GCPEx ADMIRARI dataset published

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GHRC published the GPM Ground Validation Advanced Microwave Radiometer Rain Identification (ADMIRARI) GCPEx dataset which measures brightness temperatures at three frequencies (10.7, 21.0 and 36.5 GHz) and at two polarized planes (H & V). The ADMIRARI is a scanning radiometer like its auxiliary active instruments, i.e., Micro rain radar and cloud lidar which provide reflectivity profiles and cloud base altitude at the same scanning angle as the radiometer. The radiometer retrieval typically provides rain/cloud liquid water path (LWP) and integrated water vapor, and for low water content cases it provides the total LWP and integrated water vapor. This data was collected during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) located in Ontario, Canada, January 14, 2012 through February 29, 2012. Reference: http://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/admirari.


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