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GHRC Search Portal
The GHRC Search Portal is powered by Earthdata Search and provides access to only GHRC data.
NASA Earthdata Search
If you want to do a more global search for data, you can use Earthdata, NASA's next-generation metadata and service discovery tool, which provides search and access capabilities for dataset holdings at all of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) including the GHRC.
The Tropical Cyclone related Precipitation Feature (TCPF) database was built to study Tropical Cyclones (TCs), incorporating TC best track information.
GHRC Subscription Service for NRT Data
To set up a subscription with GHRC for near real-time (NRT) data, please contact GHRC User Services.
Retired Datasets
Some datasets that were previously published are occasionally replaced by a more recent version, or retired due to a request by the data provider. . If you need access to the data from one of these datasets for research, please contact GHRC User Services. In some cases, earlier data versions are restricted (not available) by data provider request.

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