Disclaimer: The CAMEX-3 Field Campaign ended many years ago, and some links may no longer work.
Point of Contact:
- Chris Moeller
- University of Wisconsin
- Space Science and Engineering Center
- 1225 West Dayton Street
- Madison, WI 53705
- Office Telephone: (608) 263-9597
- FAX: (608) 262-5974
- E-mail: chris.moeller@ssec.wisc.edu
- MAS Home Page: https://mas.arc.nasa.gov/
Brief Instrument Description of the
MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)
The MAS scanning spectrometer simultaneously collects 50 m spatial resolution radiometric data in 50 spectral bands: 0.45-1um (9 bands in port 1), 1.6-2.4um (16 bands in Port 2), 3.0-5.4um (16 bands in port 3), 8.3-14.5um (9 bands in port 4). Data swath is 37 km centered on nadir of ER-2 aircraft. Onboard blackbody sources are used for calibration of IR bands (port 3,4), laboratory calibration (typically before and after the experiment) is used for visible/NIR/SWIR bands (ports 1,2).