GHRC 2016 UWG Agenda


Logistics and Planning Information

DATES 0800 Tuesday, September 20 through
1200 Wednesday, September 21
LOCATION National Space Science and Technology Center
Bud Cramer Research Hall
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, Alabama  35899
Phone:  256-961-7000

(building #26 on campus map, west side of Sparkman Drive)

UWG Charter

GHRC Data Management Documents

2015 UWG Report and Recommendations

GHRC DAAC Annual Report FY2016



Meeting Agenda and Presentations

Discussion questions (Google form)

2017 recommendations (Google docs)

Day 1: Tuesday, September 20, 2016

0800 - 0830 Meet and Greet
0830 - 0845 GHRC video preview (Weigel)

Recommendation 18: Develop an attractive visualization that goes along with the new mission and vision statement that would help audiences associate the GHRC with its vision and mission statement.

0845 - 0900

Introductions / Logistics (Harrison)

0900 - 0930

Opening Remarks

0930 - 1000 GHRC Overview (Ramachandran / Conover)
1000 - 1030

Session 1: Potential New Datasets (Smith)

Recommendation 4: Carry out dataset holdings analysis and create a reporting structure that categorizes what is available at GHRC and possibly elsewhere. This compilation should enable prioritization of efforts that will fill the most significant data voids, where these efforts align with the new GHRC mission.

Recommendation 5: Update public dataset information pages to include data holding analysis results that might be helpful to the user community.

Recommendation 19: Discuss the possibility of getting land data from the SWOT mission archived at GHRC to complement hazardous weather related to floods caused by excess precipitation.

1030 - 1045 Break - Group Photo
1045 -1130 Session 2: Operational Improvements

Recommendation 8:  Create a data lifecycle process for GHRC that can be applied to current and future holdings.  The website should have a clear location where a potential data provider can obtain information on the services the GHRC can provide, including how to submit a request to archive their dataset.

Recommendation 9:  Develop some guidelines or work flows for GHRC to handle future field campaign data. Online data questionnaire form should be developed further and shared with other DAACS. 

1130 - 1230 Lunch
1230 - 1330

Session 3: Science Outreach

Recommendation 3:  GHRC should work to enhance visibility (e.g., AMS / AGU, brochures, etc.) once the 5-10 year vision is developed and the web page reflects these objectives.

Recommendation 8: The website should have a clear location where a potential data provider can obtain information on the services the GHRC can provide, including how to submit a request to archive their dataset.

Recommendation 10: Develop a data maturity model for GHRC data.  Provide this on website and include maturity information for each dataset.

Recommendation 11: Determine LIS technical specifications for data products, latency, formats, etc. Publicize this future data source at appropriate venues.

Recommendation 17: Create data bundles for scientists who want to study processes.

1330 - 1430 Session 4: New User Tools

Recommendation 12: Develop a single tool that can provide broad use to multiple field campaigns and data types. Support users in their use of the tool (including example code and recipes), and by providing a mechanism by which the GHRC might begin accepting user contributions.

Suggestion 1: Supplying APIs in both IDL and Python that allow users to download datasets from their local machines is highly desirable

1430 - 1500 Break - ISS LIS POCC visit
1500 - 1600

Session 5: New Research / Data Exploration (Ramachandran)

Event Explorer Examples:

1600 - 1700 Session 6:  Characterizing GHRC User Community (Smith)
1700 Adjourn

EVENING – Local breweries at Campus 805, 2620 Clinton Ave W, Huntsville, AL 35805


Day 2: Wednesday, September 21, 2016

0830 - 1100 Closed UWG Meeting
1100 - 1200 Report out to DAAC
1200 Adjourn


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