2023 GHRC Earthdata Webinar


The Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC presented its annual Earthdata webinar titled, “Lightning in a Flash: Using Cloud and Open Source Capabilities to Improve Data Access and Analysis.” The presentation introduced attendees to the role of all of the DAACs and GHRC specifically. From there, the talk highlighted GHRC’s lightning holdings and what makes lightning data of interest to the community. With this, the Lightning Dashboard was introduced, demonstrating GHRC’s efforts to better support the lightning community and apply its cloud expertise. Initial feedback from attendees was very positive. The full recording will be available once provided to GHRC. In the meantime, the slide deck can be found at https://go.nasa.gov/44s495a. Additionally, GHRC’s Lightning Dashboard can be found at https://ghrc.earthdata.nasa.gov/lightdash/index.html


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