Update, Sunday 22 May 2011

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Update, Sunday 22 May 2011

Sun, 05/22/2011

We are planning for a significant precipitation event here in Oklahoma Monday night into Tuesday morning.  It seems ingredients for a significant convective complex may come together.  For planning purposes, we have given the following guidance:   ER-2, takeoff 0300Z, Tuesday (10 PM local Monday from Offutt); UND Citation, 0400Z Tuesday (11 PM local Monday).  This guidance was based on the 0600Z run of the NAM which served as the basis for this morning's weather discussion.  Right after the briefing, the 12Z NAM run became available.  This run supports the notion of heavy rain in Oklahoma but pushes up the timing by several hours.  Accordingly, we will meet at 4 PM today at the Fairfield Inn to review the 18Z model runs.  We will provide updates to ER-2 and UND by about 5 PM local today.  


D3R is arriving later today and with some luck we are looking for it to be operational for this anticipated event.  




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