GHRC holdings include measurements of ocean surface wind speed and direction from satellite microwave radiometers, and vertical wind profiles from airborne instruments and dropsondes, as well as surface wind observations.
The GHRC DISCOVER (Distributed Information Services for Climate and Ocean Products and Visualizations for Earth Research) project, funded by NASA’s MEaSUREs program, generates a suite of inter-related atmospheric parameters including rain, cloud liquid water, ocean surface winds and water vapor derived from passive microwave instruments aboard TRMM, NOAA-15, NOAA-16, and DMSP satellites.
Ground-based and airborne instruments also measure surface and upper level winds during NASA Hurricane Science field campaigns. These field campaigns provide for intensive observation of specific phenomena using a variety of instruments on aircraft, satellites and surface networks.
The Regional Air-Sea Interactions (RASI) tool provides data access and exploration of a climatology of gap wind and coastal ocean upwelling events detected by an automated detection algorithm also developed as part of the RSS DISCOVER project.