" ; xdist:Dependencies = " " ; xdist:OutputRate = 1 ; float ydist(time) ; ydist:long_name = "Position (north)" ; ydist:Status = "GPS processing enabled" ; ydist:units = "km" ; ydist:Package = "get_gps1" ; ydist:matlab_name = "ydist1" ; ydist:Dependencies = " " ; ydist:raw_name = "unknown" ; ydist:OutputRate = 1 ; float lwc100(time) ; lwc100:long_name = "Liquid water content (DMT100)" ; lwc100:Status = "Derived Variable" ; lwc100:units = "gram/m3" ; lwc100:Package = "get_misc1" ; lwc100:matlab_name = "LWC100_1" ; lwc100:Dependencies = " " ; lwc100:raw_name = "unknown" ; lwc100:OutputRate = 1 ; lwc100:MissingValues = 1251. ; lwc100:Comment = "Default wire temperature coefficient used" ; lwc100:WireTempCoeff = -1.4444, 108.9922 ; lwc100:EstClearAirPercent = 73.4 ; lwc100:WireTempModel = "Power model" ; float rlwc(time) ; rlwc:long_name = "Liquid water content from Rosemount 871 icing probe" ; rlwc:Category = "Derived" ; rlwc:units = "gram/m3" ; rlwc:SampleRate = 100 ; rlwc:module = "!IP330_1" ; rlwc:channel = 16 ; rlwc:type = "analog" ; rlwc:Package = "get_icing1" ; rlwc:matlab_name = "RLWC1" ; rlwc:Dependencies = " " ; rlwc:raw_name = "unknown" ; rlwc:OutputRate = 1 ; float rid_cycles(time) ; rid_cycles:long_name = "Icing cycles from Rosemount 871 icing detector" ; rid_cycles:Category = "Derived" ; rid_cycles:units = "count" ; rid_cycles:SampleRate = 100 ; rid_cycles:module = "!IP330_1" ; rid_cycles:channel = 16 ; rid_cycles:type = "analog" ; rid_cycles:Package = "get_icing1" ; rid_cycles:matlab_name = "NRIP1" ; rid_cycles:Dependencies = " " ; rid_cycles:raw_name = "unknown" ; rid_cycles:OutputRate = 1 ; float pvmlwc(time) ; pvmlwc:long_name = "PVM-100A (Gerber) liquid water content" ; pvmlwc:Category = "Derived" ; pvmlwc:units = "gram/m3" ; pvmlwc:SampleRate = 100 ; pvmlwc:module = "!IP330_1" ; pvmlwc:channel = 16 ; pvmlwc:type = "analog" ; pvmlwc:Package = "get_data1" ; pvmlwc:matlab_name = "PVMLWC1" ; pvmlwc:Dependencies = " " ; pvmlwc:raw_name = "unknown" ; pvmlwc:OutputRate = 1 ; pvmlwc:MissingValues = 1251 ; pvmlwc:Baseline = 0.1433329f ; float pvmre_c(time) ; pvmre_c:long_name = "PVM-100A (Gerber) effective radius (computed from lwc and psa)" ; pvmre_c:Category = "Derived" ; pvmre_c:units = "micrometer" ; pvmre_c:SampleRate = 100 ; pvmre_c:type = "analog" ; pvmre_c:Package = "get_data1" ; pvmre_c:matlab_name = "PVMRE_C1" ; pvmre_c:Dependencies = " " ; pvmre_c:raw_name = "unknown" ; pvmre_c:OutputRate = 1 ; float pvmpsa(time) ; pvmpsa:long_name = "PVM-100A (Gerber) particle surface area" ; pvmpsa:Category = "Derived" ; pvmpsa:units = "cm2/m3" ; pvmpsa:SampleRate = 100 ; pvmpsa:module = "!IP330_1" ; pvmpsa:channel = 13 ; pvmpsa:type = "analog" ; pvmpsa:Package = "get_data1" ; pvmpsa:matlab_name = "PVMPSA1" ; pvmpsa:Dependencies = " " ; pvmpsa:raw_name = "unknown" ; pvmpsa:OutputRate = 1 ; pvmpsa:MissingValues = 1251 ; pvmpsa:Baseline = 248.22f ; float thetad(time) ; thetad:long_name = "Potential temperature (dry)" ; thetad:Status = "Derived Variable" ; thetad:units = "K" ; thetad:Package = "get_misc1" ; thetad:matlab_name = "THETAD1" ; thetad:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; thetad:Dependencies = " " ; thetad:raw_name = "unknown" ; thetad:OutputRate = 1 ; thetad:TempUsed = "trf" ; thetad:PressUsed = "ps_hads_a" ; float thetae(time) ; thetae:long_name = "Equivalent potential temperature" ; thetae:Status = "Derived Variable" ; thetae:units = "K" ; thetae:Package = "get_misc1" ; thetae:matlab_name = "THETAE1" ; thetae:StaticDefect = "Corrected" ; thetae:Dependencies = " " ; thetae:raw_name = "unknown" ; thetae:OutputRate = 1 ; thetae:TempUsed = "trf" ; thetae:PressUsed = "ps_hads_a" ; float twodp(time) ; twodp:long_name = "2DP shadow OR concentration" ; twodp:units = "liter-1" ; twodp:SampleRate = 10 ; twodp:Package = "get_misc1" ; twodp:matlab_name = "SO2DP" ; twodp:Dependencies = " " ; twodp:raw_name = "unknown" ; twodp:OutputRate = 1 ; float FRST_IBL(time) ; FRST_IBL:units = "counts" ; FRST_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Fast Resets" ; FRST_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; FRST_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; FRST_IBL:SampledRate = 50 ; FRST_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; FRST_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; FRST_IBL:matlab_name = "Resets1_IBL" ; FRST_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; FRST_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; float AFSSP_IBL(time, sps1, Vec16) ; AFSSP_IBL:units = "counts" ; AFSSP_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Raw Accumulation (per cell)" ; AFSSP_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; AFSSP_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; AFSSP_IBL:SampledRate = 10 ; AFSSP_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; AFSSP_IBL:matlab_name = "Fssp1_IBL" ; AFSSP_IBL:VectorLength = 16 ; AFSSP_IBL:SerialNumber = "413-0577-12" ; AFSSP_IBL:FirstBin = 1 ; AFSSP_IBL:LastBin = 15 ; AFSSP_IBL:CellSizes = 1.5f, 4.5f, 7.5f, 10.5f, 13.5f, 16.5f, 19.5f, 22.5f, 25.5f, 28.5f, 31.5f, 34.5f, 37.5f, 40.5f, 43.5f, 47.5f, 1.f, 3.f, 5.f, 7.f, 9.f, 11.f, 13.f, 15.f, 17.f, 19.f, 21.f, 23.f, 25.f, 27.f, 29.f, 31.f, 0.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f, 4.5f, 5.5f, 6.5f, 7.5f, 8.5f, 9.5f, 10.5f, 11.5f, 12.5f, 13.5f, 14.5f, 15.5f, 0.25f, 0.75f, 1.25f, 1.75f, 2.25f, 2.75f, 3.25f, 3.75f, 4.25f, 4.75f, 5.25f, 5.75f, 6.25f, 6.75f, 7.25f, 7.75f ; AFSSP_IBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; AFSSP_IBL:Density = 1.f ; AFSSP_IBL:PLWfactor = 1.e-06f ; AFSSP_IBL:DBZfactor = 1000000.f ; AFSSP_IBL:comment0 = "Bins are indexed 0 - 15 " ; AFSSP_IBL:comment1 = "Measured: 15 bins (1-15); " ; AFSSP_IBL:comment2 = "Bin 0 is empty (compatibility). Bins 1-15 contain accumulations from probe;" ; AFSSP_IBL:comment3 = "FirstBin=1, LastBin=15; Those bins are used for concentration calculations;" ; AFSSP_IBL:comment4 = "CellSizes are bin edges for bin 1-15 (lower edge of bin 1 is uncertain)." ; AFSSP_IBL:DepthOfField = 2.483 ; AFSSP_IBL:BeamDiameter = 0.197 ; float CFSSP_IBL(time, sps1, Vec16) ; CFSSP_IBL:units = "cm-3" ; CFSSP_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Accumulation (per cell)" ; CFSSP_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CFSSP_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; CFSSP_IBL:SampledRate = 10 ; CFSSP_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; CFSSP_IBL:VectorLength = 16 ; CFSSP_IBL:SerialNumber = "413-0577-12" ; CFSSP_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; CFSSP_IBL:matlab_name = "concf1_IBL" ; CFSSP_IBL:CellSizes = 1.5f, 4.5f, 7.5f, 10.5f, 13.5f, 16.5f, 19.5f, 22.5f, 25.5f, 28.5f, 31.5f, 34.5f, 37.5f, 40.5f, 43.5f, 47.5f, 1.f, 3.f, 5.f, 7.f, 9.f, 11.f, 13.f, 15.f, 17.f, 19.f, 21.f, 23.f, 25.f, 27.f, 29.f, 31.f, 0.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f, 4.5f, 5.5f, 6.5f, 7.5f, 8.5f, 9.5f, 10.5f, 11.5f, 12.5f, 13.5f, 14.5f, 15.5f, 0.25f, 0.75f, 1.25f, 1.75f, 2.25f, 2.75f, 3.25f, 3.75f, 4.25f, 4.75f, 5.25f, 5.75f, 6.25f, 6.75f, 7.25f, 7.75f ; CFSSP_IBL:FirstBin = 1 ; CFSSP_IBL:LastBin = 15 ; CFSSP_IBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CFSSP_IBL:Density = 1.f ; CFSSP_IBL:PLWfactor = 1.e-06f ; CFSSP_IBL:DBZfactor = 1000000.f ; CFSSP_IBL:comment0 = "Bins are indexed 0 - 15 " ; CFSSP_IBL:comment1 = "Measured: 15 bins (1-15); " ; CFSSP_IBL:comment2 = "Bin 0 is empty (compatibility). Bins 1-15 contain accumulations from probe;" ; CFSSP_IBL:comment3 = "FirstBin=1, LastBin=15; Those bins are used for concentration calculations;" ; CFSSP_IBL:comment4 = "CellSizes are bin edges for bin 1-15 (lower edge of bin 1 is uncertain)." ; CFSSP_IBL:DepthOfField = 2.483 ; CFSSP_IBL:BeamDiameter = 0.197 ; float CONCF_IBL(time) ; CONCF_IBL:units = "cm-3" ; CONCF_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells)" ; CONCF_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CONCF_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; CONCF_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; CONCF_IBL:matlab_name = "fconc1_IBL" ; CONCF_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; CONCF_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; CONCF_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float DBARF_IBL(time) ; DBARF_IBL:units = "um" ; DBARF_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter" ; DBARF_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; DBARF_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; DBARF_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; DBARF_IBL:matlab_name = "Dbar_IBL" ; DBARF_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; DBARF_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; DBARF_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float FBMFR_IBL(time) ; FBMFR_IBL:units = "fraction" ; FBMFR_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Beam Fraction" ; FBMFR_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; FBMFR_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; FBMFR_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; FBMFR_IBL:matlab_name = "BeamFraction1_IBL" ; FBMFR_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; FBMFR_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; FBMFR_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float FACT_IBL(time) ; FACT_IBL:units = "none" ; FACT_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Activity Fraction" ; FACT_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; FACT_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; FACT_IBL:SampledRate = 50 ; FACT_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; FACT_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; FACT_IBL:matlab_name = "Activity1_IBL" ; FACT_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; FACT_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; float FSTB_IBL(time) ; FSTB_IBL:units = "counts" ; FSTB_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Total Strobes" ; FSTB_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; FSTB_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; FSTB_IBL:SampledRate = 50 ; FSTB_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; FSTB_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1.m" ; FSTB_IBL:matlab_name = "TotalStrobes1_IBL" ; FSTB_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; FSTB_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; float FRNG_IBL(time) ; FRNG_IBL:units = "none" ; FRNG_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Size Range Category" ; FRNG_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; FRNG_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; FRNG_IBL:SampledRate = 1 ; FRNG_IBL:VectorLength = 1 ; FRNG_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; FRNG_IBL:matlab_name = "frange1_IBL" ; FRNG_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; FRNG_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; FRNG_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float PLWCF_IBL(time) ; PLWCF_IBL:units = "gram/m3" ; PLWCF_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Water Content" ; PLWCF_IBL:Category = "Derived PMS Probe" ; PLWCF_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; PLWCF_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; PLWCF_IBL:matlab_name = "flwc1_IBL" ; PLWCF_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; PLWCF_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; PLWCF_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float REffective_IBL(time) ; REffective_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 effective radius" ; REffective_IBL:Category = "Derived" ; REffective_IBL:units = "um" ; REffective_IBL:SampleRate = 10 ; REffective_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; REffective_IBL:matlab_name = "REffective1_IBL" ; REffective_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; REffective_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; REffective_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float SurfArea_IBL(time) ; SurfArea_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Particle Surface Area" ; SurfArea_IBL:Category = "Derived" ; SurfArea_IBL:units = "cm2/m3" ; SurfArea_IBL:SampleRate = 10 ; SurfArea_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; SurfArea_IBL:matlab_name = "SurfArea1_IBL" ; SurfArea_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; SurfArea_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; SurfArea_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float RBarVol_IBL(time) ; RBarVol_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 Mean volume radius" ; RBarVol_IBL:Category = "Derived" ; RBarVol_IBL:units = "um" ; RBarVol_IBL:SampleRate = 10 ; RBarVol_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; RBarVol_IBL:matlab_name = "RBarVol1_IBL" ; RBarVol_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; RBarVol_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; RBarVol_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float FDOFFR_IBL(time) ; FDOFFR_IBL:units = "fraction" ; FDOFFR_IBL:long_name = "FSSP-100 DOF Fraction" ; FDOFFR_IBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; FDOFFR_IBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; FDOFFR_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; FDOFFR_IBL:matlab_name = "DOFFraction1_IBL" ; FDOFFR_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; FDOFFR_IBL:raw_name = "unknown" ; FDOFFR_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float jlb_conc2_IBL(time) ; jlb_conc2_IBL:long_name = "FSSP droplet concentration (JLB) method 2 " ; jlb_conc2_IBL:Status = "JLB variable FSSP" ; jlb_conc2_IBL:units = "cm-3" ; jlb_conc2_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; jlb_conc2_IBL:matlab_name = "jlb_conc2_IBL" ; jlb_conc2_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; jlb_conc2_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float jlb_conc3_IBL(time) ; jlb_conc3_IBL:long_name = "FSSP droplet concentration (JLB) method 3 " ; jlb_conc3_IBL:Status = "JLB variable FSSP" ; jlb_conc3_IBL:units = "cm-3" ; jlb_conc3_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; jlb_conc3_IBL:matlab_name = "jlb_conc3_IBL" ; jlb_conc3_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; jlb_conc3_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float jlb_conc4_IBL(time) ; jlb_conc4_IBL:long_name = "FSSP droplet concentration (JLB) method 4 " ; jlb_conc4_IBL:Status = "JLB variable FSSP" ; jlb_conc4_IBL:units = "cm-3" ; jlb_conc4_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; jlb_conc4_IBL:matlab_name = "jlb_conc4_IBL " ; jlb_conc4_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; jlb_conc4_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float jlb_lwc2_IBL(time) ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:long_name = "FSSP liquid water content (JLB) method 2" ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:Status = "JLB variable FSSP" ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:units = "gram/m3" ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:matlab_name = "jlb_lwc2_IBL" ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; jlb_lwc2_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float jlb_lwc3_IBL(time) ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:long_name = "FSSP liquid water content (JLB) method 3" ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:Status = "JLB variable FSSP" ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:units = "gram/m3" ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:matlab_name = "jlb_lwc3_IBL" ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; jlb_lwc3_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float jlb_lwc4_IBL(time) ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:long_name = "FSSP liquid water content (JLB) method 4" ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:Status = "JLB variable FSSP" ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:units = "gram/m3" ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:Package = "get_fssp1" ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:matlab_name = "jlb_lwc4_IBL" ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:Dependencies = " " ; jlb_lwc4_IBL:OutputRate = 1 ; float ACDP_NRB(time, sps1, Vec31) ; ACDP_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP