GHRC Represented at 2013 AGU Fall Meeting

2013 AGU Fall Meeting

Dr. Rahul Ramachandran represented GHRC at the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. He organized two sessions on Big Data titled: "Big Data Analytic Systems: Computing and Collaborating Effectively in Distributed Systems with Martin Juckes (STFC), Michael Seablom (NASA), Frederic Laliberte (University of Toronto). Dr. Ramachandran was a lead author on a poster title "Collaborative workbench for cyberinfrastructure to accelerate science algorithm development". Manil Maskey (ITSC/UAH), Kwo-Sen Kuo and Christopher Lynnes (NASA/GSFC) were the other coauthors. The poster was presented in IN23B - Collaborative Frameworks and Experiences in Earth and Space Science session

In addition, Dr. Ramachandran presented "Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis" in IN34A - Search, Discovery and Visual Representation of Scientific Data session and "Expanding the Role of an Earth Science Data System: The GHRC Innovations Lab" in IN32A - Emerging Technologies in Earth and Space Science Informatics. The latter presentation outlines an approach to infuse new technologies into the GHRC data system.

N34A-05. Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis
Manil Maskey; Rahul Ramachandran; Ajinkya Kulkarni; Helen Conover; H Michael Goodman; Brad Zavodsky; Scott A. Braun; Brian D. Wilson

IN32A-02. Expanding the Role of an Earth Science Data System: The GHRC Innovations Lab
Helen Conover; Rahul Ramachandran; Tammy Smith; Ajinkya Kulkarni; Manil Maskey; Matt He; Ken Keiser; Sara J. Graves


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