AMPR | LIP, sondes, VIS/IR, passive microwave, radar, rain gage, microphysical | GOES, SSM/I, WWW access. | Calibrated TB images |
EDOP | LIP, sondes, VIS/IR, passive microwave, radar, rain gage, microphysical | GOES, WSR-88D, NIDS, Web access | Uncalibrated reflectivities and velocity data for select periods of flight |
LIP | Passive microwave, TRMM obs, NLDN/KFC lighting, radar | WSR-88D, GOES, NLDN, LDAR, RDI, TRMM, OTD, SSMI, satellite orbit predictions | Electric fields (and perhaps lightning) |
MAMS | EHAD, LASE, MIR, GOES | N/A | VIS/IR images, Line plots of nadir TB |
MAS | NAST-I, NAST-MTS, in situ microphysical MODIS | EOS-AM1 overpass information | MAS quick-look |
MIR | EHAD, RAOB, MTS, NAST-MTS, HIS, lidar, radar | N/A | TB images, (Water vapor profiles if temp. profiles avail.) |
NAST-I | MIR, MAS/MAMS, dropsondes, GOES, NOAA-K | GOES | SST |
NAST-MTS | NAST-I, radiometers (MIR, AMPR), radiosondes | TBD | Raw data imagery, video images |