number (per cell)" ; ACDP_NRB:units = "number" ; ACDP_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; ACDP_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; ACDP_NRB:FirstBin = 1 ; ACDP_NRB:LastBin = 30 ; ACDP_NRB:VectorLength = 31 ; ACDP_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; ACDP_NRB:matlab_name = "ACDP" ; ACDP_NRB:CellSizes = 1.875f, 2.91f, 3.94f, 4.98f, 6.01f, 7.045f, 8.08f, 9.11f, 10.15f, 11.18f, 12.215f, 13.25f, 15.01f, 16.775f, 18.54f, 20.3f, 22.06f, 23.825f, 25.59f, 27.35f, 29.11f, 30.875f, 32.64f, 34.4f, 36.16f, 37.925f, 39.69f, 41.45f, 43.21f, 44.975f, 46.75f ; ACDP_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; ACDP_NRB:SerialNumber = "CDP-0906-055" ; ACDP_NRB:comment0 = "Bins are indexed 0 - 30 " ; ACDP_NRB:comment1 = "Measured: 30 bins (1-30); " ; ACDP_NRB:comment2 = "Bin 0 is empty (compatibility). Bins 1-30 contain accumulations from probe;" ; ACDP_NRB:comment4 = "FirstBin=1, LastBin=30; Those bins are used for concentration calculations;" ; ACDP_NRB:comment5 = "CellSizes are bin edges for bin 1-30 (lower edge of bin 1 is uncertain)." ; float CCDP_NRB(time, sps1, Vec31) ; CCDP_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP concentration (per cell)" ; CCDP_NRB:units = "cm-3" ; CCDP_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCDP_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; CCDP_NRB:FirstBin = 1 ; CCDP_NRB:LastBin = 30 ; CCDP_NRB:VectorLength = 31 ; CCDP_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; CCDP_NRB:matlab_name = "CCDP" ; CCDP_NRB:CellSizes = 1.875f, 2.91f, 3.94f, 4.98f, 6.01f, 7.045f, 8.08f, 9.11f, 10.15f, 11.18f, 12.215f, 13.25f, 15.01f, 16.775f, 18.54f, 20.3f, 22.06f, 23.825f, 25.59f, 27.35f, 29.11f, 30.875f, 32.64f, 34.4f, 36.16f, 37.925f, 39.69f, 41.45f, 43.21f, 44.975f, 46.75f ; CCDP_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; CCDP_NRB:SerialNumber = "CDP-0906-055" ; CCDP_NRB:comment0 = "Bins are indexed 0 - 30 " ; CCDP_NRB:comment1 = "Measured: 30 bins (1-30); " ; CCDP_NRB:comment2 = "Bin 0 is empty (compatibility). Bins 1-30 contain accumulations from probe;" ; CCDP_NRB:comment4 = "FirstBin=1, LastBin=30; Those bins are used for concentration calculations;" ; CCDP_NRB:comment5 = "CellSizes are bin edges for bin 1-30 (lower edge of bin 1 is uncertain)." ; float cdpacc_NRB(time) ; cdpacc_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP Total number" ; cdpacc_NRB:units = "number" ; cdpacc_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; cdpacc_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; cdpacc_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; cdpacc_NRB:matlab_name = "CDPTot" ; cdpacc_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; float cdpconc_NRB(time) ; cdpconc_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP Total Concentration" ; cdpconc_NRB:units = "cm-3" ; cdpconc_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; cdpconc_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; cdpconc_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; cdpconc_NRB:matlab_name = "CDPConc" ; cdpconc_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; float cdplwc_NRB(time) ; cdplwc_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP Liquid Water Content" ; cdplwc_NRB:units = "g m-3" ; cdplwc_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; cdplwc_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; cdplwc_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; cdplwc_NRB:matlab_name = "CDPLWC" ; cdplwc_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; float cdpdbar_NRB(time) ; cdpdbar_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP Mean Diameter" ; cdpdbar_NRB:units = "um" ; cdpdbar_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; cdpdbar_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; cdpdbar_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; cdpdbar_NRB:matlab_name = "CDPDbar" ; cdpdbar_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; float cdpreff_NRB(time) ; cdpreff_NRB:long_name = "DMT CDP Effective Radius" ; cdpreff_NRB:units = "um" ; cdpreff_NRB:Category = "PMS Probe" ; cdpreff_NRB:SampledRate = 10 ; cdpreff_NRB:Package = "get_cdp1" ; cdpreff_NRB:matlab_name = "CDPReff" ; cdpreff_NRB:OutputRate = 1 ; float vlwcref(time) ; vlwcref:group = "Analog Input" ; vlwcref:ExternalMax = 10. ; vlwcref:InternalMin = -10. ; vlwcref:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; vlwcref:DataTypeCode = 0. ; vlwcref:ExternalMin = -10. ; vlwcref:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; vlwcref:InternalGain = 1. ; vlwcref:DataType = "Double" ; vlwcref:InternalMax = 10. ; vlwcref:ExternalGain = 1. ; vlwcref:SampleRate = 1000. ; vlwcref:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; vlwcref:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; vlwcref:Used = "True" ; vlwcref:location = "NRL" ; vlwcref:VariableName = "VLWCREF" ; vlwcref:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC reference voltage" ; vlwcref:Nnumber = 2.413 ; vlwcref:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; vlwcref:resistance = 2.937 ; vlwcref:SampleArea = 0.325 ; vlwcref:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; vlwcref:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; vlwcref:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:36:10.000" ; vlwcref:units = "volt" ; vlwcref:AnalogCalibration = 0.005278, 1.011648 ; vlwcref:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:40:31.000" ; vlwcref:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI24\'" ; vlwcref:_FillValue = -32767.f ; vlwcref:matlab_name = "VLWCREF1" ; vlwcref:OutputRate = 1 ; float vlwccol(time) ; vlwccol:group = "Analog Input" ; vlwccol:ExternalMax = 10. ; vlwccol:InternalMin = -10. ; vlwccol:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; vlwccol:DataTypeCode = 0. ; vlwccol:ExternalMin = -10. ; vlwccol:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; vlwccol:InternalGain = 1. ; vlwccol:DataType = "Double" ; vlwccol:InternalMax = 10. ; vlwccol:ExternalGain = 1. ; vlwccol:SampleRate = 1000. ; vlwccol:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; vlwccol:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; vlwccol:Used = "True" ; vlwccol:location = "NRL" ; vlwccol:VariableName = "VLWCCOL" ; vlwccol:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC collector voltage" ; vlwccol:SampleArea = 0.478 ; vlwccol:Nnumber = 2.413 ; vlwccol:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; vlwccol:resistance = 2.937 ; vlwccol:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; vlwccol:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; vlwccol:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:37:16.000" ; vlwccol:units = "volt" ; vlwccol:AnalogCalibration = -0.010397, 1.011935 ; vlwccol:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:41:55.000" ; vlwccol:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI25\'" ; vlwccol:_FillValue = -32767.f ; vlwccol:matlab_name = "VLWCCOL1" ; vlwccol:OutputRate = 1 ; float vtwcref(time) ; vtwcref:group = "Analog Input" ; vtwcref:ExternalMax = 10. ; vtwcref:InternalMin = -10. ; vtwcref:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; vtwcref:DataTypeCode = 0. ; vtwcref:ExternalMin = -10. ; vtwcref:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; vtwcref:InternalGain = 1. ; vtwcref:DataType = "Double" ; vtwcref:InternalMax = 10. ; vtwcref:ExternalGain = 1. ; vtwcref:SampleRate = 1000. ; vtwcref:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; vtwcref:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; vtwcref:Used = "True" ; vtwcref:location = "NRL" ; vtwcref:VariableName = "VTWCREF" ; vtwcref:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC reference voltage" ; vtwcref:SampleArea = 0.478 ; vtwcref:Nnumber = 2.284 ; vtwcref:resistance = 3.485 ; vtwcref:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; vtwcref:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; vtwcref:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; vtwcref:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:38:26.000" ; vtwcref:units = "volt" ; vtwcref:AnalogCalibration = 0.001876, 1.012102 ; vtwcref:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:44:39.000" ; vtwcref:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI27\'" ; vtwcref:_FillValue = -32767.f ; vtwcref:matlab_name = "VTWCREF1" ; vtwcref:OutputRate = 1 ; float vtwccol(time) ; vtwccol:group = "Analog Input" ; vtwccol:ExternalMax = 10. ; vtwccol:InternalMin = -10. ; vtwccol:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; vtwccol:DataTypeCode = 0. ; vtwccol:ExternalMin = -10. ; vtwccol:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; vtwccol:InternalGain = 1. ; vtwccol:DataType = "Double" ; vtwccol:InternalMax = 10. ; vtwccol:ExternalGain = 1. ; vtwccol:SampleRate = 1000. ; vtwccol:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; vtwccol:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; vtwccol:Used = "True" ; vtwccol:location = "NRL" ; vtwccol:VariableName = "VTWCCOL" ; vtwccol:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC collector voltage" ; vtwccol:SampleArea = 0.478 ; vtwccol:Nnumber = 2.284 ; vtwccol:resistance = 3.485 ; vtwccol:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; vtwccol:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; vtwccol:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; vtwccol:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:37:46.000" ; vtwccol:units = "volt" ; vtwccol:AnalogCalibration = -0.007195, 1.012325 ; vtwccol:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:43:19.000" ; vtwccol:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI26\'" ; vtwccol:_FillValue = -32767.f ; vtwccol:matlab_name = "VTWCCOL1" ; vtwccol:OutputRate = 1 ; float ilwcref(time) ; ilwcref:group = "Analog Input" ; ilwcref:ExternalMax = 10. ; ilwcref:InternalMin = -10. ; ilwcref:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ilwcref:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ilwcref:ExternalMin = -10. ; ilwcref:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ilwcref:InternalGain = 1. ; ilwcref:DataType = "Double" ; ilwcref:InternalMax = 10. ; ilwcref:ExternalGain = 1. ; ilwcref:SampleRate = 1000. ; ilwcref:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; ilwcref:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; ilwcref:Used = "True" ; ilwcref:location = "NRL" ; ilwcref:VariableName = "ILWCREF" ; ilwcref:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC reference current" ; ilwcref:resistance = 3.485 ; ilwcref:Nnumber = 2.054 ; ilwcref:SampleArea = 0.325 ; ilwcref:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; ilwcref:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; ilwcref:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; ilwcref:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:41:51.000" ; ilwcref:units = "amp" ; ilwcref:AnalogCalibration = 0.007248, 1.012216 ; ilwcref:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:47:16.000" ; ilwcref:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI29\'" ; ilwcref:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ilwcref:matlab_name = "ILWCREF1" ; ilwcref:OutputRate = 1 ; float ilwccol(time) ; ilwccol:group = "Analog Input" ; ilwccol:ExternalMax = 10. ; ilwccol:InternalMin = -10. ; ilwccol:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ilwccol:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ilwccol:ExternalMin = -10. ; ilwccol:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ilwccol:InternalGain = 1. ; ilwccol:DataType = "Double" ; ilwccol:InternalMax = 10. ; ilwccol:ExternalGain = 1. ; ilwccol:SampleRate = 1000. ; ilwccol:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; ilwccol:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; ilwccol:Used = "True" ; ilwccol:location = "NRL" ; ilwccol:VariableName = "ILWCCOL" ; ilwccol:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC collector current" ; ilwccol:resistance = 3.485 ; ilwccol:Nnumber = 2.054 ; ilwccol:SampleArea = 0.325 ; ilwccol:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; ilwccol:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; ilwccol:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; ilwccol:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:38:57.000" ; ilwccol:units = "amp" ; ilwccol:AnalogCalibration = -0.005463, 1.011588 ; ilwccol:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:45:53.000" ; ilwccol:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI28\'" ; ilwccol:_FillValue = -32767.f ; ilwccol:matlab_name = "ILWCCOL1" ; ilwccol:OutputRate = 1 ; float itwcref(time) ; itwcref:group = "Analog Input" ; itwcref:ExternalMax = 10. ; itwcref:InternalMin = -10. ; itwcref:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; itwcref:DataTypeCode = 0. ; itwcref:ExternalMin = -10. ; itwcref:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; itwcref:InternalGain = 1. ; itwcref:DataType = "Double" ; itwcref:InternalMax = 10. ; itwcref:ExternalGain = 1. ; itwcref:SampleRate = 1000. ; itwcref:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; itwcref:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; itwcref:Used = "True" ; itwcref:location = "NRL" ; itwcref:VariableName = "ITWCREF" ; itwcref:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC reference current" ; itwcref:Nnumber = 2.284 ; itwcref:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; itwcref:resistance = 2.362 ; itwcref:SampleArea = 0.478 ; itwcref:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; itwcref:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; itwcref:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:43:35.000" ; itwcref:units = "amp" ; itwcref:AnalogCalibration = -0.003383, 1.011865 ; itwcref:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:49:47.000" ; itwcref:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI31\'" ; itwcref:_FillValue = -32767.f ; itwcref:matlab_name = "ITWCREF1" ; itwcref:OutputRate = 1 ; float itwccol(time) ; itwccol:group = "Analog Input" ; itwccol:ExternalMax = 10. ; itwccol:InternalMin = -10. ; itwccol:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; itwccol:DataTypeCode = 0. ; itwccol:ExternalMin = -10. ; itwccol:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; itwccol:InternalGain = 1. ; itwccol:DataType = "Double" ; itwccol:InternalMax = 10. ; itwccol:ExternalGain = 1. ; itwccol:SampleRate = 1000. ; itwccol:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; itwccol:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; itwccol:Used = "True" ; itwccol:location = "NRL" ; itwccol:VariableName = "ITWCCOL" ; itwccol:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC collector current" ; itwccol:resistance = 3.485 ; itwccol:Nnumber = 2.284 ; itwccol:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; itwccol:SampleArea = 0.478 ; itwccol:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; itwccol:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; itwccol:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 23:42:40.000" ; itwccol:units = "amp" ; itwccol:AnalogCalibration = -0.005675, 1.013978 ; itwccol:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 16:48:37.000" ; itwccol:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI30\'" ; itwccol:_FillValue = -32767.f ; itwccol:matlab_name = "ITWCCOL1" ; itwccol:OutputRate = 1 ; float AIAS_RAW(time) ; AIAS_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; AIAS_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; AIAS_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; AIAS_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; AIAS_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; AIAS_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; AIAS_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; AIAS_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; AIAS_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; AIAS_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; AIAS_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; AIAS_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; AIAS_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; AIAS_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; AIAS_RAW:InstrumentName = "Rosemount0858" ; AIAS_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount 