Date (Julian) |
Missing orbit numbers
(start-finish) |
Anomalous orbit number |
See specific orbits in the science data if reason is not shown below. |
1998 |
03/03/1998 (98062) |
1514 |
Low power recovery |
03/03/1998 (98062) |
1515 |
03/03/1998 (98062) |
1516 |
04/25/1998 (98115) |
2338 |
Low power mode recovery mode due to low sun angle. |
04/25/1998 (98115) |
2339-2341 |
04/25/1998 (98115) |
2342 |
11/17/1998 (98321) |
5595 |
Instrument powered off due to encounter with Leonid meteor stream. |
11/17/1998 (98321) |
5596-5599 |
11/17/1998 (98321) |
5600 |
1999 |
01/03/1999 (99003) |
6339 |
Instrument powered off. |
01/03/1999 - 01/06/1999 (99003) - (99006) |
6340-6387 |
01/06/1999 - (99006) |
6388 |
08/24/1999 - (99236) |
10001 |
TRMM recorder overflow |
10/4/1999 - (99277) |
10649 |
Onboard recorder overflow |
11/17/1999 - (99321) |
11354 |
Instrument powered off due to encounter with Leonid meteor stream. |
11/17/1999 - 11/18/1999
(99321) - (99322) |
11355-11359 |
11/18/1999 - (99322) |
11360 |
2000 |
01/10/2000 - (00010) |
12196 |
Failed harddrive caused recorder overflow |
04/22/2000 - (00113) |
13816 |
Recorder overflow |
04/22/2000 - (00113) |
13817 |
09/17/2000 - (00261) |
16154 |
Satellite power outage |
09/17/2000 -
(00261) - (00263) |
16155-16192 |
09/22/2000 -
(00266) - (00266)
16235-16239 |
09/23/2000 - (00266) |
16234 |
09/23/2000 - (00266) |
16240 |
Instrument powered down due to low battery indication |
11/18/2000 - (00323) |
17127 |
Instrument powered off due to encounter with Leonid meteor stream. |
11/18/2000 - (00323) |
17128-17133 |
11/18/2000 - (00323) |
17134 |
2001 |
08/13/2001 - (01225) |
21355 |
Instrument powered down due to spacecraft reboost. |
08/13/2001 - 08/17/2001
(01225) - (01229) |
21356-21429 |
08/17/2001 - (01229) |
21430 |
11/17/2001 - (01321) |
22865 |
Instrument powered off due to encounter with Leonid meteor stream. |
11/18/2001 - 11/18/2001
(01322) - (01322) |
22866-22880 |
11/18/2001 - (01322) |
22881 |
2002 |
01/31/2002 - (02031) |
24031 |
Instrument reset |
01/31/2002 - (02031) |
24032 |
09/05/2002 - (02248) |
27414 |
Problem with solar array position necessitated the LIS and VIRS to be temporarily powered off to meet power balance. |
09/05/2002 - 09/12/2002
(02248) - (02255) |
27415-27525 |
09/25/2002 - (02268) |
27725 |
LIS powered off due to low beta angle and power issues. |
09/25/2002 - 10/04/2002
(02268) - (02277) |
27726-27867 |
10/04/2002 - (02277) |
27868 |
11/19/2002 - (02323) |
28570 |
Instrument powered off due to encounter with Leonid meteor stream. |
11/19/2002 - (02323) |
28571-28578 |
11/19/2002 - (02323) |
28579 |
2003 |
10/29/2003 -(03302) |
33940 |
LIS instrument turned off during a period of intense solar activity to prevent instrument damage. |
10/29/2003 - 11/03/2003
(03302) - (03307) |
33941-34024 |
11/03/2003 - (03307) |
34025 |
2004 |
06/04/2004 - (04156) |
37350 |
The power at the ground station was turned off due to severe weather in the area. Thus, the ground station wasn't available to receive data. |
2005 |
09/19/2005 - (05262)
44712-44713 |
There was a problem with TDS (TDRS satellite anomaly) in which we lost the event scheduled at 17:41-18:01z. The data loss is as follows for all of the science data
(VR 3 - VR 6): 16:06:27z - 17:42:27z.
All engineering data was recovered. |
12/03/2005 - (05337) |
45881 |
Due to a late acquisition with TDRS on 05-337, some LIS and PR data was lost. |
2006 |
01/30/2006 - (06030) |
46776 |
Orbit 46777 is missing data, LIS science data interruption likely caused by passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly. |
04/05/2006 - (06095) |
47794-47795 |
There was a problem at STGT with a piece of equipment that distributes the data to the various entities. The time of the missing data is 095/09:42:27z-11:14:27z |
05/22/2006 - (06142) |
48525-48526 |
The data gap was a result of a Q-channel return link that dropped out at White Sands resulting in a chain failover. The affected times are:
2006-142T07:14:30.75330 - 2006-142T08:47:31.75334 |
09/14/2006 - (06257) |
50320 |
The data gap was a result interferrence with the Hubble telescope. The affected times are:
2006-257 10:29:25 to 2006-257 11:53:00 |
11/28/2006 - (06332) |
51482-51483 |
Late acquisition of the satellite due to problems at the down link site (White Sands, NM) |
2007 |
01/09/2007 - (07009) |
52144-52145 |
Communications interference. |
03/17/2007 - (07076) |
53189-53190 |
Interruption likely caused by passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly. |
07/11/2007 - (07192) |
54976 |
54975, 54977 |
missing orbit 54976
orbits 54975 and 54977 are partial orbits TRMM sustained a non-recoverable data loss |
2008 |
05/08/2008 - (08129) |
59698 |
Antenna equipment problem. |
07/08/2008 - (08190) |
60650-60651 |
Unknown problem, reset fixed. |
09/10/2008 - (08254) |
61656-61657 |
The MOC could not receive data due to problems with software delivery at WSGT. |
12/06/2008 - (08341) |
63002-63003 |
The ground station was down. |
2009 |
02/10/2009 - 02/11/2009
(09041) -
64043-64044 |
Missing data on day 041 2253 UTC to day 042 0222 UTC due to software problems at the downlink site. |
05/18/2009 -
(09138) |
65553 |
The data could not be obtained from the satellite due to an antenna problem (downlink) |
06/16/2009 -
65997 |
66000-66001 |
Data acquisition problem - 054026z-081525z and 112527z-130225z on day 167 (Jun 16) |
06/24/2009 -
(09175) |
66131 |
66130,66132 |
LIS bus error - 21:39:30z - 23:16:02Z on day 175 (Jun 24) |
07/01/2009 - (09182) |
Problems with the ground station acquiring the signal from the satellite. |
09/08/2009 -
(09251) |
67309 |
67308 |
FIFO error while in the South Atlantic Anomaly. |
12/20/2009 - (09354)
68923 |
Data were not collected due to the ground station problems. |
12/21/2009 - (09355) |
68924-68930 |
68931 |
Data were not collected due to the ground station problems. |
2010 |
04/07/2010 - (10097)
70600-70601 |
Dropouts due to PSN jumps. |
04/26/2010 - (10116) |
70899 |
Dropouts due to WSGT not available to support TRMM. |
06/16/2010 (10167) |
71695 |
Pacor has informed PPS that there has been an unrecoverable gap in TRMM data for June 16, 2010 (DOY 167) spanning 2026z - 2057z. This was due to equipment failure at the White Sands facility. |
07/26/2010 - (10207) |
72310-72311 |
During the 207/101400z contact, the MOCC was unable to achieve lock on the data until 102400z. This caused an unrecoverable gap in the science data from 207/084126z to 207/101526z. |
08/19/2010 (10231) |
72688 |
The Precipitation Radar data recorder needed to be reset. Recorders for VIRS, TMI and LIS were stopped during the reset. There is a gap from 141125Z-141850z. |
2011 |
01/18/2011 - (11018)
75058 |
LIS stopped recording data and needed to be reset, likely due to SEU. Missing data time range: 2011-018T16:11:49.76583 - 2011-018T19:12:37.91709 (lost 10848 secs) |
01/18/2011 - (11018) |
75059 |
01/18/2011 - (11018) |
75060 |
03/05/2011 - (11064) |
75770-75771, 75773-75776 |
Power supply fault at ground station. |
05/08/2011 - (11128) |
76771-76772 |
Single Event Upset (SEU) over the South Atlantic Anomaly region |
06/06/2011 - (11157) |
77228 |
Data Dropout (No other information given.) |
09/06/2011 - (11249) |
Missing data during portions of these orbits due to failure of Automated Data Processing Equipment |
10/23/2011 - (11296) |
11/11/2011 - (11315) |
From about 2245 UTC on 11/11/11 to 0900 UTC on 11/12/11 Instrument in safe mode- no data collected. |
2012 |
05/01/2012 - (12122) |
82359 |
LIS instrument hang-up; lost data from 01:15:42z - 02:21:23z.
