GHRC Publishes seven GOES-R PLT LMA datasets

The NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC published seven GOES-R PLT Lightning Mapping Arracy (LMA) datasets. These datasets consist of total lightning data measured from multiple LMA systems, including Colorado (COLMA), Washington DC (DCLMA), NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSCLMA), North Alabama (NALMA), Oklahoma (OKLMA), Southern Ontario (SOLMA), and West Texas (WTXLMA), during the GOES-R Post Launch Test (PLT) airborne science field campaign. The GOES-R PLT airborne science field campaign took place in support of the post-launch product validation of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). The LMA measures the arrival time of radiation from a lightning discharge at multiple stations and locates the sources of radiation to produce a three-dimensional map of total lightning activity. These data files are available in compressed ASCII files and are available from March 1, 2017 through June 1, 2017.
GOES-R PLT Colorado Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)
GOES-R PLT Washington D.C. Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)
GOES-R PLT Kennedy Space Center Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)
GOES-R PLT North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)
GOES-R PLT Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)
GOES-R PLT Southern Ontario Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)
GOES-R PLT West Texas Lightning Mapping Array (LMA)

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