0858 Flow Angle" ; AIAS_RAW:Used = "True" ; AIAS_RAW:VariableName = "AIAS" ; AIAS_RAW:long_name = "Noseboom indicated airspeed" ; AIAS_RAW:SerialNumber = "20006" ; AIAS_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -174.106171, 70.422871 ; AIAS_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 16:55:31" ; AIAS_RAW:units = "hPa" ; AIAS_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; AIAS_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -174.106172, 70.422871 ; AIAS_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 16:50:12.000" ; AIAS_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI0\'" ; AIAS_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPA_RAW(time) ; DPA_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; DPA_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; DPA_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; DPA_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; DPA_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; DPA_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; DPA_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; DPA_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; DPA_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; DPA_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; DPA_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; DPA_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; DPA_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; DPA_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; DPA_RAW:InstrumentName = "Rosemount0858" ; DPA_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount 0858 Flow Angle" ; DPA_RAW:Used = "True" ; DPA_RAW:VariableName = "DPA" ; DPA_RAW:long_name = "Attack angle" ; DPA_RAW:SerialNumber = "19996" ; DPA_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -171.728678, 70.133846 ; DPA_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 15:55:31.000" ; DPA_RAW:units = "hPa" ; DPA_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; DPA_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.006951, 1.012033 ; DPA_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 08:48:13.000" ; DPA_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI1\'" ; DPA_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPB_RAW(time) ; DPB_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; DPB_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; DPB_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; DPB_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; DPB_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; DPB_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; DPB_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; DPB_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; DPB_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; DPB_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; DPB_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; DPB_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; DPB_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; DPB_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; DPB_RAW:InstrumentName = "Rosemount0858" ; DPB_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount 0858 Flow Angle" ; DPB_RAW:Used = "True" ; DPB_RAW:VariableName = "DPB" ; DPB_RAW:long_name = "Sideslip angle" ; DPB_RAW:SerialNumber = "19995" ; DPB_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -173.456896, 69.474126 ; DPB_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 16:00:55.000" ; DPB_RAW:units = "hPa" ; DPB_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; DPB_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.002263, 1.012052 ; DPB_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 08:49:45.000" ; DPB_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI2\'" ; DPB_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPR_RAW(time) ; DPR_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; DPR_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; DPR_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; DPR_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; DPR_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; DPR_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; DPR_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; DPR_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; DPR_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; DPR_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; DPR_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; DPR_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; DPR_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; DPR_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; DPR_RAW:InstrumentName = "Rosemount0858" ; DPR_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount 0858 Flow Angle" ; DPR_RAW:Used = "True" ; DPR_RAW:VariableName = "DPR" ; DPR_RAW:long_name = "Noseboom reference pressure" ; DPR_RAW:SerialNumber = "20007" ; DPR_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -177.165914, 70.733428 ; DPR_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 16:06:14.000" ; DPR_RAW:units = "hPa" ; DPR_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; DPR_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.013517, 1.01214 ; DPR_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 08:51:32.000" ; DPR_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI3\'" ; DPR_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BIAS_RAW(time) ; BIAS_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; BIAS_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; BIAS_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; BIAS_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; BIAS_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; BIAS_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; BIAS_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; BIAS_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; BIAS_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; BIAS_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; BIAS_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; BIAS_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; BIAS_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; BIAS_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; BIAS_RAW:InstrumentName = "Co-pilot IAS" ; BIAS_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Co-pilot Indicated Airspeed" ; BIAS_RAW:Used = "True" ; BIAS_RAW:VariableName = "BIAS" ; BIAS_RAW:long_name = "Co-pilot Indicated Airspeed" ; BIAS_RAW:SerialNumber = "1045" ; BIAS_RAW:SensorModel = "Rosemount 1221" ; BIAS_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -0.214388, 34.78057 ; BIAS_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-03-22 17:06:54.000" ; BIAS_RAW:units = "hPa" ; BIAS_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; BIAS_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.002334, 1.011681 ; BIAS_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 08:54:02.000" ; BIAS_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI4\'" ; BIAS_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PMB_RAW(time) ; PMB_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; PMB_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; PMB_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; PMB_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; PMB_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; PMB_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; PMB_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; PMB_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; PMB_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; PMB_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; PMB_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; PMB_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; PMB_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; PMB_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; PMB_RAW:InstrumentName = "PMB" ; PMB_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Analog Static Pressure" ; PMB_RAW:Used = "True" ; PMB_RAW:VariableName = "PMB" ; PMB_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0.526138, 104.874848 ; PMB_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 14:53:30.000" ; PMB_RAW:units = "hPa" ; PMB_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; PMB_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.014946, 1.011944 ; PMB_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 08:56:25.000" ; PMB_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI5\'" ; PMB_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TROSE_RAW(time) ; TROSE_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; TROSE_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; TROSE_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; TROSE_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; TROSE_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; TROSE_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; TROSE_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; TROSE_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; TROSE_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; TROSE_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; TROSE_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; TROSE_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; TROSE_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; TROSE_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; TROSE_RAW:InstrumentName = "Rosemount Temperature" ; TROSE_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount 102 Temperature" ; TROSE_RAW:Used = "True" ; TROSE_RAW:VariableName = "TROSE" ; TROSE_RAW:long_name = "Rosemount 102 Temperature" ; TROSE_RAW:recoveryFactor = 0.972 ; TROSE_RAW:SerialNumber = "34392" ; TROSE_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -50.541938, 20.298894 ; TROSE_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 19:45:18.000" ; TROSE_RAW:units = "celsius" ; TROSE_RAW:CalibrationType = "Temperature" ; TROSE_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.006854, 1.011591 ; TROSE_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:00:33.000" ; TROSE_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI6\'" ; TROSE_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TRF_RAW(time) ; TRF_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; TRF_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; TRF_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; TRF_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; TRF_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; TRF_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; TRF_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; TRF_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; TRF_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; TRF_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; TRF_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; TRF_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; TRF_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; TRF_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; TRF_RAW:InstrumentName = "Reverse Flow Temperature" ; TRF_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Reverse Flow Temperature" ; TRF_RAW:Used = "True" ; TRF_RAW:VariableName = "TRF" ; TRF_RAW:long_name = "Reverse Flow Temperature" ; TRF_RAW:recoveryFactor = 0.6425 ; TRF_RAW:SerialNumber = "183" ; TRF_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -49.893304, 20.1797 ; TRF_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 19:29:57.000" ; TRF_RAW:units = "celsius" ; TRF_RAW:CalibrationType = "Temperature" ; TRF_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.003792, 1.011889 ; TRF_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:13:09.000" ; TRF_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI7\'" ; TRF_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float GPS0B_RAW(time) ; GPS0B_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; GPS0B_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; GPS0B_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; GPS0B_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; GPS0B_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; GPS0B_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; GPS0B_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; GPS0B_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; GPS0B_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; GPS0B_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; GPS0B_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; GPS0B_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; GPS0B_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; GPS0B_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; GPS0B_RAW:InstrumentName = "GPSPPS" ; GPS0B_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "GPS PPS signal" ; GPS0B_RAW:Used = "True" ; GPS0B_RAW:VariableName = "GPS0B" ; GPS0B_RAW:long_name = "GPS 1 PPS " ; GPS0B_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; GPS0B_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-09-04 19:32:07.000" ; GPS0B_RAW:units = "volt" ; GPS0B_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.010099, 1.011926 ; GPS0B_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:14:39.000" ; GPS0B_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI8\'" ; GPS0B_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float GPS0C_RAW(time) ; GPS0C_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; GPS0C_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; GPS0C_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; GPS0C_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; GPS0C_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; GPS0C_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; GPS0C_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; GPS0C_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; GPS0C_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; GPS0C_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; GPS0C_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; GPS0C_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; GPS0C_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; GPS0C_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; GPS0C_RAW:InstrumentName = "GPSPPS" ; GPS0C_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "GPS PPS signal" ; GPS0C_RAW:Used = "True" ; GPS0C_RAW:VariableName = "GPS0C" ; GPS0C_RAW:long_name = "GPS 100 PPS" ; GPS0C_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; GPS0C_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-09-04 19:33:03.000" ; GPS0C_RAW:units = "volt" ; GPS0C_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.005618, 1.012186 ; GPS0C_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:18:04.000" ; GPS0C_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI9\'" ; GPS0C_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VRIP_RAW(time) ; VRIP_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; VRIP_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; VRIP_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; VRIP_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; VRIP_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; VRIP_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; VRIP_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; VRIP_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; VRIP_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; VRIP_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; VRIP_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; VRIP_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; VRIP_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; VRIP_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; VRIP_RAW:InstrumentName = "VRIP" ; VRIP_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount Icing Probe" ; VRIP_RAW:Used = "True" ; VRIP_RAW:VariableName = "VRIP" ; VRIP_RAW:long_name = "Rosemount Icing Probe Voltage" ; VRIP_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; VRIP_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-09-15 04:21:05.000" ; VRIP_RAW:units = "volt" ; VRIP_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.001401, 