Files Added to GPM Ground Validation NASA S-Band Dual Polarimetric (NPOL) Doppler Radar MC3E Dataset

The GPM Ground Validation NASA S-Band Dual Polarimetric (NPOL) Doppler Radar MC3E dataset (previously published) has added files classifying hydrometeors (e.g. rain, drizzle, hail, ice crystals, wet or dry snow, graupel density) to the existing UF files measuring Doppler velocity and radar reflectivity. The new files, named HID, were created by processing UF files with the Colorado State University (CSU) Hydrometeor Identification Algorithm (HID). The NPOL HID file inventory will be updated as new files are received.

Two Similar GPM Datasets Published

GHRC published two similar datasets associated with the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Ground Validation program: GPM Ground Validation Composite Satellite Overpasses MC3E and GPM Ground Validation Composite Satellite Overpasses GCPEX. Each of these datasets provide data from satellite overpasses of the study region for the mission Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E), Oklahoma 2011, or the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx), Canada 2012. The radiometric data was matched up with other datasets necessary to carry out land surface emissivity studies. These other datasets include the NEXRAD NMQ radar mosaic for knowledge of rain structure and intensity at the time of the overpass, as well as the previous accumulated precipitation prior to the satellite overpass time), the NOAA IMS snow mapping system (to identify surface snow or ice cover), and the NASA/GMAO MERRA land and atmospheric reanalysis (for background land and atmospheric state needed for microwave radiative transfer calculations). The AQUA satellite overpasses were used for MC3E and SSMIS for GCPEX, passing within 700-km of the central field site.

Two GCPEX Guides Published

GHRC published the GPM Ground Validation Pluvio Precipitation Gauge GCPEx  and GPM Ground Validation DC-8 Navigation and Housekeeping Data GCPEX guides from the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx). The Pluvio rain gauge dataset collection contains both one minute measurement and a cumulative record of the accumulation and intensity for liquid, solid, and mixed precipitation. The DC-8 Navigation files are provided the National Suborbital Education and Research Center (NSERC) at the University of North Dakota (UND) has geo-located housekeeping data containing the altitude, pressure, air speed, wind speed and other attributes in the ICARTT format. The DC-8 Navigation dataset also contains navigation information retrieved from the Real-Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) collected and utilized in-flight during the mission in a comma delimited IWG1 format.

GCPEX Dataset Published

GHRC published the GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Vaisala Ceilometer GCPEx dataset.  Environment Canada (EC) collected ceilometer data during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) in Huronia, Canada from January 15, 2012 through March 1, 2012. The CT25K ceilometer uses pulsed diode laser LIDAR technology to derive backscatter profiles, cloud heights and vertical visibilities. It is also able to detect 3 cloud layers simultaneously.

GCPEX Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System (POSS) Dataset Published

GHRC has published the GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System (POSS) GCPExdataset. Data was gathered during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment which took place in Ontario, Canada, January 15 - March 1, 2012. The POSS is a bi-static X-band Doppler radar designed by Environment Canada. The POSS measures a signal whose frequency is proportional to the particle Doppler velocity and whose amplitude is proportional to the particle scattering cross-section. Its measurements can be used provide information regarding precipitation occurrence, type, rate, and raindrop size distribution.

GCPEx Visibility Sensor FD12P and Present Weather Detector Dataset Published

GHRC has published the GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Visibility Sensor FD12P and Present Weather Detector GCPEx dataset.  These data were collected data January 15 through March 1, 2012 in Huronia, Canada for the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx). The FD12P weather sensor combines the functions of a forward scatter visibility meter and a present weather detector. It also measures the intensity and the amount of both liquid and solid precipitation.

GCPEx Web Camera Images Dataset Published

GHRC has published the GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Web Camera Images GCPEx dataset.  These images GCPEx were taken at 5 site locations in Ontario, Canada during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) which occurred January 15 through March 1, 2012.  Mounted as a fixed outdoor camera, the AXIS P1343-E network camera has day/night functionality with an automatically controlled IR filter, adapting to both daylight and dark lighting conditions.  These images provided visual records throughout the day of the weather conditions at the site.

GHRC publishes GCPEx NASA Micro Rain Radar (MRR) guide

The GPM Ground Validation NASA Micro Rain Radar (MRR) guide describes the data format and the vertically pointing Doppler radar which provides measurements of vertical velocity, drop size distribution, rainfall rate, attenuation, liquid water content, and reflectivity factor obtained during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx), which took place in Canada during Winter 2011-2012. The MRR is a frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) vertically pointing Doppler radar, which operates at 24.24GHz, and it is the second generation of the instrument manufactured by METEK ( NASA MRR data was collected from late October 2011 through March 2013.

GHRC Publishes GPM Ground Validation Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU) GCPEx guide

GPM Ground Validation Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU) GCPEx guide provides data format information for the Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU), an optical disdrometer based on single particle extinction that measures particle size and fall velocity. This APU consists of the Parsivel, which was developed by OTT in Germany, and its support systems, which were designed and built by the University of Alabama in Huntsville. The APU dataset for the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) provides precipitation data including raindrop size and counts, precipitation drop size, rate and amount and snowflake size, counts and distribution. The GCPEx APU data was collected from several sites in Canada during the Winter 2011-2012 period.

Flight Summaries and Flight Tracks Imagery MC3E dataset Guide Document Published

GHRC published guide document for the GPM Ground Validation Flight Summaries and Flight Tracks Imagery MC3E dataset.  This dataset includes sonde maps, a radar animation, parameter versus time charts, radar track graphs, and a summary including aircraft and instrument operational times. The dataset is available as an individual dataset, and it is automatically distributed when a user orders navigation datasets for either the University of North Dakota Citation or the NASA- ER-2.

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