THIS IS A FILE OF INFORMATION CONCERNING THE MSU DATA FILES Update: 1 May 2005 New names have been introduced as of 1 June 2004 reflecting the latest version of the MSU/AMSU datasets. This is version 5.1. For information on each of the products, look into the directories for the appropriate readme file. The new name for the lower troposphere will be TLT or tlt, dropping the "2" because we now have AMSU data in the mix which utilizes AMSU channel 5 (similar to MSU channel 2). For the mid-troposphere we shall use TMT or tmt and for the lower stratosphere, TLS or tls. The files to be placed on the server after 1 Jun 2004 have an extension of "5.1". These include all corrections (non-linear diurnal adjustment for LT and MT, orbit decay, instrument-body effect etc.) **** X = lt, mt or ls in subdirectories tlt, tmt and tls. tXday_5.1 daily anomalies of global, hemispheric tXdayamz_5.1 daily anomalies of global, hemispheric and zonal tXglhmam_5.1 monthly anomalies of global and hemispheric tXmonamg.YYYY_5.1 monthly gridded anomalies of product "X" in year "YYYY" Annual Cycle absolute values X = lt, mt or ls. tXdayac79YY_5.1 tXdayacz79YY_5.1 tXmonacg_5.1 tXmonacg_5.1 YY = last year included in mean annual cycle calculation. ***** Reading tXdayacz79YY_5.1 do jd = 1,366 read (10,100) jday,jd781,jd782,acha,mgl,msh,mnh,mtr !for both files read (10,101) (ndata(ilat),ilat=1,67) !for tXdayacz files end do 100 format(2i5,i6,a5,4i5) 101 format(16i5) jday = julian day 1 to 366 jd781 = day since 1 Jan 1978 used as the first day of the mean cycle jd782 = day since 1 Jan 1978 used as the last day of the mean cycle mgl, msh, mnh should be multiplied by 0.001 ndata should be multiplied by 0.01 filename: tXday_5.1 contains only global and hemispheric anomalies *** New April 2009 Tropical anomaly added with new format character *5 acha READ (10,100) NYR,NDY,NDY78,ACHA,NGL,NSH,NNH,NTR NYR : Year NDY : julian day (1 - 366) NDY78: day since 1 Jan 1978 ACHA : product (LT, MT or LS) NGL : global anomaly in thousandths of degree C NSH : SH anomaly in .001 NNH : NH anomaly in .001 NTR : Tropical anomaly in .001 20S-20N Files for daily zonal anomalies (tXdayamz_5.0) *** New for April 2009 tropics 20S-20N added character *5 ACHA READ (10,100) NYR,NDY,NDY78,ACHA,NGL,NSH,NNH READ (10,101) (NDATA(IY),IY = 1,67) NYR : Year NDY : julian day (1 - 366) NDY78: day since 1 Jan 1978 ACHA : product (LT, MT or LS) NGL : global anomaly in thousandths of degree C NSH : SH anomaly in .001 NNH : NH anomaly in .001 NDATA: zonal anomaly in 0.01 for tXdayamz_5.0 files -9999 : missing IY is 67 latitudes from -82.5 to +82.5, every 2.5 degrees lat. REVIEW OF FILE NOMENCLATURE: LT, lt = lower troposphere MT, mt = mid troposphere LS, ls = lower stratosphere **** MON = MONTHLY ( 12 PER YEAR) DAY = DAILY AM = ANOMALY AC = ANNUAL CYCLE G = GRIDPOINT (2.5 DEG) Z = ZONAL GL = GLOBAL HM = HEMISPHERE **** Sectional definitions for uahncdc.XX files Global -85 to +85 latitude Hemispheric 0 to +/- 85 latitude Extratropics +/- 20 to +/- 85 latitude Polar +/- 60 to +/- 85 latitude *************************REMEMBER, USE CAUTION***************** IN EXTRATROPICS FOR MARCH, APRIL AND AUGUST 1981, NOVEMBER 1979 due to missing data. ALSO BE CAUTIOUS USING LT AND MT OVER HIGH TERRAIN ( >1500 M) The areas of poor anomaly values are : Tibetian Plateau, Antarctica, Greenland and the narrow spine of the Andes. Depending on how much of these areas are neglected, the coverage should be about 97-98% of the globe. **************************************************************** Reading Gridpoint Files: tXmonamg.YYYY_5.1 ALL GRIDS ARE INCLUDED IN THE FIELDS, BUT ONE SHOULD EXERCIZE CAUTION WHEN STUDYING AREAS OF HIGH TERRAIN. THE TIBETAN PLATEAU, ANTARCTICA, CENTRAL GREENLAND AND ANDES ARE ESPECIALLY AFFECTED IN CHANNELS LT, MT. THE FILES ARE 144X72, OR 2.5 DEGREE GRID. THIS IS THE 'ODD' GRID, MEANING THE CENTER OF THESE GRID BOXES IS 1.25 DEGREES DIFFERENT FROM INTEGER MULTIPLES OF 2.5. -9999 IS MISSING. ANOMALY VALUES ARE IN HUNDREDTHS OF DEGREES. NDATA(1,1) = -178.75,-88.75 NDATA(2,1) = -176.25,-88.75 NDATA(1,2) = -178.75,-86.25 ETC. FOR EACH MONTH OR PENTAD THE FOLLOWING CODE SHOULD WORK FOR THE ANOMALY FILES CHARACTER *12,ACHA READ ( ,100) ISAT,IYR,IMON,ACHA READ ( ,101) ((NDATA(IX,IY),IX=1,144),IY=1,72) 100 FORMAT (3I12,A12) 101 FORMAT (16I5) ISAT: CODE NUMBER FOR THE SATELLITES USED IYR : YEAR IMON: MONTH (1 TO 12), OR PENTAD (1 TO 73) ACHA: CHARACTER STRING OF CHANNEL NAME (12 CHARACTERS) NDATA: ANOMALIES IN HUNDREDTHS OF DEGREES FOR EACH MONTH OR PENTAD OF THE ANNUAL CYCLE DATA: CHARACTER *12,ACHA READ ( ,100) IMON,IDATE1,IDATE2,ACHA READ ( ,101) ((NDATA(IX,IY),IX=1,144),IY=1,72) 100 FORMAT (3I12,A12) 101 FORMAT (16I5) IMON: MONTH (1-12) OR PENTAD (1-73) IDATE1: DATE OF BEGINNING OF DATA USED FOR ANNUAL CYCLE IDATE2: DATE OF ENDING OF DATA USED FOR ANNUAL CYCLE ACHA: CHARACTER STRING OF CHANNEL NAME (12 CHARACTERS) NDATA: MEAN VALUES IN HUNDREDTHS OF DEGREES TO RECOVER THE ABSOLUTE VALUES DIVIDE BY 100 JOHN CHRISTY UAH: 256-961-7763