Latest Data at GHRC

03/11/2015 - 11:15
IFloodS logo

GHRC has published the GPM Ground Validation NEXRAD IFloodS datasets collected from four sites during March 29, 2013...

03/24/2015 - 17:00
GPM satelllite constellation logo

GHRC has completed several dataset guides related to a number of GPM Ground Validation and Hurricane Science field campaigns. The...

03/25/2015 - 10:00
Global lightning strikes from January 1998 to present day from the NASA/MSFC Lightning Imaging Sensor

GHRC provided information on LIS data processing and long term archive, presented by Jeanne Behnke at the TRMM...

03/31/2015 - 13:30
Lightning flash rate from OTD and LIS instruments

LIS/OTD lightning climatology is featured on the NASA Earth Observatory Image Of The Day for March 31! You can view it at http://...

04/01/2015 - 13:45
Screenshot of the new OPeNDAP / THREDDS Data Server

GHRC has deployed a new OPeNDAP / THREDDS Data Server as part of the Big Earth Data Initiative (BEDI). Initially, 44 datasets from the TRMM Lightning Imaging...

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