ACES Daily Weather Summary 08/03/02

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Daily Weather Summary Output

Author: Buechler

Date: 08/03/02

Weather Summary:

As expected, the lower moisture levels and SW flow limited convection within the target area, although a couple of small, short-lived cells developed after noon.

For tomorrow, expect SSW and moisture levels about the same as today. The winds will
Be a bit more southerly, allowing the east and west coast sea breezes to meet slightly east of the center of the peninsula. The collision of the two sea breezes will result in convection within our target area 14-15 EDT. This convection will likely be almost to the limit of our target range.

The models/discussions expect similar current flow/moisture patterns to continue throughout most of the next week. Thus, convection is expected to occur late over the interior and east coast areas. The models suggest that the ridge will shift N by the 9th or 10th, resulting in moister easterly flow over S Florida. This would increase our chances of precipitation over the west coast region of our target area.


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