APR-2 Status for Sept 12 - Post Flight

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APR-2 Status for Sept 12 - Post Flight

Flight Date: 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sortie Number: 

We flew a butterfly (aka: radiation sign) over PGI44 (to be Karl) in coordination with NOAA and GH.

APR-2 operated without problems, but it was diagnosed that the current production of the realtime quicklooks was taxing the APR-2 computer to the point of causing a slower scanning than nominal. Changes to the realtime quicklook data transfer chain were implemented to minimize this impact, to the expenses of slower quicklook production and more intensive operator interaction.

APR-2 observed almost exclusively stratiform precipitation. Precipitation was not sufficiently widespread to allow immediate reconstruction of the cross-track wind field, some data suggest the possible presence of a weak circulation but more analysis is necessary.




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