The Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) published two datasets from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission ground validation (GV) Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx): Cloud Radar System (CRS) and Total Sky Imager. The IPHEx experiment was conducted in North Carolina during the months April-June 2014. The Cloud Radar System dataset provides high-resolution profiles of reflectivity and Doppler velocity at aircraft nadir along the flight track. The CRS instrument is a 94 GHz (W-band; 3 mm wavelength) Doppler radar developed for autonomous operation in the NASA ER-2 high-altitude aircraft and for ground-based operation. The Total Sky Imager dataset includes data from the Yankee Scientific TSI880 Total Sky Imager instrument, part of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) ACHIEVE ground-based mobile laboratory. The TSI880 instrument is an automatic, full-color sky imager system providing real-time digital display of daytime sky conditions; the output of the TSI880 is full color digital images.