The Field Campaign eXplorer (FCX) has continued steady progress throughout fiscal year 2022. FCX is designed to enable the data exploration of multiple, three dimensional datasets concurrently. It is able to visualize satellite-, airborne-, and ground-based datasets. In addition to visualizing these data, FCX allows users to easily access available documentation and DOI links to download the data.
One of the top priorities for this year has been to expand the FCX capabilities beyond the initial demonstration using the GOES-R Post Launch Test (PLT) field campaign. In anticipation of this, a new FCX landing page (https://ghrc.earthdata.nasa.gov/fcx/index.html) was launched that lists the field campaigns in GHRC’s holdings and their status of data in FCX. The first new campaign to be added was the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation in Atlantic-Coast Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS).