Sounding launches were carried out from Kumpula and Vaisala HQ in Vantaa. Atmospheric soundings at Vantaa ------------------------------- Location of the sounding station: Vaisala test field (three nearby launch locations) Latitude 60.2819 N, 60.2824 N, 60.2825 N Longitude 24.8778 E, 24.8772 E, 24.8770 E Altitude 28 m, 28 m, 27 m Edited ASCII outputs of the soundings are in the monthly folders. The timing of the sounding is only in the file name, to the second, and the file contains every (edited) observation on separate lines, usually time resolution in the sounding is 2 seconds. mm, ss, height, pressure, temp., RH, dewp., WD, WS, level type and comments --- 0 0 28 985.9 4.2 76 0.3 171 3.2 TUdfv 0 2 39 984.6 4.3 77 0.7 170 3.7 wi --- Height in gpm, pressure in hPa, temperature and dewpoint in degrees C, wind direction (WD) in degrees, and wind speed (WS) in m/s. Level type indicates whether the level is a significant level or other special level, and comment "wi" states that the wind data has been interpolated. -- 2011-08-30 Matti Leskinen