Update plans as of 23 April, 2100 UTC (IMPORTANT)

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Update plans as of 23 April, 2100 UTC (IMPORTANT)

Sat, 04/23/2011


Update for Saturday afternoon, 23 April.


The models are moving targets.  Based on the latest NAM, we have put the UND Citation on alert for a 0930 Z takeoff Sunday morning.  The scenario we will go for is anvils over SGP generated by convection firing to the southwest of the SGP.  We will have the UNC crew go to the airport and plan for a 0430 Z takeoff.  A MS (Rutledge), aircraft coordinator (Nystrom) and forecast support will arrive at SGP at 3 AM local and provide updates to the Citation group.  If convection fires over or to the east of SGP and therefore no anvil opportunity exists over the SGP, site we will scrub the UND mission. 


We also anticipate a mission early Monday morning.  We have alerted the ER-2 for a takeoff at 06Z Monday.  We alert the UND for a takeoff at 07Z Monday.  This mission will be to sample convection that forms on return moisture and instability following Sunday afternoon convection that sets up well to the east of SGP.


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