Dr. Rahul Ramachandran represented GHRC at the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. He organized two sessions on Big Data titled: "Big Data Analytic Systems: Computing and Collaborating Effectively in Distributed Systems with Martin Juckes (STFC), Michael Seablom (NASA), Frederic Laliberte (University of Toronto). Dr. Ramachandran was a lead author on a poster title "Collaborative workbench for cyberinfrastructure to accelerate science algorithm development". Manil Maskey (ITSC/UAH), Kwo-Sen Kuo and Christopher Lynnes (NASA/GSFC) were the other coauthors. The poster was presented in IN23B - Collaborative Frameworks and Experiences in Earth and Space Science session
In addition, Dr. Ramachandran presented "Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis" in IN34A - Search, Discovery and Visual Representation of Scientific Data session and "Expanding the Role of an Earth Science Data System: The GHRC Innovations Lab" in IN32A - Emerging Technologies in Earth and Space Science Informatics. The latter presentation outlines an approach to infuse new technologies into the GHRC data system.
N34A-05. Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis
Manil Maskey; Rahul Ramachandran; Ajinkya Kulkarni; Helen Conover; H Michael Goodman; Brad Zavodsky; Scott A. Braun; Brian D. Wilson
IN32A-02. Expanding the Role of an Earth Science Data System: The GHRC Innovations Lab
Helen Conover; Rahul Ramachandran; Tammy Smith; Ajinkya Kulkarni; Manil Maskey; Matt He; Ken Keiser; Sara J. Graves