Additional Images, Friday April 8 Possible Convection (Isolated Storms)

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Additional Images, Friday April 8 Possible Convection (Isolated Storms)

Possible convective initiation this afternoon after ~2100 UTC (4pm CDT) north of OKC with any developing thunderstorms becoming severe (hail/wind) moving to the NE. Images from SPC (SREF)and NSSL WRF provide some insight to timing, location and probability. Should this be something we add to a forecast forum? Or possibly just additional information as the day goes on and later models come out? It's also fun to play wiht the drag-n-drop image uploader!

Time of Day: 
Day 0: 
Forecast for Day 0: 

August 8th weather for Western Oklahoma, Northern Texas. NSSL Realtime WRFNSSL Realtime WRFNSSL Realtime WRFNSSL Realtime WRFNOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center MapNOA/NWS Storm Prediction Center, Norman, OKNOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center, Norman, OKNOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center, Norman, OK

Day 1: 
Forecast for Day 1: 

Forecast for Day 1NSSL WRF Forecast sounding for TULSA late Friday night, possible supercell thunderstorm passage.

Forecast for Day 2: 
Extended Outlook:


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