1.012137 ; VRIP_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:19:38.000" ; VRIP_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI10\'" ; VRIP_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TURB_RAW(time) ; TURB_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; TURB_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; TURB_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; TURB_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; TURB_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; TURB_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; TURB_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; TURB_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; TURB_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; TURB_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; TURB_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; TURB_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; TURB_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; TURB_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; TURB_RAW:InstrumentName = "TURB" ; TURB_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "MRI Turbulence" ; TURB_RAW:Used = "True" ; TURB_RAW:VariableName = "TURB" ; TURB_RAW:long_name = "MRI Turbulence" ; TURB_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 2. ; TURB_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-01-27 07:24:39.000" ; TURB_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.008243, 1.012643 ; TURB_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:21:23.000" ; TURB_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI11\'" ; TURB_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TDPEDGE_RAW(time) ; TDPEDGE_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; TDPEDGE_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; TDPEDGE_RAW:InstrumentName = "TDPEDGE" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Edgetech Vigilant 137" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:Used = "True" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:VariableName = "TDPEDGE" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:long_name = "Edgetech dewpoint" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -50.047196, 20.065217 ; TDPEDGE_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-27 15:42:25.000" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:units = "celsius" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:CalibrationType = "Temperature" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.013104, 1.012612 ; TDPEDGE_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:23:33.000" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI12\'" ; TDPEDGE_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ZRAD_RAW(time) ; ZRAD_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; ZRAD_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; ZRAD_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; ZRAD_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; ZRAD_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; ZRAD_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ZRAD_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ZRAD_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; ZRAD_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ZRAD_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; ZRAD_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; ZRAD_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; ZRAD_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; ZRAD_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; ZRAD_RAW:InstrumentName = "ZRAD" ; ZRAD_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Pilot Radar Altimeter" ; ZRAD_RAW:Used = "True" ; ZRAD_RAW:VariableName = "ZRAD" ; ZRAD_RAW:long_name = "Pilot Radar Altimeter" ; ZRAD_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., -250. ; ZRAD_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-15 04:07:41.000" ; ZRAD_RAW:units = "feet" ; ZRAD_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.01382, 1.012172 ; ZRAD_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:24:53.000" ; ZRAD_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI13\'" ; ZRAD_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LWC100_RAW(time) ; LWC100_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; LWC100_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; LWC100_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; LWC100_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; LWC100_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; LWC100_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; LWC100_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; LWC100_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; LWC100_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; LWC100_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; LWC100_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; LWC100_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; LWC100_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; LWC100_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; LWC100_RAW:InstrumentName = "LWC100" ; LWC100_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "L.W.C. Liquid Water Probe" ; LWC100_RAW:Used = "True" ; LWC100_RAW:VariableName = "LWC100" ; LWC100_RAW:long_name = "LWC 100 Liquid Water" ; LWC100_RAW:SensorDiameter = 0.19 ; LWC100_RAW:SensorLength = 2. ; LWC100_RAW:SensorLengthUnits = "cm" ; LWC100_RAW:SensorDiameterUnits = "cm" ; LWC100_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 10. ; LWC100_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-01-26 22:02:58.000" ; LWC100_RAW:units = "watt" ; LWC100_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.004707, 1.012105 ; LWC100_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:26:07.000" ; LWC100_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI14\'" ; LWC100_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PVMLWC_RAW(time) ; PVMLWC_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; PVMLWC_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; PVMLWC_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; PVMLWC_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; PVMLWC_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; PVMLWC_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; PVMLWC_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; PVMLWC_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; PVMLWC_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; PVMLWC_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; PVMLWC_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; PVMLWC_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; PVMLWC_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; PVMLWC_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; PVMLWC_RAW:InstrumentName = "PVM-100A" ; PVMLWC_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Gerber PVM-100A liquid water probe" ; PVMLWC_RAW:Used = "True" ; PVMLWC_RAW:VariableName = "PVMLWC" ; PVMLWC_RAW:long_name = "PVM-100A liquid water content" ; PVMLWC_RAW:OpticalOffset = 0.014 ; PVMLWC_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; PVMLWC_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2005-10-15 00:56:59.000" ; PVMLWC_RAW:units = "gram/m3" ; PVMLWC_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.006772, 1.011448 ; PVMLWC_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:31:31.000" ; PVMLWC_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI18\'" ; PVMLWC_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PVMPSA_RAW(time) ; PVMPSA_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; PVMPSA_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; PVMPSA_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; PVMPSA_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; PVMPSA_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; PVMPSA_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; PVMPSA_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; PVMPSA_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; PVMPSA_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; PVMPSA_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; PVMPSA_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; PVMPSA_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; PVMPSA_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; PVMPSA_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; PVMPSA_RAW:InstrumentName = "PVM-100A" ; PVMPSA_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Gerber PVM-100A liquid water probe" ; PVMPSA_RAW:Used = "True" ; PVMPSA_RAW:VariableName = "PVMPSA" ; PVMPSA_RAW:long_name = "PVM-100A particle surface area" ; PVMPSA_RAW:OpticalOffset = 0.014 ; PVMPSA_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 2980. ; PVMPSA_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2005-10-15 00:54:17.000" ; PVMPSA_RAW:units = "cm2/m3" ; PVMPSA_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.008537, 1.012121 ; PVMPSA_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:33:13.000" ; PVMPSA_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI19\'" ; PVMPSA_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VLWCREF_RAW(time) ; VLWCREF_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; VLWCREF_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; VLWCREF_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; VLWCREF_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; VLWCREF_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; VLWCREF_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; VLWCREF_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; VLWCREF_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; VLWCREF_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; VLWCREF_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; VLWCREF_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; VLWCREF_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; VLWCREF_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; VLWCREF_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; VLWCREF_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; VLWCREF_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; VLWCREF_RAW:Used = "True" ; VLWCREF_RAW:location = "NRL" ; VLWCREF_RAW:VariableName = "VLWCREF" ; VLWCREF_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC reference voltage" ; VLWCREF_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; VLWCREF_RAW:Nnumber = 2.054 ; VLWCREF_RAW:resistance = 2.937 ; VLWCREF_RAW:SampleArea = 0.325 ; VLWCREF_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; VLWCREF_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; VLWCREF_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:36:10.000" ; VLWCREF_RAW:units = "volt" ; VLWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.005278, 1.011648 ; VLWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:40:31.000" ; VLWCREF_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI24\'" ; VLWCREF_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VLWCCOL_RAW(time) ; VLWCCOL_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; VLWCCOL_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:Used = "True" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:location = "NRL" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:VariableName = "VLWCCOL" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC collector voltage" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:Nnumber = 2.413 ; VLWCCOL_RAW:SampleArea = 0.325 ; VLWCCOL_RAW:resistance = 3.561 ; VLWCCOL_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; VLWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:37:16.000" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:units = "volt" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.010397, 1.011935 ; VLWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:41:55.000" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI25\'" ; VLWCCOL_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VTWCCOL_RAW(time) ; VTWCCOL_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; VTWCCOL_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:Used = "True" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:location = "NRL" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:VariableName = "VTWCCOL" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC collector voltage" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:Nnumber = 2.284 ; VTWCCOL_RAW:resistance = 3.485 ; VTWCCOL_RAW:SampleArea = 0.478 ; VTWCCOL_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; VTWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:37:46.000" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:units = "volt" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.007195, 1.012325 ; VTWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:43:19.000" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI26\'" ; VTWCCOL_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VTWCREF_RAW(time) ; VTWCREF_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; VTWCREF_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; VTWCREF_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; VTWCREF_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; VTWCREF_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; VTWCREF_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; VTWCREF_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; VTWCREF_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; VTWCREF_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; VTWCREF_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; VTWCREF_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; VTWCREF_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; VTWCREF_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; VTWCREF_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; VTWCREF_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; VTWCREF_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; VTWCREF_RAW:Used = "True" ; VTWCREF_RAW:location = "NRL" ; VTWCREF_RAW:VariableName = "VTWCREF" ; VTWCREF_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC reference voltage" ; VTWCREF_RAW:Nnumber = 1.59 ; VTWCREF_RAW:resistance = 2.362 ; VTWCREF_RAW:SampleArea = 0.478 ; VTWCREF_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; VTWCREF_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; VTWCREF_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; VTWCREF_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:38:26.000" ; VTWCREF_RAW:units = "volt" ; VTWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.001876, 1.012102 ; VTWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:44:39.000" ; VTWCREF_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI27\'" ; VTWCREF_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ILWCREF_RAW(time) ; ILWCREF_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; ILWCREF_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; ILWCREF_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; ILWCREF_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; ILWCREF_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; ILWCREF_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ILWCREF_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ILWCREF_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; ILWCREF_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ILWCREF_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; ILWCREF_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; ILWCREF_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; ILWCREF_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; ILWCREF_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; ILWCREF_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; ILWCREF_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; ILWCREF_RAW:Used = "True" ; ILWCREF_RAW:location = "NRL" ; ILWCREF_RAW:VariableName = "ILWCREF" ; ILWCREF_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC reference current" ; ILWCREF_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; ILWCREF_RAW:Nnumber = 2.054 ; ILWCREF_RAW:SampleArea = 0.325 ; ILWCREF_RAW:resistance = 2.937 ; ILWCREF_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; ILWCREF_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; ILWCREF_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:41:51.000" ; ILWCREF_RAW:units = "amp" ; ILWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.005463, 1.011588 ; ILWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:45:53.000" ; ILWCREF_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI28\'" ; ILWCREF_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ILWCCOL_RAW(time) ; ILWCCOL_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; ILWCCOL_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; ILWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:Used = "True" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:location = "NRL" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:VariableName = "ILWCCOL" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov LWC collector current" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:resistance = 3.561 ; ILWCCOL_RAW:SampleArea = 0.325 ; ILWCCOL_RAW:Nnumber = 2.413 ; ILWCCOL_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; ILWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:38:57.000" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:units = "amp" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.007248, 1.012216 ; ILWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:47:16.000" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI29\'" ; ILWCCOL_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ITWCCOL_RAW(time) ; ITWCCOL_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; ITWCCOL_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; ITWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:Used = "True" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:location = "NRL" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:VariableName = "ITWCCOL" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC collector current" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:resistance = 3.485 ; ITWCCOL_RAW:SampleArea = 0.478 ; ITWCCOL_RAW:Nnumber = 2.284 ; ITWCCOL_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; ITWCCOL_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:42:40.000" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:units = "amp" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.005675, 1.013978 ; ITWCCOL_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:48:37.000" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI30\'" ; ITWCCOL_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ITWCREF_RAW(time) ; ITWCREF_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; ITWCREF_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; ITWCREF_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; ITWCREF_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; ITWCREF_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; ITWCREF_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; ITWCREF_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; ITWCREF_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; ITWCREF_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; ITWCREF_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; ITWCREF_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; ITWCREF_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; ITWCREF_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; ITWCREF_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; ITWCREF_RAW:InstrumentName = "Nevzorov" ; ITWCREF_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nevzorov Water Probe" ; ITWCREF_RAW:Used = "True" ; ITWCREF_RAW:location = "NRL" ; ITWCREF_RAW:VariableName = "ITWCREF" ; ITWCREF_RAW:long_name = "Nevzorov TWC reference current" ; ITWCREF_RAW:resistance = 2.362 ; ITWCREF_RAW:SampleArea = 0.478 ; ITWCREF_RAW:SampleAreaUnits = "cm2" ; ITWCREF_RAW:Nnumber = 1.59 ; ITWCREF_RAW:SerialNumber = "SN003" ; ITWCREF_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 0.5 ; ITWCREF_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2010-08-02 16:43:35.000" ; ITWCREF_RAW:units = "amp" ; ITWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.003383, 1.011865 ; ITWCREF_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:49:47.000" ; ITWCREF_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-0-AI31\'" ; ITWCREF_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BOTMP1_RAW(time) ; BOTMP1_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; BOTMP1_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; BOTMP1_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; BOTMP1_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; BOTMP1_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; BOTMP1_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; BOTMP1_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; BOTMP1_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; BOTMP1_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; BOTMP1_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; BOTMP1_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; BOTMP1_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; BOTMP1_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; BOTMP1_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; BOTMP1_RAW:InstrumentName = "Boom Oven" ; BOTMP1_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nose Boom Oven" ; BOTMP1_RAW:Used = "True" ; BOTMP1_RAW:VariableName = "BOTMP1" ; BOTMP1_RAW:long_name = "Boom Oven Temperature" ; BOTMP1_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 10. ; BOTMP1_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-01-26 22:35:34.000" ; BOTMP1_RAW:units = "celsius" ; BOTMP1_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.001457, 1.011882 ; BOTMP1_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:55:57.000" ; BOTMP1_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI0\'" ; BOTMP1_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BOTMP2_RAW(time) ; BOTMP2_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; BOTMP2_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; BOTMP2_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; BOTMP2_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; BOTMP2_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; BOTMP2_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; BOTMP2_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; BOTMP2_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; BOTMP2_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; BOTMP2_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; BOTMP2_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; BOTMP2_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; BOTMP2_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; BOTMP2_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; BOTMP2_RAW:InstrumentName = "Boom Oven" ; BOTMP2_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nose Boom Oven" ; BOTMP2_RAW:Used = "True" ; BOTMP2_RAW:VariableName = "BOTMP2" ; BOTMP2_RAW:long_name = "Descicant Block Temperature" ; BOTMP2_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 10. ; BOTMP2_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-01-26 22:40:25.000" ; BOTMP2_RAW:units = "celsius" ; BOTMP2_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.009724, 1.012067 ; BOTMP2_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:57:11.000" ; BOTMP2_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI1\'" ; BOTMP2_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BOVOLT_RAW(time) ; BOVOLT_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; BOVOLT_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; BOVOLT_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; BOVOLT_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; BOVOLT_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; BOVOLT_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; BOVOLT_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; BOVOLT_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; BOVOLT_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; BOVOLT_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; BOVOLT_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; BOVOLT_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; BOVOLT_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; BOVOLT_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; BOVOLT_RAW:InstrumentName = "Boom Oven" ; BOVOLT_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nose Boom Oven" ; BOVOLT_RAW:Used = "True" ; BOVOLT_RAW:VariableName = "BOVOLT" ; BOVOLT_RAW:long_name = "Boom Oven Voltage" ; BOVOLT_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; BOVOLT_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-15 03:56:38.000" ; BOVOLT_RAW:units = "volt" ; BOVOLT_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.004701, 1.011803 ; BOVOLT_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:58:24.000" ; BOVOLT_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI2\'" ; BOVOLT_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BOAMP_RAW(time) ; BOAMP_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; BOAMP_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; BOAMP_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; BOAMP_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; BOAMP_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; BOAMP_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; BOAMP_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; BOAMP_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; BOAMP_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; BOAMP_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; BOAMP_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; BOAMP_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; BOAMP_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; BOAMP_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; BOAMP_RAW:InstrumentName = "Boom Oven" ; BOAMP_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Nose Boom Oven" ; BOAMP_RAW:Used = "True" ; BOAMP_RAW:VariableName = "BOAMP" ; BOAMP_RAW:long_name = "Boom Heater Current" ; BOAMP_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; BOAMP_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-01-26 22:42:10.000" ; BOAMP_RAW:units = "amp" ; BOAMP_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.013475, 1.011913 ; BOAMP_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 09:59:44.000" ; BOAMP_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI3\'" ; BOAMP_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CABINP_RAW(time) ; CABINP_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; CABINP_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; CABINP_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; CABINP_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; CABINP_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; CABINP_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; CABINP_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; CABINP_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; CABINP_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; CABINP_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; CABINP_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; CABINP_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; CABINP_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; CABINP_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; CABINP_RAW:InstrumentName = "CABINP" ; CABINP_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Cabin Pressure" ; CABINP_RAW:Used = "True" ; CABINP_RAW:VariableName = "CABINP" ; CABINP_RAW:long_name = "Cabin Pressure Rosemount 1332" ; CABINP_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 3.117963, 209.209214 ; CABINP_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-11-16 22:47:08.000" ; CABINP_RAW:units = "hPa" ; CABINP_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; CABINP_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.007036, 1.006223 ; CABINP_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:01:09.000" ; CABINP_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI4\'" ; CABINP_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HADSA_VT_RAW(time) ; HADSA_VT_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; HADSA_VT_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:InstrumentName = "HADS_A" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "HADS Channel A Pressure" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:Used = "True" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:VariableName = "HADSA_VT" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:long_name = "HADS channel A temperature correction" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:SerialNumber = "3038" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; HADSA_VT_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-27 18:49:02.000" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:units = "volt" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.014421, 1.011849 ; HADSA_VT_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 15:23:36.000" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI12\'" ; HADSA_VT_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HADSA_VR_RAW(time) ; HADSA_VR_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; HADSA_VR_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:InstrumentName = "HADS_A" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "HADS Channel A Pressure" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:Used = "True" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:VariableName = "HADSA_VR" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:long_name = "HADS channel A temperature reference" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:SerialNumber = "3038" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; HADSA_VR_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-27 18:49:12.000" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:units = "volt" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.011366, 1.01229 ; HADSA_VR_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 15:27:23.000" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI13\'" ; HADSA_VR_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HADSB_VT_RAW(time) ; HADSB_VT_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; HADSB_VT_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:InstrumentName = "HADS_B" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "HADS Channel B Pressure" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:Used = "True" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:VariableName = "HADSB_VT" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:long_name = "HADS channel B temperature correction" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:SerialNumber = "405" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; HADSB_VT_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-27 18:49:25.000" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:units = "volt" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.004136, 1.011958 ; HADSB_VT_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 15:30:53.000" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI14\'" ; HADSB_VT_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HADSB_VR_RAW(time) ; HADSB_VR_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; HADSB_VR_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:InstrumentName = "HADS_B" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "HADS Channel B Pressure" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:Used = "True" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:VariableName = "HADSB_VR" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:long_name = "HADS channel B temperature reference" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:SerialNumber = "405" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; HADSB_VR_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-27 18:49:32.000" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:units = "volt" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.003968, 1.011897 ; HADSB_VR_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-08-11 