GHRC DAAC was represented at the 2016 Winter Meeting of the Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) by DAAC Manager Dr. Rahul Ramachandran (NASA MSFC), Operations Manager Helen Conover, GHRC system architect Manil Maskey, and GHRC-affiliated researcher Ken Keiser (all University of Alabama in Huntsville). The group had many beneficial discussions with colleagues from ESDIS, the DAACs and others in the Earth science informatics community. Maskey presented a poster on the HS3 Information System, currently under development (left). Conover and others in the ESDIS Standards Office (ESO) met with ESDIS and community experts to improve information provided to new NASA missions on International Standards Organization (ISO) compliant metadata requirements. The GHRC team is active in ESIP leadership. Conover is a member of the ESIP Finance Committee; Keiser is chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and on the Executive Committee.