10Sep2010 14Z Daily GRIP Telecon - Paul Meyer

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10Sep2010 14Z Daily GRIP Telecon - Paul Meyer

Flight Date: 
Fri, 09/10/2010

10Sep 2010

GRIP (FLL-JSC-DFRC) 14Z Daily Telecon / Webinar



FLL Team–Bob Houze, Liz Currie, Marilyn Vasquez, Michele Garrett, Paul Meyer, Krishnamurti, Ed Zipser Instrument and Forecast teams


HSV – Michael Goodman, Matt He, Rich Blakeslee



Bud Meins, Shelly Baccus, Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Gerry Heymsfield, Steve Durden,  Michael Black, Chris Ruf, Robbie Hood, Greg McFarquhar.


Global Hawk Report

·      Aircraft – green 

o      No fly on Friday

o      Ready to fly on Sunday.

o      Waiting for dropsonde low & high altitude drop test no earlier than Friday 9/17/10.

·      Droposonde – red

oRe-fly of Low Altitude test flight and high altitude flights in one day. Mustbe a weekday and have a chase plane.

oWill not be able to fly till Friday 9/17/10


·      HAMSR – green.

·      LIP - green

·      HIWRAP – yellow

oSome noise in 2-channels in the Ka band

oAnalyzing data


WB-57 Report

·      Aircraft - green

o      Repairs have been made, canopy pump is functional, aircraft ready to fly.

o      Overhaul parts are coming in for backup.

·      HIRAD - green

o      Media day today 9/10/2010

o      Wanting to do sky calibration from ground (9/13-9/14/2010)

·      NAST-I still delayed – may make it for last week of mission.


DC8 Report

·      Aircraft– green. 

o      No fly day today

o      Hard down Saturday

·      LASE – green.

·      LARGE – green.

·      APR2 – green.

·      DAWN – yellow.  

·      Microphysics – green

o      PIP

o      CSI cannot fly for the duration of GRIP

·      MMS – green.

·      Dropsonde – green. 

o      60 sondes have been promised from NOAA, they are shipping on Monday. Thank you NOAA!



              Sunday 9/12 flight 18Z to PGI44L (Caribbean disturbance)


Work has begun on preparation of charts for NASA HQ briefing.

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GRIP telecon 14z_10Sep2010.docx 16.01 KB


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