# #MRR2-01 Maintenance Log # #### OLYMPEX ##### -MRR2-01 sent to WA for setup at Hurricane Ridge for OLYPEX 10/29/14 MW JZ JM -MRR placed on roof of generator building on Hurricane Ridge, WA -elevation set to 1586 meters 10/30/14 -MRR connected to power/laptop -Hot Plate connected to laptop -Parsivel2 connected to laptop 01/24/15 MW JZ -site visit 10/01/15 ~00Z MW -site visit to check on instruments and install new modem (pantech ulm295) -upon arriving, MRR laptop screen was blank and unresponsive -had to power cycle mrr laptop, came back up -mrr stopped recording data on 07/16 @0354Z -hot plate stopped recording data on 06/02 @ 23Z -new modem has -85 dBm signal (4 out of 5 bars) 11/07/15 04Z MW -MRR resolution set to 60 m 01/15/16 MW CJ -Parsivel2 pulled -backing up MRR data (only 6 GB left on HD!!!) 01/29/16 1616 UTC MW -laptop was not recording MRR data -rebooted MRR laptop, data collection restarted -data outage began on 27 jan 05/24/16 MW CJ -MRR data backed up to external HD prior to shipment