The NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) published the GPM Ground Validation Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR) LPVEx V2 dataset. This dataset includes reflectivity and Doppler velocity measurements obtained by the Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR) flown on board the University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) aircraft, as well as aircraft navigation parameters. These data were collected as part of the Light Precipitation Validation Experiment (LPVEx) in September and October of 2010 around the Gulf of Finland. The dataset was collected to aid in achieving the overarching goals of LPVEx, to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of precipitation algorithms for current and future satellite platforms and to detect and understand the process of light rainfall formation at high latitudes. Data files are available in netCDF-3 format from September 16 through October 20, 2010 along with browse imagery in PDF and PNG format. It should be noted that the UWKA aircraft did not operate each day of the campaign, therefore, data are only available on flight days.