GCPEx Dual Polarized C-Band Doppler Radar King City dataset published

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GHRC published the GPM Ground Validation Dual Polarized C-Band Doppler Radar King City GCPEx dataset. This dataset of observations from Environment Canada’s operational Doppler radar at King City, Ontario (WKR) has special RHI (Range Height Indicator) and sector scans of several dual polarization parameters and was created by the C-Band radar during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) in Ontario, Canada. Additionally, specially configured CARE-centric composites (Environment Canada’s Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments) were also generated. Standard WKR IRIS (Interactive Radar Information System volume and PPI (Plan Position Indicator) scans, along with corresponding standard PPI imagery, are also included. Data was collected from January 15, 2012 through March 3, 2012.


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