06/23/2012 -
(12175 - 12176) |
83199-83200, 83212-83213 |
Unrecoverable data gap 175 23:37:26.499629 UTC - 176 01:21:27.498820 UTC 176 20:06:26.498805 UTC - 176 21:21:27.498698 UTC
07/14/2012 - (12196) |
83517 |
83518 |
Unrecoverable data gap due to LIS FIFO Error from 08:19:03.78064z to 10:02:53.49352z.
08/24/2012 -
84154,84160 |
84154 - 2012-237T05:33:29.75334 - 2012-237T07:09:30.75369
84160 - (6 intervals of missing data, each about 450 secs long, see following list)
- 2012-237T14:38:05.75520 -
2012-237T14:45:37.75316 (lost 451 secs)
- 2012-237T14:52:34.75357 -
2012-237T15:00:41.75350 (lost 486 secs)
- 2012-237T15:07:04.75333 -
2012-237T15:14:38.75328 (lost 453 secs)
- 2012-237T15:21:35.75336 -
2012-237T15:29:10.75304 (lost 454 secs)
- 2012-237T15:36:08.75322 -
2012-237T15:43:42.75342 (lost 454 secs)
- 2012-237T15:50:39.75253 -
2012-237T15:58:13.75311 (lost 454 secs)
All due to downlink problems
09/28/2012 - (12272) |
84707-84708 |
Computer problem at WSGT 18:08:24-19:13:26z
12/01/2012 - (12336) |
85695 |
Data dropout...Unknown cause
2012-336T02:21:36.76837 - 2012-336T02:29:08.75302 (lost 451 secs)
2012-336T02:36:06.75327 - 2012-336T02:43:38.75313 (lost 451 secs) |
2013 |
01/30/2013 - (13030) |
86630-86631 |
TDRS uplink interrupted
04/19/2013 - (13109) |
87864-87865 |
Unpredicted mutual interference
06/02/2013 - (13052) |
88551-88552 |
Gap in instrument data at ground station
07/03/2013 - (13184) |
89031-89032 |
Mutual interference
08/01/2013 - (13213) |
89489 |
LIS Level-0 product for August 1 has an unrecoverable gap due to White Sands Scheduling deleted TRMM data events during lights out operations at the TRMM MOC.
Missing period: 2013-213T12:29:16 - 2013-213T12:40:44Z
11/12/2013 - (13316) |
91088-91095 |
91087,91099, 91100-91101 |
No Data in Missing Orbits
Intermittent Data Gaps in Anomalous Orbits
Affected Period: 2013-316T02:03 - 2013-316T13:45 UTC
Reason: TRMM Spacecraft Anomaly
11/19/2013 - (13323) |
91200-91205 |
Intermittent Data Gaps
Reason: Unknown