May 10 POD

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May 10 POD

Tue, 05/10/2011

ER-2 scrubbed today for schedule optimizing tomorrow.  Convection more marginal today, possibly occurring late enough that we could not get a very long mission in anyway; not  worth jeopardizing tomorrow's schedule.

Citation is on alert today with earliest possible takeoff of 1800 UTC, likely later though. Target will be isolated weaker precip anywhere within the coverage domain of the radars.

NPOL AC is fixed.  APU's solar panels are going to be covered today due to hail threat tomorrow afternoon.  Battery power should be ok for 3 days, possibly more.

Outlook Wednesday- 1500 UTC take off for ER-2 (full 7.5 hour mission); Citation 1600 UTC or as the situation dictates.  Priority target is early wave convection around SGP; Alternate (Plan B) would be precip in NE Colorado near CHILL if things do not look good here.  We are not targeting the larger severe event forecast at SGP because the ER-2 would not be able to takeoff or, land due to simultaneous convective weather at Offutt.   In all likelihood we will need to have the airplane back on the ground at Offutt NLT 22 UTC (current thinking), to avoid risk of encountering severe conditions there or en route.



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