15:34:38.000" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI15\'" ; HADSB_VR_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CPC_RAW(time) ; CPC_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; CPC_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; CPC_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; CPC_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; CPC_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; CPC_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; CPC_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; CPC_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; CPC_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; CPC_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; CPC_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; CPC_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; CPC_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; CPC_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; CPC_RAW:InstrumentName = "CPC 1" ; CPC_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Condensation Particle Counter" ; CPC_RAW:Used = "True" ; CPC_RAW:VariableName = "CPC" ; CPC_RAW:long_name = "CPC" ; CPC_RAW:SerialNumber = "CPC1" ; CPC_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1000. ; CPC_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-22 17:11:37.000" ; CPC_RAW:units = "cm-3" ; CPC_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.003701, 1.012335 ; CPC_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:19:31.000" ; CPC_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI18\'" ; CPC_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PUMPPRES_RAW(time) ; PUMPPRES_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; PUMPPRES_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; PUMPPRES_RAW:InstrumentName = "Gast Pump" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Gast Pump" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:Used = "True" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:VariableName = "PUMPPRES" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:long_name = "Gast pump pressure" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:SerialNumber = "OMEGA PX303-015A5V" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -102.676659, 210.392612 ; PUMPPRES_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-11-17 15:48:01.000" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.003157, 1.012786 ; PUMPPRES_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:20:49.000" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI19\'" ; PUMPPRES_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float H2O1S_RAW(time) ; H2O1S_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; H2O1S_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; H2O1S_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; H2O1S_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; H2O1S_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; H2O1S_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; H2O1S_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; H2O1S_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; H2O1S_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; H2O1S_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; H2O1S_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; H2O1S_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; H2O1S_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; H2O1S_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; H2O1S_RAW:InstrumentName = "Licor 6262" ; H2O1S_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Licor " ; H2O1S_RAW:Used = "True" ; H2O1S_RAW:VariableName = "H2O1S" ; H2O1S_RAW:long_name = "Licor water vapor signal" ; H2O1S_RAW:AdditionalCoefficients = 40.6, 0.00614107, 2.6925e-06, -1.01777e-12 ; H2O1S_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; H2O1S_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-22 18:59:51.000" ; H2O1S_RAW:units = "volt" ; H2O1S_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.00483, 1.012042 ; H2O1S_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:29:08.000" ; H2O1S_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI25\'" ; H2O1S_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CO21S_RAW(time) ; CO21S_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; CO21S_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; CO21S_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; CO21S_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; CO21S_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; CO21S_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; CO21S_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; CO21S_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; CO21S_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; CO21S_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; CO21S_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; CO21S_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; CO21S_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; CO21S_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; CO21S_RAW:InstrumentName = "Licor 6262" ; CO21S_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Licor " ; CO21S_RAW:Used = "True" ; CO21S_RAW:VariableName = "CO21S" ; CO21S_RAW:long_name = "Licor carbon dioxide signal" ; CO21S_RAW:AdditionalCoefficients = 40.5, 0.139912, 9.41623e-06, 5.8651e-09, -6.75155e-13, 4.05724e-17 ; CO21S_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; CO21S_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-22 19:01:04.000" ; CO21S_RAW:units = "volt" ; CO21S_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.012375, 1.012087 ; CO21S_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:30:30.000" ; CO21S_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI26\'" ; CO21S_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LICORT_RAW(time) ; LICORT_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; LICORT_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; LICORT_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; LICORT_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; LICORT_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; LICORT_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; LICORT_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; LICORT_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; LICORT_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; LICORT_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; LICORT_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; LICORT_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; LICORT_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; LICORT_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; LICORT_RAW:InstrumentName = "Licor 6262" ; LICORT_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Licor " ; LICORT_RAW:Used = "True" ; LICORT_RAW:VariableName = "LICORT" ; LICORT_RAW:long_name = "Licor temperature" ; LICORT_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 10. ; LICORT_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-22 19:02:40.000" ; LICORT_RAW:units = "celsius" ; LICORT_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.005212, 1.012158 ; LICORT_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:31:49.000" ; LICORT_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI27\'" ; LICORT_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LICORP_RAW(time) ; LICORP_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; LICORP_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; LICORP_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; LICORP_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; LICORP_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; LICORP_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; LICORP_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; LICORP_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; LICORP_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; LICORP_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; LICORP_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; LICORP_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; LICORP_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; LICORP_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; LICORP_RAW:InstrumentName = "Licor 6262" ; LICORP_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Licor " ; LICORP_RAW:Used = "True" ; LICORP_RAW:VariableName = "LICORP" ; LICORP_RAW:long_name = "Licor pressure" ; LICORP_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = -0.230038, 20.9672 ; LICORP_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-11-16 23:04:03.000" ; LICORP_RAW:units = "kPa" ; LICORP_RAW:CalibrationType = "Pressure" ; LICORP_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.001892, 1.011776 ; LICORP_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:33:01.000" ; LICORP_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI28\'" ; LICORP_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FLOWR_RAW(time) ; FLOWR_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; FLOWR_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; FLOWR_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; FLOWR_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; FLOWR_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; FLOWR_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; FLOWR_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; FLOWR_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; FLOWR_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; FLOWR_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; FLOWR_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; FLOWR_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; FLOWR_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; FLOWR_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; FLOWR_RAW:InstrumentName = "Licor 6262" ; FLOWR_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Licor " ; FLOWR_RAW:Used = "True" ; FLOWR_RAW:VariableName = "FLOWR" ; FLOWR_RAW:long_name = "Licor reference flow" ; FLOWR_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 20. ; FLOWR_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-10-22 19:08:31.000" ; FLOWR_RAW:units = "sccm" ; FLOWR_RAW:AnalogCalibration = -0.005512, 1.012344 ; FLOWR_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:35:39.000" ; FLOWR_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI30\'" ; FLOWR_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FLOWI_RAW(time) ; FLOWI_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; FLOWI_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; FLOWI_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; FLOWI_RAW:ExternalCutoff = 200. ; FLOWI_RAW:ExternalMax = 10. ; FLOWI_RAW:ExternalMin = -10. ; FLOWI_RAW:InternalMax = 10. ; FLOWI_RAW:InternalCutoff = 40000. ; FLOWI_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; FLOWI_RAW:InternalMin = -10. ; FLOWI_RAW:ExternalGain = 1. ; FLOWI_RAW:InternalGain = 1. ; FLOWI_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; FLOWI_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; FLOWI_RAW:InstrumentName = "Licor 6262" ; FLOWI_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Licor " ; FLOWI_RAW:Used = "True" ; FLOWI_RAW:VariableName = "FLOWI" ; FLOWI_RAW:long_name = "Licor Sample Flow" ; FLOWI_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 2. ; FLOWI_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-12-04 18:07:13.000" ; FLOWI_RAW:units = "slpm" ; FLOWI_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0.013663, 1.012961 ; FLOWI_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "2010-03-19 10:36:59.000" ; FLOWI_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-1-AI31\'" ; FLOWI_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RIPEV_RAW(time) ; RIPEV_RAW:Status = "Uncooked tape variable" ; RIPEV_RAW:OutputRate = 1 ; RIPEV_RAW:group = "Analog Input" ; RIPEV_RAW:DataType = "Double" ; RIPEV_RAW:SCCModuleType = "Voltage" ; RIPEV_RAW:DataTypeCode = 0. ; RIPEV_RAW:SampleRate = 1000. ; RIPEV_RAW:InstrumentName = "VRIP" ; RIPEV_RAW:InstrumentDescription = "Rosemount Icing Probe" ; RIPEV_RAW:Used = "True" ; RIPEV_RAW:VariableName = "RIPEV" ; RIPEV_RAW:long_name = "Rosemount Icing Event" ; RIPEV_RAW:CalibrationCoefficients = 0., 1. ; RIPEV_RAW:CalibrationDate = "2009-12-01 17:17:23.000" ; RIPEV_RAW:units = "volt" ; RIPEV_RAW:AnalogCalibration = 0., 1. ; RIPEV_RAW:AnalogCalibrationDate = "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000" ; RIPEV_RAW:tdms_name = "/\'Analog Input\'/\'dev6289-2-AI10\'" ; RIPEV_RAW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float npart_2dp_OBL(time) ; npart_2dp_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D-P # of particles" ; npart_2dp_OBL:units = "#" ; npart_2dp_OBL:Status = "PMS2D Derived Variable" ; npart_2dp_OBL:Package = "mat2d/pms" ; npart_2dp_OBL:matlab_name = "num2dpn0" ; npart_2dp_OBL:Dependencies = " " ; npart_2dp_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; npart_2dp_OBL:probe = "2DP" ; float CONC0_2dp_OBL(time) ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D-P concentration" ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(32+IX) " ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:Status = "PMS2D Derived Variable" ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:Package = "mat2d/pms" ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:matlab_name = "pconcc0" ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:Dependencies = " " ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; CONC0_2dp_OBL:probe = "2DP" ; float CONC1_2dp_OBL(time) ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D-P concentration" ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:method = "IY, all-in, svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:Status = "PMS2D Derived Variable" ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:Package = "mat2d/pms" ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:matlab_name = "pconcc1" ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:Dependencies = " " ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; CONC1_2dp_OBL:probe = "2DP" ; float mass0_2dp_OBL(time) ; mass0_2dp_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D-P mass concentration" ; mass0_2dp_OBL:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(32+IX) " ; mass0_2dp_OBL:units = "gram/m3" ; mass0_2dp_OBL:Status = "PMS2D Derived Variable" ; mass0_2dp_OBL:Package = "mat2d/pms" ; mass0_2dp_OBL:matlab_name = "pmassc0" ; mass0_2dp_OBL:Dependencies = " " ; mass0_2dp_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; mass0_2dp_OBL:probe = "2DP" ; float mass1_2dp_OBL(time) ; mass1_2dp_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D-P mass concentration" ; mass1_2dp_OBL:method = "IY, all-in, svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; mass1_2dp_OBL:units = "gram/m3" ; mass1_2dp_OBL:Status = "PMS2D Derived Variable" ; mass1_2dp_OBL:Package = "mat2d/pms" ; mass1_2dp_OBL:matlab_name = "pmassc1" ; mass1_2dp_OBL:Dependencies = " " ; mass1_2dp_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; mass1_2dp_OBL:probe = "2DP" ; float mass2_2dp_OBL(time) ; mass2_2dp_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D-P mass concentration" ; mass2_2dp_OBL:method = "max(IX,IY), all-in, svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; mass2_2dp_OBL:units = "gram/m3" ; mass2_2dp_OBL:Status = "PMS2D Derived Variable" ; mass2_2dp_OBL:Package = "mat2d/pms" ; mass2_2dp_OBL:matlab_name = "pmassc2" ; mass2_2dp_OBL:Dependencies = " " ; mass2_2dp_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; mass2_2dp_OBL:probe = "2DP" ; float A2DP0_OBL(time, sps1, Vec101) ; A2DP0_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell" ; A2DP0_OBL:method = "IX, no svol correction" ; A2DP0_OBL:units = "#" ; A2DP0_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; A2DP0_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; A2DP0_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecn0" ; A2DP0_OBL:LastBin = 100 ; A2DP0_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; A2DP0_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; A2DP0_OBL:CellSizes = 100.f, 300.f, 500.f, 700.f, 900.f, 1100.f, 1300.f, 1500.f, 1700.f, 1900.f, 2100.f, 2300.f, 2500.f, 2700.f, 2900.f, 3100.f, 3300.f, 3500.f, 3700.f, 3900.f, 4100.f, 