Daily Weather Summary Output
Author: Richard Wohlman
Date: 08/11/02
Weather Summary:
Whoo-ee. Looks excellent today. Trof of lo pressure has moved thru the area. Lots ltg all night long as cell after cell moved overhead. Main part of convergence to our west and north. Looks like this will continue thru much of the day, and with surface heating might bring more rw/trw into the local area.
Meanwhile, over the mainland, the old convergence zone associated with the cold front which passed south and then again northward over the last couple of says is draped over the central portion of FL, south of KSC. Sfc winds to the north are NEly, and to the south are SEly. This convergence will kick lots of convection over the central part of the state. Farther south, as SEly winds move in, xpct storms over our AOI in the tip of the state this afternoon, beginning around 1400L. Meanwhile, the area of storms to the north of EYW will continue to bubble providing a second area over which to fly.
Terminal wx looks like VFR with SEly winds, ocnl rw/trw over field gusts to 20.
Lets go FLY!!!
1112L - rw
A/C is being repaired, T.O. delayed til about 1400. STill looks good to the north, and cells are firing in the penninsula even as we speak. Warning area is clear, so if he can get airborne we should have a good chance to catch some of these cells. Still one area not yet affected by popups, and that is just on the southern tip of FL, west of Key Largo. Perhaps they'll hold off til we get there!