Major ground-based and airborne observations for the Olympic Mountain Experiment (OLYMPEX) field campaign took place between November, 2015, and January, 2016, with additional ground sampling continuing through February, on the Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. This field campaign provides ground-based validation support of the findings resulting from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory satellite that is a joint effort between the NASA GPM program and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
As for all GPM-GV campaigns, the GHRC provides a collaboration portal to help investigators exchange planning information, and to support collection of real-time data as well as mission science, project and instrument status reports during the campaign. GHRC serves as the GPM-GV archive. OLYMPEX data are available to the public using the GHRC Search Portal using the search word OLYMPEX.
BAMS article:
The Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)
Sensing Our Planet article:
Mountains of Precipitation: Learning how terrain shapes storms is no walk in the park
NASA | Researchers Gear Up for OLYMPEx