4300.f, 4500.f, 4700.f, 4900.f, 5100.f, 5300.f, 5500.f, 5700.f, 5900.f, 6100.f, 6300.f, 6500.f, 6700.f, 6900.f, 7100.f, 7300.f, 7500.f, 7700.f, 7900.f, 8100.f, 8300.f, 8500.f, 8700.f, 8900.f, 9100.f, 9300.f, 9500.f, 9700.f, 9900.f, 10100.f, 10300.f, 10500.f, 10700.f, 10900.f, 11100.f, 11300.f, 11500.f, 11700.f, 11900.f, 12100.f, 12300.f, 12500.f, 12700.f, 12900.f, 13100.f, 13300.f, 13500.f, 13700.f, 13900.f, 14100.f, 14300.f, 14500.f, 14700.f, 14900.f, 15100.f, 15300.f, 15500.f, 15700.f, 15900.f, 16100.f, 16300.f, 16500.f, 16700.f, 16900.f, 17100.f, 17300.f, 17500.f, 17700.f, 17900.f, 18100.f, 18300.f, 18500.f, 18700.f, 18900.f, 19100.f, 19300.f, 19500.f, 19700.f, 19900.f, 20100.f ; A2DP0_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; A2DP0_OBL:VectorLength = 101 ; A2DP0_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; float C2DP0_OBL(time, sps1, Vec101) ; C2DP0_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; C2DP0_OBL:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(32+IX)" ; C2DP0_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; C2DP0_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; C2DP0_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; C2DP0_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecc0" ; C2DP0_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; C2DP0_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; C2DP0_OBL:CellSizes = 100.f, 300.f, 500.f, 700.f, 900.f, 1100.f, 1300.f, 1500.f, 1700.f, 1900.f, 2100.f, 2300.f, 2500.f, 2700.f, 2900.f, 3100.f, 3300.f, 3500.f, 3700.f, 3900.f, 4100.f, 4300.f, 4500.f, 4700.f, 4900.f, 5100.f, 5300.f, 5500.f, 5700.f, 5900.f, 6100.f, 6300.f, 6500.f, 6700.f, 6900.f, 7100.f, 7300.f, 7500.f, 7700.f, 7900.f, 8100.f, 8300.f, 8500.f, 8700.f, 8900.f, 9100.f, 9300.f, 9500.f, 9700.f, 9900.f, 10100.f, 10300.f, 10500.f, 10700.f, 10900.f, 11100.f, 11300.f, 11500.f, 11700.f, 11900.f, 12100.f, 12300.f, 12500.f, 12700.f, 12900.f, 13100.f, 13300.f, 13500.f, 13700.f, 13900.f, 14100.f, 14300.f, 14500.f, 14700.f, 14900.f, 15100.f, 15300.f, 15500.f, 15700.f, 15900.f, 16100.f, 16300.f, 16500.f, 16700.f, 16900.f, 17100.f, 17300.f, 17500.f, 17700.f, 17900.f, 18100.f, 18300.f, 18500.f, 18700.f, 18900.f, 19100.f, 19300.f, 19500.f, 19700.f, 19900.f, 20100.f ; C2DP0_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; C2DP0_OBL:VectorLength = 101 ; C2DP0_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; C2DP0_OBL:LastBin = 100 ; float C2DPsz0_OBL(time, sps1, Vec20) ; C2DPsz0_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; C2DPsz0_OBL:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(32+IX)" ; C2DPsz0_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; C2DPsz0_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; C2DPsz0_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; C2DPsz0_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecsz0" ; C2DPsz0_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; C2DPsz0_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; C2DPsz0_OBL:CellSizes = 200.f, 400.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1200.f, 1400.f, 1600.f, 1800.f, 2000.f, 2200.f, 2600.f, 3000.f, 3400.f, 3800.f, 4400.f, 5000.f, 6000.f, 8000.f, 10000.f ; C2DPsz0_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; C2DPsz0_OBL:VectorLength = 20 ; C2DPsz0_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; C2DPsz0_OBL:LastBin = 19 ; float A2DP1_OBL(time, sps1, Vec30) ; A2DP1_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell" ; A2DP1_OBL:method = "IY (all-in), no svol correction" ; A2DP1_OBL:units = "#" ; A2DP1_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; A2DP1_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; A2DP1_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecn1" ; A2DP1_OBL:LastBin = 29 ; A2DP1_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; A2DP1_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; A2DP1_OBL:CellSizes = 100.f, 300.f, 500.f, 700.f, 900.f, 1100.f, 1300.f, 1500.f, 1700.f, 1900.f, 2100.f, 2300.f, 2500.f, 2700.f, 2900.f, 3100.f, 3300.f, 3500.f, 3700.f, 3900.f, 4100.f, 4300.f, 4500.f, 4700.f, 4900.f, 5100.f, 5300.f, 5500.f, 5700.f, 5900.f ; A2DP1_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; A2DP1_OBL:VectorLength = 30 ; A2DP1_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; float C2DP1_OBL(time, sps1, Vec30) ; C2DP1_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; C2DP1_OBL:method = "IY (all-in), svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; C2DP1_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; C2DP1_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; C2DP1_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; C2DP1_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecc1" ; C2DP1_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; C2DP1_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; C2DP1_OBL:CellSizes = 100.f, 300.f, 500.f, 700.f, 900.f, 1100.f, 1300.f, 1500.f, 1700.f, 1900.f, 2100.f, 2300.f, 2500.f, 2700.f, 2900.f, 3100.f, 3300.f, 3500.f, 3700.f, 3900.f, 4100.f, 4300.f, 4500.f, 4700.f, 4900.f, 5100.f, 5300.f, 5500.f, 5700.f, 5900.f ; C2DP1_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; C2DP1_OBL:VectorLength = 30 ; C2DP1_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; C2DP1_OBL:LastBin = 29 ; float C2DPsz1_OBL(time, sps1, Vec17) ; C2DPsz1_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; C2DPsz1_OBL:method = "IY (all-in), svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; C2DPsz1_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; C2DPsz1_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; C2DPsz1_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; C2DPsz1_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecsz1" ; C2DPsz1_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; C2DPsz1_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; C2DPsz1_OBL:CellSizes = 200.f, 400.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1200.f, 1400.f, 1600.f, 1800.f, 2000.f, 2200.f, 2600.f, 3000.f, 3400.f, 3800.f, 4400.f, 5000.f ; C2DPsz1_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; C2DPsz1_OBL:VectorLength = 17 ; C2DPsz1_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; C2DPsz1_OBL:LastBin = 16 ; float A2DP2_OBL(time, sps1, Vec101) ; A2DP2_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell" ; A2DP2_OBL:method = "max(IX,IY), no svol correction" ; A2DP2_OBL:units = "#" ; A2DP2_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; A2DP2_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; A2DP2_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecn2" ; A2DP2_OBL:LastBin = 100 ; A2DP2_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; A2DP2_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; A2DP2_OBL:CellSizes = 100.f, 300.f, 500.f, 700.f, 900.f, 1100.f, 1300.f, 1500.f, 1700.f, 1900.f, 2100.f, 2300.f, 2500.f, 2700.f, 2900.f, 3100.f, 3300.f, 3500.f, 3700.f, 3900.f, 4100.f, 4300.f, 4500.f, 4700.f, 4900.f, 5100.f, 5300.f, 5500.f, 5700.f, 5900.f, 6100.f, 6300.f, 6500.f, 6700.f, 6900.f, 7100.f, 7300.f, 7500.f, 7700.f, 7900.f, 8100.f, 8300.f, 8500.f, 8700.f, 8900.f, 9100.f, 9300.f, 9500.f, 9700.f, 9900.f, 10100.f, 10300.f, 10500.f, 10700.f, 10900.f, 11100.f, 11300.f, 11500.f, 11700.f, 11900.f, 12100.f, 12300.f, 12500.f, 12700.f, 12900.f, 13100.f, 13300.f, 13500.f, 13700.f, 13900.f, 14100.f, 14300.f, 14500.f, 14700.f, 14900.f, 15100.f, 15300.f, 15500.f, 15700.f, 15900.f, 16100.f, 16300.f, 16500.f, 16700.f, 16900.f, 17100.f, 17300.f, 17500.f, 17700.f, 17900.f, 18100.f, 18300.f, 18500.f, 18700.f, 18900.f, 19100.f, 19300.f, 19500.f, 19700.f, 19900.f, 20100.f ; A2DP2_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; A2DP2_OBL:VectorLength = 101 ; A2DP2_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; float C2DP2_OBL(time, sps1, Vec101) ; C2DP2_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; C2DP2_OBL:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; C2DP2_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; C2DP2_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; C2DP2_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; C2DP2_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecc2" ; C2DP2_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; C2DP2_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; C2DP2_OBL:CellSizes = 100.f, 300.f, 500.f, 700.f, 900.f, 1100.f, 1300.f, 1500.f, 1700.f, 1900.f, 2100.f, 2300.f, 2500.f, 2700.f, 2900.f, 3100.f, 3300.f, 3500.f, 3700.f, 3900.f, 4100.f, 4300.f, 4500.f, 4700.f, 4900.f, 5100.f, 5300.f, 5500.f, 5700.f, 5900.f, 6100.f, 6300.f, 6500.f, 6700.f, 6900.f, 7100.f, 7300.f, 7500.f, 7700.f, 7900.f, 8100.f, 8300.f, 8500.f, 8700.f, 8900.f, 9100.f, 9300.f, 9500.f, 9700.f, 9900.f, 10100.f, 10300.f, 10500.f, 10700.f, 10900.f, 11100.f, 11300.f, 11500.f, 11700.f, 11900.f, 12100.f, 12300.f, 12500.f, 12700.f, 12900.f, 13100.f, 13300.f, 13500.f, 13700.f, 13900.f, 14100.f, 14300.f, 14500.f, 14700.f, 14900.f, 15100.f, 15300.f, 15500.f, 15700.f, 15900.f, 16100.f, 16300.f, 16500.f, 16700.f, 16900.f, 17100.f, 17300.f, 17500.f, 17700.f, 17900.f, 18100.f, 18300.f, 18500.f, 18700.f, 18900.f, 19100.f, 19300.f, 19500.f, 19700.f, 19900.f, 20100.f ; C2DP2_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; C2DP2_OBL:VectorLength = 101 ; C2DP2_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; C2DP2_OBL:LastBin = 100 ; float A2DPsz2_OBL(time, sps1, Vec20) ; A2DPsz2_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; A2DPsz2_OBL:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; A2DPsz2_OBL:units = "#" ; A2DPsz2_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; A2DPsz2_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; A2DPsz2_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecszn2" ; A2DPsz2_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; A2DPsz2_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; A2DPsz2_OBL:CellSizes = 200.f, 400.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1200.f, 1400.f, 1600.f, 1800.f, 2000.f, 2200.f, 2600.f, 3000.f, 3400.f, 3800.f, 4400.f, 5000.f, 6000.f, 8000.f, 10000.f ; A2DPsz2_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; A2DPsz2_OBL:VectorLength = 20 ; A2DPsz2_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; A2DPsz2_OBL:LastBin = 19 ; float C2DPsz2_OBL(time, sps1, Vec20) ; C2DPsz2_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2D_P number per cell " ; C2DPsz2_OBL:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, svol corr IY/(30-IY)" ; C2DPsz2_OBL:units = "#/liter" ; C2DPsz2_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; C2DPsz2_OBL:missing_value = -32767.f ; C2DPsz2_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecsz2" ; C2DPsz2_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; C2DPsz2_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; C2DPsz2_OBL:CellSizes = 200.f, 400.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1200.f, 1400.f, 1600.f, 1800.f, 2000.f, 2200.f, 2600.f, 3000.f, 3400.f, 3800.f, 4400.f, 5000.f, 6000.f, 8000.f, 10000.f ; C2DPsz2_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; C2DPsz2_OBL:VectorLength = 20 ; C2DPsz2_OBL:FirstBin = 1 ; C2DPsz2_OBL:LastBin = 19 ; float T2DParrt_OBL(time, sps1, Vec26) ; T2DParrt_OBL:long_name = "PMS 2DP arrival times " ; T2DParrt_OBL:units = "log10(seconds)" ; T2DParrt_OBL:Category = "PMS Probe" ; T2DParrt_OBL:missing_value = -64767.f ; T2DParrt_OBL:matlab_name = "pspecarrt" ; T2DParrt_OBL:CellSizeUnits = "log10(seconds)" ; T2DParrt_OBL:OutputRate = 1 ; T2DParrt_OBL:CellSizes = -8.f, -7.5f, -7.f, -6.5f, -6.f, -5.5f, -5.f, -4.5f, -4.f, -3.5f, -3.f, -2.5f, -2.f, -1.5f, -1.f, -0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f, 1.f, 1.5f, 2.f, 2.5f, 3.f, 3.5f, 4.f, 4.5f, 5.f ; T2DParrt_OBL:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; T2DParrt_OBL:VectorLength = 26 ; float twodcip_IBR(time) ; twodcip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP *shadow OR* " ; twodcip_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; twodcip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; twodcip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; twodcip_IBR:matlab_name = "twodcip" ; twodcip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; twodcip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; twodcip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float npart_cip_IBR(time) ; npart_cip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP # of particles" ; npart_cip_IBR:units = "#" ; npart_cip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; npart_cip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; npart_cip_IBR:matlab_name = "numcipn0" ; npart_cip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; npart_cip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; npart_cip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float CONC0_cip_IBR(time) ; CONC0_cip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP concentration " ; CONC0_cip_IBR:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(64+IX)" ; CONC0_cip_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CONC0_cip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; CONC0_cip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; CONC0_cip_IBR:matlab_name = "cipconcc0" ; CONC0_cip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; CONC0_cip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CONC0_cip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float CONC1_cip_IBR(time) ; CONC1_cip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP concentration " ; CONC1_cip_IBR:method = "IY, all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; CONC1_cip_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CONC1_cip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; CONC1_cip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; CONC1_cip_IBR:matlab_name = "cipconcc1" ; CONC1_cip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; CONC1_cip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CONC1_cip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float mass0_cip_IBR(time) ; mass0_cip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP mass concentration " ; mass0_cip_IBR:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(64+IX)" ; mass0_cip_IBR:units = "gram/m3" ; mass0_cip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; mass0_cip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; mass0_cip_IBR:matlab_name = "cipmassc0" ; mass0_cip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; mass0_cip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; mass0_cip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float mass1_cip_IBR(time) ; mass1_cip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP mass concentration " ; mass1_cip_IBR:method = "IY, all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; mass1_cip_IBR:units = "gram/m3" ; mass1_cip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; mass1_cip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; mass1_cip_IBR:matlab_name = "cipmassc1" ; mass1_cip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; mass1_cip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; mass1_cip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float mass2_cip_IBR(time) ; mass2_cip_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP mass concentration " ; mass2_cip_IBR:method = "max(IX,IY), all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; mass2_cip_IBR:units = "gram/m3" ; mass2_cip_IBR:Status = "CIP2D Derived Variable" ; mass2_cip_IBR:Package = "mat2d/cip" ; mass2_cip_IBR:matlab_name = "cipmassc2" ; mass2_cip_IBR:Dependencies = " " ; mass2_cip_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; mass2_cip_IBR:probe = "CIP" ; float ACIP0_IBR(time, sps1, Vec101) ; ACIP0_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell" ; ACIP0_IBR:method = "IX, no svol correction" ; ACIP0_IBR:units = "#" ; ACIP0_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; ACIP0_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; ACIP0_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecn0" ; ACIP0_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; ACIP0_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; ACIP0_IBR:CellSizes = 12.5f, 37.5f, 62.5f, 87.5f, 112.5f, 137.5f, 162.5f, 187.5f, 212.5f, 237.5f, 262.5f, 287.5f, 312.5f, 337.5f, 362.5f, 387.5f, 412.5f, 437.5f, 462.5f, 