The Micro Rain Radar (MRR) data in these files are from the data repository of the original Colorado State University (CSU) LPVEx website, The repository for MRR data as obtained from the LPVEx website included a mix of plain ascii data files and compressed archive files created using zip and gzip. The files here were cleaned by expanding compressed archives, identifying and removing duplicate files, and putting the files under a consistent directory structure for each of the MRRs at the LPVEx remote sites. Additionally, as described below, mixing of data files from the MRR at Emasalo and from a second MRR deployed at Jarvenpaa was resolved. In the directory for each of the four remote sites (Jarvenpaa, Emasalo, Harmaja, and the research vessel Aranda), there is a subdirectory for the MRR instrument (and for a second MRR at Jarvenpaa). Each of these subdirectories contains Rawdata, Instdata and Data directories, following Metek's default names at the time of LPVEx. The spectral measurements produced by the MRR, generally at 10-second resolution, are contained in files under the Rawdata directories. Under the Instdata directories are files that contain the reflectivity factors, Doppler velocities, and other products derived from the spectral data files and at the time resolution of those files. Under the Data directories are files that also contain reflectivity factors, Doppler velocities and other derived products, but averaged to 1-minute time resolution. These files were produced by the Metek MRR Control program installed on the computers operating the MRRs. Note that in some cases the repository was incomplete. For the Aranda for example, averaged Data files were in the repository, but not the corresponding Rawdata or Instdata files. On 9 November, 2010, components from the MRR deployed at Emasalo were relocated to Jarvenpaa and used to deploy a second MRR ("MRR2") at that site. This information is per an email from Dmitri Moisseev of the University of Helsinki to Paul Joe of Environment Canada on 10 November 2010. That email also stated that when the radar was redeployed as the Jarvenpaa MRR2, the vertical resolution was changed from 100 m to 15 m. The original data obtained from the CSU data repository for the Jarvenpaa MRR2 contained data files for days prior to 9 November 2010. After evaluating the files it was apparent these were files from the radar's deployment at Emasalo that were not removed from the MRR's computer before the redeployment to Jarvenpaa. As part of this cleanup, these files were moved to the Emasalo directory and any duplication was removed. For questions about the details of the cleanup and processing done to produce this archive, contact Norm Wood at University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center (, 608-265-3675). Norm Wood 7 March 2019