GHRC has worked with NASA's Hurricane Science Research Program (HSRP) since the 1990's. We are the archive and distribution center for data collected during HSRP field campaigns, as well as the Hurricane Science and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) Earth Venture mission. Field campaigns provide intensive observation of specific phenomena using a variety of instruments on aircraft, satellites and surface networks.
A related project, the Sediment Analysis Network for Decision Support (SANDS), provided data for analysis of suspended sediments in the Gulf of Mexico before and after selected landfalling hurricanes.
GHRC has retired the Atlantic and Pacific tropical storm tracks database that we used to provide. Users are advised to obtain track information directly from the National Hurricane Center (NHC).
Hurricane-related Micro Articles:
Phenomenon: Hurricanes
Field Campaign: Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) Field Campaign
Event: Assessing Wind and Rain in Hurricane Ingrid during Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) Field Campaign