Daily Weather Summary Output
Author: Richard Wohlman
Date: 08/19/02
Weather Summary:
Cold front continues to move southward in the MS/OH river valleys. This is a pretty strong system which continues to the north, occludes in Canada to a Low over James Bay. It has been very slow moving over the past week, and has lost some of its characteristic frontal identity in the southern regions. Expected to continue to move to the east and southeast over the next couple of days, it will have the effect of squeezing the dominating Hi pressure out to the southeast. Due to this, the ridgeline will shift southward and have effects over the state of FL.
Today the ridge will move to just to the north of Lake Ocochobee (sp??), so to the north of it will find low level winds from the sw to W. South of the ridgeline will see winds from the E to SE, and this is what we shall see over the area. At present there are no strong easterly waves moving south of us which would tend to constrict the pressure gradient, so will forecast winds to be light from the S-ESE.
Aloft there is a slight deminishment (is that a word???) in water vapor, but the WV channel shows the drier air that appeared in MIA and EYB soundings to be moving westward as the upper level hi to the SW. Expect more typical tropical (sorry) moisture to move into the area by late morning and be sufficient to support rw/trw in our area in the Glades.
Look for rw/trw to start around 1430-1500 over land moving to the nw with steering flow. Isold rw/trw over water kicked off by old boundaries and new outflows.
Tomorrow looks similar, maybe a little more moisture. Same for Wed.
1135 rw