
NAMMA Banner

Disclaimer: The NAMMA field-campaign concluded several years ago; links may not work as expected.

Forecast for the NAMMA field experiment - includes forecast for Sal, Cape Verde and the surrounding NAMMA experiment region (operational beginning 17 August 2006).

Satellite Observations and Products

International AMMA website

QuikSCAT webpage

FNMOC Satellite Data Tropical Cyclone Page
University of Wisconsin CIMSS products

Meteosat EUMETSAT website

Meteosat UKMet office METEOSAT- latest infrared
NHC Satellites including floaters
NRL Monterey Global Imagery - various satellites the world over

MODIS Deep Blue Aerosol Near Real Time Support for NAMMA

Upper Air Reports

West African Upper Air Radiosonde Reports

  • 00 UTC observations
  • 06 UTC observations
  • 12 UTC observations
  • 18 UTC observations
  • Time-Height plots

Sea Surface Temperature Observations and Analyses

Sea Surface Temperature, Water Vapor, Wind Speed - Remote Sensing Systems AMSR-E Data Browser

  • Daily
  • 3-day mean
  • Weekly mean
  • Monthly mean

Sea Surface Temperature Analysis NOAA Optimum Interpolation
Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA)

Model Analyses and Forecasts

NHC Tropical Analysis Forecast Branch - Atlantic Forecasts and Analysis

GFS Forecasts and Near-Real-Time plots over North Africa - SUNY Albany
Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product – NOAA CIRA
Cyclone Phase Evolution Diagrams and Model Output – Florida Sate University

NOAA NOMADS Model Data Web Interface
GEOS-5 WMS Viewer

Surface Observations

NDBC- Ship Obs for ships passing within range of Cape Verde
Atmospheric Soundings from the University of Wyoming

Aerosol Observations


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