Lightning Imaging Sensor clearly visible during ISS recent spacewalk

This photograph, taken during a recent extra-vehicular activity at the International Space Station, shows the STP-H5 (Space Test Program-Houston 5) payload package in the top left, just in front of a solar panel. The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) is located at the bottom of STP-H5, pointing toward Earth. Near-real-time and standard lightning products from ISS LIS will be processed, archived and distributed at the GHRC DAAC. Photo by NASA.

LIS instrument successfully installed on the ISS and powered on: Data coming soon!

The DoD STP-H5 (Space Test Program-Houston 5) payload package containing the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) to the International Space Station (ISS) was successfully installed and powered on, February 27.  ISS LIS raw data are now being received at the LIS Payload Operations Control Center (POCC), shown in the image below, and transmitted to the GHRC DAAC. Beta software at the GHRC is generating preliminary data for review by the ISS LIS science team.  Near-real-time and standard lightning products from ISS LIS will be processed, archived and distributed at the GHRC DAAC.

LIFTOFF! Lightning Imaging Sensor on its way to the ISS!

SpaceX Dragon mission carrying the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) to the International Space Station (ISS) was successfully launched on February 19. Four members of the GHRC DAAC team – ISS LIS project manager Will Ellett, Michele Garrett, Mary Nair and Amanda Weigel – were able to attend the launch. ISS LIS is part of the DoD STP-H5 (Space Test Program-Houston 5) payload package, which was installed on Thursday February 27, 2017 and powered on for instrument check-out early the next day. 

GHRC DAAC works with EOSDIS writer to draft LIS ISS article

GHRC science and outreach staff worked with EOSDIS Science Writer Joshua Blumenfield to draft an article describing the Lightning Imaging Sensor for the International Space Station. The article was published on the Earthdata website: LIS is on the SpaceX ISS crew resupply mission launched February 18th. Near-real-time and standard lightning products from ISS LIS will be archived at and distributed by the GHRC DAAC.

GHRC DAAC data processing and management team members attend successful ISS LIS simulation

On January 9, 2017, William Ellett and Lamar Hawkins, of the GHRC DAAC’s data processing and management team for the Lightning Imaging Sensor to be deployed to the International Space Station (ISS LIS), participated with the LIS science and engineering team in a simulation activity for the STP-H5 (Space Test Program-Houston 5) package, which contains the ISS LIS.

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