Two new GPM-GV datasets available

The Global Hydrology Resource Center published two NASA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation datasets: IPHEx ER-2 Navigation (DOI:10.5067/GPMGV/IPHEX/NAV/DATA002) and Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU) HyMeX (DOI: 10.5067/GPMGV/HYMEX/APU/DATA301). The Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEX) ER-2 Navigation data recorded second data includes date, time, lat/lon and altitude as well as outside meteorological parameters such wind speed/direction and temperature in the IWG1 (ASCII) data format. Flights took place over North Carolina from May 1, 2014 through June 14, 2014. The Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU) HyMeX data provides precipitation data including raindrop size, counts and precipitation drop size; also included are the snowflake size, counts, rate and distribution. Data were collected from Italy and France during October and November 2012.

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