487.5f, 512.5f, 537.5f, 562.5f, 587.5f, 612.5f, 637.5f, 662.5f, 687.5f, 712.5f, 737.5f, 762.5f, 787.5f, 812.5f, 837.5f, 862.5f, 887.5f, 912.5f, 937.5f, 962.5f, 987.5f, 1012.5f, 1037.5f, 1062.5f, 1087.5f, 1112.5f, 1137.5f, 1162.5f, 1187.5f, 1212.5f, 1237.5f, 1262.5f, 1287.5f, 1312.5f, 1337.5f, 1362.5f, 1387.5f, 1412.5f, 1437.5f, 1462.5f, 1487.5f, 1512.5f, 1537.5f, 1562.5f, 1587.5f, 1612.5f, 1637.5f, 1662.5f, 1687.5f, 1712.5f, 1737.5f, 1762.5f, 1787.5f, 1812.5f, 1837.5f, 1862.5f, 1887.5f, 1912.5f, 1937.5f, 1962.5f, 1987.5f, 2012.5f, 2037.5f, 2062.5f, 2087.5f, 2112.5f, 2137.5f, 2162.5f, 2187.5f, 2212.5f, 2237.5f, 2262.5f, 2287.5f, 2312.5f, 2337.5f, 2362.5f, 2387.5f, 2412.5f, 2437.5f, 2462.5f, 2487.5f, 2512.5f ; ACIP0_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; ACIP0_IBR:VectorLength = 101 ; ACIP0_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; ACIP0_IBR:LastBin = 100 ; float CCIP0_IBR(time, sps1, Vec101) ; CCIP0_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; CCIP0_IBR:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(64+IX)" ; CCIP0_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CCIP0_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCIP0_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CCIP0_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecc0" ; CCIP0_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CCIP0_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CCIP0_IBR:CellSizes = 12.5f, 37.5f, 62.5f, 87.5f, 112.5f, 137.5f, 162.5f, 187.5f, 212.5f, 237.5f, 262.5f, 287.5f, 312.5f, 337.5f, 362.5f, 387.5f, 412.5f, 437.5f, 462.5f, 487.5f, 512.5f, 537.5f, 562.5f, 587.5f, 612.5f, 637.5f, 662.5f, 687.5f, 712.5f, 737.5f, 762.5f, 787.5f, 812.5f, 837.5f, 862.5f, 887.5f, 912.5f, 937.5f, 962.5f, 987.5f, 1012.5f, 1037.5f, 1062.5f, 1087.5f, 1112.5f, 1137.5f, 1162.5f, 1187.5f, 1212.5f, 1237.5f, 1262.5f, 1287.5f, 1312.5f, 1337.5f, 1362.5f, 1387.5f, 1412.5f, 1437.5f, 1462.5f, 1487.5f, 1512.5f, 1537.5f, 1562.5f, 1587.5f, 1612.5f, 1637.5f, 1662.5f, 1687.5f, 1712.5f, 1737.5f, 1762.5f, 1787.5f, 1812.5f, 1837.5f, 1862.5f, 1887.5f, 1912.5f, 1937.5f, 1962.5f, 1987.5f, 2012.5f, 2037.5f, 2062.5f, 2087.5f, 2112.5f, 2137.5f, 2162.5f, 2187.5f, 2212.5f, 2237.5f, 2262.5f, 2287.5f, 2312.5f, 2337.5f, 2362.5f, 2387.5f, 2412.5f, 2437.5f, 2462.5f, 2487.5f, 2512.5f ; CCIP0_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CCIP0_IBR:VectorLength = 101 ; CCIP0_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; CCIP0_IBR:LastBin = 100 ; float CCIPsz0_IBR(time, sps1, Vec16) ; CCIPsz0_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; CCIPsz0_IBR:method = "IX, svol corr IX/(64+IX)" ; CCIPsz0_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CCIPsz0_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCIPsz0_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CCIPsz0_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecsz0" ; CCIPsz0_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CCIPsz0_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CCIPsz0_IBR:CellSizes = 25.f, 50.f, 100.f, 150.f, 200.f, 250.f, 300.f, 400.f, 500.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1250.f, 1500.f, 2000.f, 2500.f ; CCIPsz0_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CCIPsz0_IBR:VectorLength = 16 ; CCIPsz0_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; CCIPsz0_IBR:LastBin = 15 ; float ACIP1_IBR(time, sps1, Vec62) ; ACIP1_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell" ; ACIP1_IBR:method = "IY, all-in, no svol correction" ; ACIP1_IBR:units = "#" ; ACIP1_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; ACIP1_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; ACIP1_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecn1" ; ACIP1_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; ACIP1_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; ACIP1_IBR:CellSizes = 12.5f, 37.5f, 62.5f, 87.5f, 112.5f, 137.5f, 162.5f, 187.5f, 212.5f, 237.5f, 262.5f, 287.5f, 312.5f, 337.5f, 362.5f, 387.5f, 412.5f, 437.5f, 462.5f, 487.5f, 512.5f, 537.5f, 562.5f, 587.5f, 612.5f, 637.5f, 662.5f, 687.5f, 712.5f, 737.5f, 762.5f, 787.5f, 812.5f, 837.5f, 862.5f, 887.5f, 912.5f, 937.5f, 962.5f, 987.5f, 1012.5f, 1037.5f, 1062.5f, 1087.5f, 1112.5f, 1137.5f, 1162.5f, 1187.5f, 1212.5f, 1237.5f, 1262.5f, 1287.5f, 1312.5f, 1337.5f, 1362.5f, 1387.5f, 1412.5f, 1437.5f, 1462.5f, 1487.5f, 1512.5f, 1537.5f ; ACIP1_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; ACIP1_IBR:VectorLength = 62 ; ACIP1_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; ACIP1_IBR:LastBin = 61 ; float CCIP1_IBR(time, sps1, Vec62) ; CCIP1_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; CCIP1_IBR:method = "IY, all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; CCIP1_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CCIP1_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCIP1_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CCIP1_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecc1" ; CCIP1_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CCIP1_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CCIP1_IBR:CellSizes = 12.5f, 37.5f, 62.5f, 87.5f, 112.5f, 137.5f, 162.5f, 187.5f, 212.5f, 237.5f, 262.5f, 287.5f, 312.5f, 337.5f, 362.5f, 387.5f, 412.5f, 437.5f, 462.5f, 487.5f, 512.5f, 537.5f, 562.5f, 587.5f, 612.5f, 637.5f, 662.5f, 687.5f, 712.5f, 737.5f, 762.5f, 787.5f, 812.5f, 837.5f, 862.5f, 887.5f, 912.5f, 937.5f, 962.5f, 987.5f, 1012.5f, 1037.5f, 1062.5f, 1087.5f, 1112.5f, 1137.5f, 1162.5f, 1187.5f, 1212.5f, 1237.5f, 1262.5f, 1287.5f, 1312.5f, 1337.5f, 1362.5f, 1387.5f, 1412.5f, 1437.5f, 1462.5f, 1487.5f, 1512.5f, 1537.5f ; CCIP1_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CCIP1_IBR:VectorLength = 62 ; CCIP1_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; CCIP1_IBR:LastBin = 61 ; float CCIPsz1_IBR(time, sps1, Vec14) ; CCIPsz1_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; CCIPsz1_IBR:method = "IY, all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; CCIPsz1_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CCIPsz1_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCIPsz1_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CCIPsz1_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecsz1" ; CCIPsz1_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CCIPsz1_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CCIPsz1_IBR:CellSizes = 25.f, 50.f, 100.f, 150.f, 200.f, 250.f, 300.f, 400.f, 500.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1250.f, 1500.f ; CCIPsz1_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CCIPsz1_IBR:VectorLength = 14 ; CCIPsz1_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; CCIPsz1_IBR:LastBin = 13 ; float ACIP2_IBR(time, sps1, Vec101) ; ACIP2_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell" ; ACIP2_IBR:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, no svol correction" ; ACIP2_IBR:units = "#" ; ACIP2_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; ACIP2_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; ACIP2_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecn2" ; ACIP2_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; ACIP2_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; ACIP2_IBR:CellSizes = 12.5f, 37.5f, 62.5f, 87.5f, 112.5f, 137.5f, 162.5f, 187.5f, 212.5f, 237.5f, 262.5f, 287.5f, 312.5f, 337.5f, 362.5f, 387.5f, 412.5f, 437.5f, 462.5f, 487.5f, 512.5f, 537.5f, 562.5f, 587.5f, 612.5f, 637.5f, 662.5f, 687.5f, 712.5f, 737.5f, 762.5f, 787.5f, 812.5f, 837.5f, 862.5f, 887.5f, 912.5f, 937.5f, 962.5f, 987.5f, 1012.5f, 1037.5f, 1062.5f, 1087.5f, 1112.5f, 1137.5f, 1162.5f, 1187.5f, 1212.5f, 1237.5f, 1262.5f, 1287.5f, 1312.5f, 1337.5f, 1362.5f, 1387.5f, 1412.5f, 1437.5f, 1462.5f, 1487.5f, 1512.5f, 1537.5f, 1562.5f, 1587.5f, 1612.5f, 1637.5f, 1662.5f, 1687.5f, 1712.5f, 1737.5f, 1762.5f, 1787.5f, 1812.5f, 1837.5f, 1862.5f, 1887.5f, 1912.5f, 1937.5f, 1962.5f, 1987.5f, 2012.5f, 2037.5f, 2062.5f, 2087.5f, 2112.5f, 2137.5f, 2162.5f, 2187.5f, 2212.5f, 2237.5f, 2262.5f, 2287.5f, 2312.5f, 2337.5f, 2362.5f, 2387.5f, 2412.5f, 2437.5f, 2462.5f, 2487.5f, 2512.5f ; ACIP2_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; ACIP2_IBR:VectorLength = 101 ; ACIP2_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; ACIP2_IBR:LastBin = 100 ; float CCIP2_IBR(time, sps1, Vec101) ; CCIP2_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; CCIP2_IBR:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; CCIP2_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CCIP2_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCIP2_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CCIP2_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecc2" ; CCIP2_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CCIP2_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CCIP2_IBR:CellSizes = 12.5f, 37.5f, 62.5f, 87.5f, 112.5f, 137.5f, 162.5f, 187.5f, 212.5f, 237.5f, 262.5f, 287.5f, 312.5f, 337.5f, 362.5f, 387.5f, 412.5f, 437.5f, 462.5f, 487.5f, 512.5f, 537.5f, 562.5f, 587.5f, 612.5f, 637.5f, 662.5f, 687.5f, 712.5f, 737.5f, 762.5f, 787.5f, 812.5f, 837.5f, 862.5f, 887.5f, 912.5f, 937.5f, 962.5f, 987.5f, 1012.5f, 1037.5f, 1062.5f, 1087.5f, 1112.5f, 1137.5f, 1162.5f, 1187.5f, 1212.5f, 1237.5f, 1262.5f, 1287.5f, 1312.5f, 1337.5f, 1362.5f, 1387.5f, 1412.5f, 1437.5f, 1462.5f, 1487.5f, 1512.5f, 1537.5f, 1562.5f, 1587.5f, 1612.5f, 1637.5f, 1662.5f, 1687.5f, 1712.5f, 1737.5f, 1762.5f, 1787.5f, 1812.5f, 1837.5f, 1862.5f, 1887.5f, 1912.5f, 1937.5f, 1962.5f, 1987.5f, 2012.5f, 2037.5f, 2062.5f, 2087.5f, 2112.5f, 2137.5f, 2162.5f, 2187.5f, 2212.5f, 2237.5f, 2262.5f, 2287.5f, 2312.5f, 2337.5f, 2362.5f, 2387.5f, 2412.5f, 2437.5f, 2462.5f, 2487.5f, 2512.5f ; CCIP2_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CCIP2_IBR:VectorLength = 101 ; CCIP2_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; CCIP2_IBR:LastBin = 100 ; float ACIPsz2_IBR(time, sps1, Vec16) ; ACIPsz2_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; ACIPsz2_IBR:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; ACIPsz2_IBR:units = "#" ; ACIPsz2_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; ACIPsz2_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; ACIPsz2_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecszn2" ; ACIPsz2_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; ACIPsz2_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; ACIPsz2_IBR:CellSizes = 25.f, 50.f, 100.f, 150.f, 200.f, 250.f, 300.f, 400.f, 500.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1250.f, 1500.f, 2000.f, 2500.f ; ACIPsz2_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; ACIPsz2_IBR:VectorLength = 16 ; ACIPsz2_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; ACIPsz2_IBR:LastBin = 15 ; float CCIPsz2_IBR(time, sps1, Vec16) ; CCIPsz2_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP number per cell " ; CCIPsz2_IBR:method = "max(IX,IY), IY all-in, svol corr IY/(62-IY)" ; CCIPsz2_IBR:units = "#/liter" ; CCIPsz2_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CCIPsz2_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CCIPsz2_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecsz2" ; CCIPsz2_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "micrometers" ; CCIPsz2_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CCIPsz2_IBR:CellSizes = 25.f, 50.f, 100.f, 150.f, 200.f, 250.f, 300.f, 400.f, 500.f, 600.f, 800.f, 1000.f, 1250.f, 1500.f, 2000.f, 2500.f ; CCIPsz2_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CCIPsz2_IBR:VectorLength = 16 ; CCIPsz2_IBR:FirstBin = 1 ; CCIPsz2_IBR:LastBin = 15 ; float CIParrt_IBR(time, sps1, Vec26) ; CIParrt_IBR:long_name = "DMT CIP arrival times " ; CIParrt_IBR:units = "log10(seconds)" ; CIParrt_IBR:Category = "PMS Probe" ; CIParrt_IBR:missing_value = -64767.f ; CIParrt_IBR:matlab_name = "cipspecarrt" ; CIParrt_IBR:CellSizeUnits = "log10(seconds)" ; CIParrt_IBR:OutputRate = 1 ; CIParrt_IBR:CellSizes = -8.f, -7.5f, -7.f, -6.5f, -6.f, -5.5f, -5.f, -4.5f, -4.f, -3.5f, -3.f, -2.5f, -2.f, -1.5f, -1.f, -0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f, 1.f, 1.5f, 2.f, 2.5f, 3.f, 3.5f, 4.f, 4.5f, 5.f ; CIParrt_IBR:CellSizesComment = "CellSizes are bin edges" ; CIParrt_IBR:VectorLength = 26 ; float nevlwc(time) ; nevlwc:long_name = "Nevzorov Liquid Water Content" ; nevlwc:Category = "Derived" ; nevlwc:units = "gram/m3" ; nevlwc:SampleRate = 1000 ; nevlwc:type = "analog" ; nevlwc:Package = "Supplied by Alexei" ; nevlwc:OutputRate = 1 ; float nevtwc(time) ; nevtwc:long_name = "Nevzorov Total (condensed) Water Content" ; nevtwc:Category = "Derived" ; nevtwc:units = "gram/m3" ; nevtwc:SampleRate = 1000 ; nevtwc:type = "analog" ; nevtwc:Package = "Supplied by Alexei" ; nevtwc:OutputRate = 1 ; // global attributes: :FlightNumber = "RF01" ; :HeaderUsed = "tdms" ; :DataSystem = "N2UW" ; :RadarWing = 1. ; :FileTypeVersion = "8.7" ; :ProjectNumber = "102" ; :Phone = "(307) 766-3246" ; :Aircraft = "N2UW" ; :ProjectPI = "Tristan L\'Ecuyer" ; :Source = "University of Wyoming, Department of Atmospheric Science" ; :ProjectLocation = "Turku, Finland" ; :ProjectName = "LPVEX10" ; :ProjectEndDate = "10/20/2010" ; :HeaderCreated = "2010-08-12 20:05:58.765" ; :Address = "Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071-3038" ; :Platform = "N2UW" ; :Project = "Light Precipitation Validation Experiment (LPVEX)" ; :ProjectStartDate = "09/15/2010" ; :tdms_version = "4712" ; :FileYear = "2010" ; :time_coverage_start = "2010-09-16 07:23:52 +0000" ; :time_coverage_end = "2010-09-16 10:52:42 +0000" ; :FlightDate = " 9/16/2010" ; :TimeInterval = "07:23:52-10:52:42" ; :ArincTimeOffset = -0.009 ; :CorrectionFile = "corrections_lpvex10" ; :CorrectionFileModified = "04-Mar-2011 16:00:03" ; :nctdms_revision = "$Id: nctdms_revision.m,v 1.33 2011/02/28 20:24:59 ldoolman Exp $" ; :DateProcessed = "19-Sep-2011 16:50:58" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ; :ConventionsURL = "" ; :ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ; :coordinates = "LONC LATC ztrue time" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 59.7116966333333 ; :geospatial_lat_max = 60.5623382833333 ; :latitude_coordinate = "LATC" ; :geospatial_lon_min = 22.2404945 ; :geospatial_lon_max = 25.6626529666667 ; :longitude_coordinate = "LONC" ; :geospatial_vertical_min = 73.577 ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 4468.5 ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :zaxis_coordinate = "ztrue" ; :Categories = "Position" ; :PROCESSING = "Development" ; :Version = "1.3" ; :wind_field = "hwmag hwdir hw" ; :time_coordinate = "time" ; :CenterCoordLon0 = -106.744 ; :CenterCoordLat0 = 40.455 ; :CenterCoordName = "Storm Peak Laboratory" ; :landmarks = "41.31336 -105.6728 LAR,40.455 -106.744 SPL" ; :Winds.TempUsed = "trf" ; :Winds.PressUsed = "ps_hads_a" ; :Winds.PitotUsed = "aias" ; :Winds.UseDPR = "yes" ; :Winds.ManeuverDate = "20100527" ; :Winds.QFactor = 0. ; :Winds.PFactor = 0. ; :Winds.AttackFactor = 0.239, -0.0132 ; :Winds.SideslipFactor = 0.2125, -0.0049 ; :Winds.PitchOffsetRadians = 0.0023 ; :Winds.RollOffsetRadians = 0.0098 ; :Winds.HeadOffsetRadians = 0.0027 ; :TAS.UseHumidity = "yes" ; :DMT.defaultWireTempCoeffs = -1.4444, 108.9922 ; :BadValues = "Var: Number of values not physically correct" ; :MissingValues = "Var: Number of missing values (filled with ~9e36)" ; :DataType = "Derived variables processed with matlab(TM)" ; :CVS_data = " File get_nevzarov1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.1" ; :CVS_misc = " File get_dmt1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.8" ; :CVS_irs = " File get_irs1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.1" ; :CVS_gps = " File get_gps1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.1" ; :CVS_topo = " File get_topo1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.2" ; :CVS_wind = " File cvwind1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.5" ; :Winds.PitchOffsetUsed = 0.0023 ; :Winds.RollOffsetUsed = 0.0098 ; :Winds.HeadOffsetUsed = 0.0027 ; :Winds.AttackFactorUsed = 0.239, -0.0132 ; :Winds.SideslipFactorUsed = 0.2125, -0.0049 ; :Winds.QFactorUsed = 0. ; :Winds.PFactorUsed = 0. ; :CVS_licor = " File get_licor1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.1" ; :CVS_icing = " File get_icing1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.4" ; :CVS_fssp = " File get_fssp1.m Tag lpvex10_qc13 Rev 1.3" ; :Nevzorov = "Added" ; }