May 20 POD

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May 20 POD

Fri, 05/20/2011

Coordinated ER-2/Citation legs N-S near/over CF moving east

Citation launch approx 0800 LT, will work 22 n mi long N-S stacked legs in stratiform over CF prior to ER-2 arrival, starting at 10 kft ascending at 3 kft increments to ~ 25 kft.

ER-2 takeoff approx 0815 after some lightning, rain, and power delays, will join upon arrival to do N-S coordinated legs as stratiform moves east.


1. RTMM screen shot of MCS reflectivity composite and aircraft tracks (Citation stacked legs with ER-2 on racetrack) over CF domain.

2. CSAPR RHI of Zh (dBZ) through stratiform region sampled by aircraft.

3. CSAPR RHI of Zdr (dB) through stratiform region sampled by aircraft.

Steve R./Larry C./Steve N.

RTMM screen shot of MCS reflectivity composite and aircraft tracks (Citation stacked legs with ER-2 on racetrack) over CF domain.
CSAPR RHI of Zh (dBZ) through stratiform region sampled by aircraft.
CSAPR RHI of Zdr (dB) through stratiform region sampled by aircraft.


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