May 19 POD

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May 19 POD

Thu, 05/19/2011

May 19, 2011


Day 0 (Today):  We scrubbed the 2000 UTC launch of the ER-2.  Meteorology is marginal and uncertain.  Instruments issues have come up at SGP-CF and launch/landing conditions at KOFF are forecasted to be gusty with thunderstorms from 21-00 UTC.  And, tomorrow morning looks better for precipitation.  For the moment, Citation is on standby.   Meteorology of initiation on dryline is uncertain today.  Models are flip, flopping on whether dry line will initiate over OK.  No obvious upper level support (short wave etc) for initiating convection.  Cap is strong.  Of course, there is a slight chance that dryline will fire some isolated supercells toward west today (21 UTC – 00 UTC) due to heating in areas with less cloudiness but coverage over SGP would be isolated at best.  Furthermore, NPOL went red at 0615 CDT so we do not have NPOL or CSAPR.  We will diagnose likelihood of NPOL coming back on line and make a quick decision on Citation for today.

*** We will have a 1500 CDT weather update at Fairfield Inn to discuss Day 1 weather and plans. ***

Day 1 (Friday):  Key factor for scrubbing ER-2 on Day 0 is the realization that precipitation coverage and probability over SGP-CF is higher earlier on Friday morning, as soon as 15-18 UTC.  An ER-2 mission during the late afternoon into early evening on Day 0, which could be marginal, could jeopardize our chances for Day 1, which looks much better for meteorology over Northern Oklahoma and surrounding area (higher probability and more coverage).  In addition, there is also a good chance that a repaired COSMIR will be re-integrated onto the ER-2 by tomorrow.   So, we are planning on a 1500 UTC ER-2 and 16 UTC Citation take-off times for tomorrow morning.    T-5 call for ER-2 is 1000 UTC ( 0500 CDT).  We will update everyone on Day 1 plans after the Day 0 afternoon weather update.

Day 2 (Saturday):   Precipitation chances and coverage dwindle from Friday very late night into Saturday mid-morning.  Saturday day looks to be dry and sunny over SGP-CF.  Right now, mission looks unlikely.


NPOL went red this morning at 0615 local.  Elevation angle is stuck at low levels.  Problem is being diagnosed.  When it will be up is unkown.  Steve Rutledge is on his out to NPOL to help.

CSAPR is down today but is hopeful for later today or tomorrow.

COSMIR is being worked on hard and is hopeful to be ready to fly on ER-2 by tomorrow’s planned mission.

D3R box with antenna components were shipped on Wednesday and were due into the area on Friday but we’ve been told that delivery will be delayed until Monday.  So, D3R is hopeful for next week.


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