Plan of the Day
Posted On: 08/20/02 01:33 PM CDT
Next Flight Date: 08/21/02
Altus Status: Fly
Hands Off: 10:00 AM EDT (1400 UTC)
Estimated Takeoff: 11:30 AM EDT (1530 UTC)
Estimated Landing: 6:30 PM EDT (2230 UTC)
Daily Objectives:
Investigate isolated thunderstorms in ACES target domain (Everglades and nearby Ocean).
Currently (8/20/02, 2:30 EDT), the weather in the target area is great for our purposes. Tomorrow's weather forecast indicates much of the same, and will be evaluated and a final decision will be made tomorrow morning.
The Altus engine run-up test went well and the aircraft will be ready for a science mission tomorrow.
9 AM EDT, Weather Briefing and Aircraft/Payload Status.
Mission Debrief will occur ~ half hour after the landing.
Make efforts to tidy up a bit for the Media Day.